2,244 research outputs found

    Quick and energy-efficient Bayesian computing of binocular disparity using stochastic digital signals

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    Reconstruction of the tridimensional geometry of a visual scene using the binocular disparity information is an important issue in computer vision and mobile robotics, which can be formulated as a Bayesian inference problem. However, computation of the full disparity distribution with an advanced Bayesian model is usually an intractable problem, and proves computationally challenging even with a simple model. In this paper, we show how probabilistic hardware using distributed memory and alternate representation of data as stochastic bitstreams can solve that problem with high performance and energy efficiency. We put forward a way to express discrete probability distributions using stochastic data representations and perform Bayesian fusion using those representations, and show how that approach can be applied to diparity computation. We evaluate the system using a simulated stochastic implementation and discuss possible hardware implementations of such architectures and their potential for sensorimotor processing and robotics.Comment: Preprint of article submitted for publication in International Journal of Approximate Reasoning and accepted pending minor revision

    Building Resilient Cloud Over Unreliable Commodity Infrastructure

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    Cloud Computing has emerged as a successful computing paradigm for efficiently utilizing managed compute infrastructure such as high speed rack-mounted servers, connected with high speed networking, and reliable storage. Usually such infrastructure is dedicated, physically secured and has reliable power and networking infrastructure. However, much of our idle compute capacity is present in unmanaged infrastructure like idle desktops, lab machines, physically distant server machines, and laptops. We present a scheme to utilize this idle compute capacity on a best-effort basis and provide high availability even in face of failure of individual components or facilities. We run virtual machines on the commodity infrastructure and present a cloud interface to our end users. The primary challenge is to maintain availability in the presence of node failures, network failures, and power failures. We run multiple copies of a Virtual Machine (VM) redundantly on geographically dispersed physical machines to achieve availability. If one of the running copies of a VM fails, we seamlessly switchover to another running copy. We use Virtual Machine Record/Replay capability to implement this redundancy and switchover. In current progress, we have implemented VM Record/Replay for uniprocessor machines over Linux/KVM and are currently working on VM Record/Replay on shared-memory multiprocessor machines. We report initial experimental results based on our implementation.Comment: Oral presentation at IEEE "Cloud Computing for Emerging Markets", Oct. 11-12, 2012, Bangalore, Indi

    Contrasting Views of Complexity and Their Implications For Network-Centric Infrastructures

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    There exists a widely recognized need to better understand and manage complex “systems of systems,” ranging from biology, ecology, and medicine to network-centric technologies. This is motivating the search for universal laws of highly evolved systems and driving demand for new mathematics and methods that are consistent, integrative, and predictive. However, the theoretical frameworks available today are not merely fragmented but sometimes contradictory and incompatible. We argue that complexity arises in highly evolved biological and technological systems primarily to provide mechanisms to create robustness. However, this complexity itself can be a source of new fragility, leading to “robust yet fragile” tradeoffs in system design. We focus on the role of robustness and architecture in networked infrastructures, and we highlight recent advances in the theory of distributed control driven by network technologies. This view of complexity in highly organized technological and biological systems is fundamentally different from the dominant perspective in the mainstream sciences, which downplays function, constraints, and tradeoffs, and tends to minimize the role of organization and design

    DeSyRe: on-Demand System Reliability

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    The DeSyRe project builds on-demand adaptive and reliable Systems-on-Chips (SoCs). As fabrication technology scales down, chips are becoming less reliable, thereby incurring increased power and performance costs for fault tolerance. To make matters worse, power density is becoming a significant limiting factor in SoC design, in general. In the face of such changes in the technological landscape, current solutions for fault tolerance are expected to introduce excessive overheads in future systems. Moreover, attempting to design and manufacture a totally defect and fault-free system, would impact heavily, even prohibitively, the design, manufacturing, and testing costs, as well as the system performance and power consumption. In this context, DeSyRe delivers a new generation of systems that are reliable by design at well-balanced power, performance, and design costs. In our attempt to reduce the overheads of fault-tolerance, only a small fraction of the chip is built to be fault-free. This fault-free part is then employed to manage the remaining fault-prone resources of the SoC. The DeSyRe framework is applied to two medical systems with high safety requirements (measured using the IEC 61508 functional safety standard) and tight power and performance constraints

    A Unified Coded Deep Neural Network Training Strategy Based on Generalized PolyDot Codes for Matrix Multiplication

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    This paper has two contributions. First, we propose a novel coded matrix multiplication technique called Generalized PolyDot codes that advances on existing methods for coded matrix multiplication under storage and communication constraints. This technique uses "garbage alignment," i.e., aligning computations in coded computing that are not a part of the desired output. Generalized PolyDot codes bridge between Polynomial codes and MatDot codes, trading off between recovery threshold and communication costs. Second, we demonstrate that Generalized PolyDot can be used for training large Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on unreliable nodes prone to soft-errors. This requires us to address three additional challenges: (i) prohibitively large overhead of coding the weight matrices in each layer of the DNN at each iteration; (ii) nonlinear operations during training, which are incompatible with linear coding; and (iii) not assuming presence of an error-free master node, requiring us to architect a fully decentralized implementation without any "single point of failure." We allow all primary DNN training steps, namely, matrix multiplication, nonlinear activation, Hadamard product, and update steps as well as the encoding/decoding to be error-prone. We consider the case of mini-batch size B=1B=1, as well as B>1B>1, leveraging coded matrix-vector products, and matrix-matrix products respectively. The problem of DNN training under soft-errors also motivates an interesting, probabilistic error model under which a real number (P,Q)(P,Q) MDS code is shown to correct P−Q−1P-Q-1 errors with probability 11 as compared to ⌊P−Q2⌋\lfloor \frac{P-Q}{2} \rfloor for the more conventional, adversarial error model. We also demonstrate that our proposed strategy can provide unbounded gains in error tolerance over a competing replication strategy and a preliminary MDS-code-based strategy for both these error models.Comment: Presented in part at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2018 (Submission Date: Jan 12 2018); Currently under review at the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor
