5 research outputs found

    Test-Cost Modeling and Optimal Test-Flow Selection of 3D-Stacked ICs

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    Three-dimensional (3D) integration is an attractive technology platform for next-generation ICs. Despite the benefits offered by 3D integration, test cost remains a major concern, and analysis and tools are needed to understand test flows and minimize test cost.We propose a generic cost model to account for various test costs involved in 3D integration and present a formal representation of the solution space to minimize the overall cost. We present an algorithm based on A*—a best-first search technique—to obtain an optimal solution. An approximation algorithm with provable bounds on optimality is proposed to further reduce the search space. In contrast to prior work, which is based on explicit enumeration of test flows, we adopt a formal optimization approach, which allows us to select an effective test flow by systematically exploring an exponentially large number of candidate test flows. Experimental results highlight the effectiveness of the proposed method. Adopting a formal approach to solving the cost-minimization problem provides useful insights that cannot be derived via selective enumeration of a smaller number of candidate test flows.This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant no. CCF-1017391, the Semiconductor Research Corporation under contract no. 2118, a grant from Intel Corporation, and a gift from Cisco Systems through the Silicon Valley Community Foundation

    Cost-Effective Design of Mesh-of-Tree Interconnect for Multi-Core Clusters with 3-D Stacked L2 Scratchpad Memory

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    3-D integrated circuits (3-D ICs) offer a promising solution to overcome the scaling limitations of 2-D ICs. However, using too many through-silicon-vias (TSVs) pose a negative impact on 3-D ICs due to the large overhead of TSV (e.g., large footprint and low yield). In this paper, we propose a new TSV sharing method for a circuit-switched 3-D mesh-of-tree (MoT) interconnect, which supports high-throughput and low-latency communication between processing cores and 3-D stacked multibanked L2 scratchpad memory. The proposed method supports traffic balancing and TSV-failure tolerant routing. The proposed method advocates a modular design strategy to allow stacking multiple identical memory dies without the need for different masks for dies at different levels in the memory stack. We also investigate various parameters of 3-D memory stacking (e.g., fabrication technology, TSV bonding technique, number of memory tiers, and TSV sharing scheme) that affect interconnect latency, system performance, and fabrication cost. Compared to conventional MoT interconnect that is straightforwardly adapted to 3-D integration, the proposed method yields up to (times 2.11) and (times 1.11) improvements in terms of cost efficiency (i.e., performance/cost) for microbump TSV bonding and direct Cu–Cu TSV bonding techniques, respectively

    Integrating simultaneous bi-direction signalling in the test fabric of 3D stacked integrated circuits.

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    Jennions, Ian K. - Associate SupervisorThe world has seen significant advancements in electronic devices’ capabilities, most notably the ability to embed ultra-large-scale functionalities in lightweight, area and power-efficient devices. There has been an enormous push towards quality and reliability in consumer electronics that have become an indispensable part of human life. Consequently, the tests conducted on these devices at the final stages before these are shipped out to the customers have a very high significance in the research community. However, researchers have always struggled to find a balance between the test time (hence the test cost) and the test overheads; unfortunately, these two are inversely proportional. On the other hand, the ever-increasing demand for more powerful and compact devices is now facing a new challenge. Historically, with the advancements in manufacturing technology, electronic devices witnessed miniaturizing at an exponential pace, as predicted by Moore’s law. However, further geometric or effective 2D scaling seems complicated due to performance and power concerns with smaller technology nodes. One promising way forward is by forming 3D Stacked Integrated Circuits (SICs), in which the individual dies are stacked vertically and interconnected using Through Silicon Vias (TSVs) before being packaged as a single chip. This allows more functionality to be embedded with a reduced footprint and addresses another critical problem being observed in 2D designs: increasingly long interconnects and latency issues. However, as more and more functionality is embedded into a small area, it becomes increasingly challenging to access the internal states (to observe or control) after the device is fabricated, which is essential for testing. This access is restricted by the limited number of Chip Terminals (IC pins and the vertical Through Silicon Vias) that a chip could be fitted with, the power consumption concerns, and the chip area overheads that could be allocated for testing. This research investigates Simultaneous Bi-Directional Signaling (SBS) for use in Test Access Mechanism (TAM) designs in 3D SICs. SBS enables chip terminals to simultaneously send and receive test vectors on a single Chip Terminal (CT), effectively doubling the per-pin efficiency, which could be translated into additional test channels for test time reduction or Chip Terminal reduction for resource efficiency. The research shows that SBS-based test access methods have significant potential in reducing test times and/or test resources compared to traditional approaches, thereby opening up new avenues towards cost-effectiveness and reliability of future electronics.PhD in Manufacturin