13 research outputs found

    Gazebo Plants: Simulating Plant-Robot Interaction with Cosserat Rods

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    Robotic harvesting has the potential to positively impact agricultural productivity, reduce costs, improve food quality, enhance sustainability, and to address labor shortage. In the rapidly advancing field of agricultural robotics, the necessity of training robots in a virtual environment has become essential. Generating training data to automatize the underlying computer vision tasks such as image segmentation, object detection and classification, also heavily relies on such virtual environments as synthetic data is often required to overcome the shortage and lack of variety of real data sets. However, physics engines commonly employed within the robotics community, such as ODE, Simbody, Bullet, and DART, primarily support motion and collision interaction of rigid bodies. This inherent limitation hinders experimentation and progress in handling non-rigid objects such as plants and crops. In this contribution, we present a plugin for the Gazebo simulation platform based on Cosserat rods to model plant motion. It enables the simulation of plants and their interaction with the environment. We demonstrate that, using our plugin, users can conduct harvesting simulations in Gazebo by simulating a robotic arm picking fruits and achieve results comparable to real-world experiments.Comment: Upon request, we are happy to share our GazeboPlants plugin open-source (MPL 2.0

    A Unified Simplicial Model for Mixed-Dimensional and Non-Manifold Deformable Elastic Objects

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    Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected] present a unified method to simulate deformable elastic bodies consisting of mixed-dimensional components represented with potentially non-manifold simplicial meshes. Building on well-known simplicial rod, shell, and solid models for elastic continua, we categorize and define a comprehensive palette expressing all possible constraints and elastic energies for stiff and flexible connections between the 1D, 2D, and 3D components of a single conforming simplicial mesh. This palette consists of three categories: point connections, in which simplices meet at a single vertex around which they may twist and bend; curve connections in which simplices share an edge around which they may rotate (bend) relative to one another; and surface connections, in which a shell is embedded on or into a solid. To define elastic behaviors across non-manifold point connections, we adapt and apply parallel transport concepts from elastic rods. To address discontinuous forces that would otherwise arise when large accumulated relative rotations wrap around in the space of angles, we develop an incremental angle-update strategy. Our method provides a conceptually simple, flexible, and highly expressive framework for designing complex elastic objects, by modeling the geometry with a single simplicial mesh and decorating its elements with appropriate physical models (rod, shell, solid) and connection types (point, curve, surface). We demonstrate a diverse set of possible interactions achievable with our method, through technical and application examples, including scenes featuring complex aquatic creatures, children's toys, and umbrellas.This work was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (RGPIN-04360-2014

    Open surgery simulation of inguinal hernia repair.

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    International audienceInguinal hernia repair procedures are often one of the first surgical procedures faced by junior surgeons. The biggest challenge in this procedure for novice trainees is understanding the 3D spatial relations of the complex anatomy of the inguinal region, which is crucial for the effective and careful handling of the present anatomical structures in order to perform a successful and lasting repair. Such relationships are difficult to illustrate and comprehend through standard learning material. This paper presents our work in progress to develop a simulation-based teaching tool allowing junior surgeons to train the Lichtenstein tension-free open inguinal hernia repair technique for direct and indirect hernias, as well as to enforce their understanding of the spatial relations of the involved anatomy

    Interaktive simulationsgestützte Programmierung bei der Entwicklung mechatronischer Verpackungsanlagen

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    Aufgrund des rasanten technischen Fortschritts, unter anderem bedingt durch Megatrends wie Funktionsintegration, Individualisierung oder Digitalisierung, sind die Produkte aber auch die Prozesse einem stetigen Wandel unterworfen. Die ehemals systembestimmende Mechanik wird auch in Zukunft noch das Grundgerüst stellen, das elektrisch angetrieben und durch komplexe informationstechnische Einheiten gesteuert wird. Längst ist die Software jedoch zu einem wesentlichen Innovationstreiber im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau geworden


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    The geometrically exact beam (GEB) model is a 1-D second-order non-linear system of six equations which gives the position of a beam in R 3. The beam may undergo large deflections and rotations, as well as shear deformation. A closely related model, the intrinsic formulation of GEB (IGEB), is a 1-D first-order semilin-ear hyperbolic system of twelve equations which has for states velocities and strains. Here, we consider a freely vibrating slender beam made of an isotropic linear-elastic material. Applying a feedback boundary control at one end of the beam, while the other end is clamped, we show that the steady state 0 of IGEB is locally exponentially stable for the H 1 and H 2 norms. The strategy employed is to choose the control so that the energy of the beam is nonincreasing and find appropriate quadratic Lyapunov functions, relying on the energy of the beam, the relationship between GEB and IGEB, and properties of the system's coefficients

    Experimental Characterization of Vascular Tissue Viscoelasticity with Emphasis on Elastin's Role

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    Elucidating how cardiovascular biomechanics is regulated during health and disease is critical for developing diagnostic and therapeutic methods. The extracellular matrix of cardiovascular tissue is composed of multiple fibrillar networks embedded in an amorphous ground substance and has been found to reveal time-dependent mechanical behavior. Given the multiscale nature of tissue biomechanics, an accurate description of cardiovascular biomechanics can be obtained only when microstructural morphology is characterized and put together in correlation with tissue-scale mechanics. This study constitutes the initial steps toward a full description of cardiovascular tissue biomechanics by examining two fundamental questions: How does the elastin microstructure change with tissue-level deformations? And how does the extracellular matrix composition affect tissue biomechanics? The outcome of this dissertation is believed to contribute to the field of cardiovascular tissue biomechanics by addressing some of the fundamental existing questions therein. Assessing alterations in microstructural morphology requires quantified measures which can be challenging given the complex, local and interconnected conformations of tissue structural components embedded in the extracellular matrix. In this study, new image-based methods for quantification of tissue microstructure were developed and examined on aortic tissue under different deformation states. Although in their infancy stages of development, the methods yielded encouraging results consistent with existing perceptions of tissue deformation. Changes in microstructure were investigated by examining histological images of deformed and undeformed tissues. The observations shed light on roles of elastin network in regulating tissue deformation. The viscoelastic behavior of specimens was studied using native, collagen-denatured, and elastin-isolated aortic tissues. The stress-relaxation responses of specimens provide insight into the significance of extracellular matrix composition on tissue biomechanics and how the tissue hydration affects the relaxation behavior. The responses were approximated by traditional spring-dashpot models and the results were interpreted in regards to microstructural composition