8 research outputs found

    Statistical signal processing of nonstationary tensor-valued data

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    Real-world signals, such as the evolution of three-dimensional vector fields over time, can exhibit highly structured probabilistic interactions across their multiple constitutive dimensions. This calls for analysis tools capable of directly capturing the inherent multi-way couplings present in such data. Yet, current analyses typically employ multivariate matrix models and their associated linear algebras which are agnostic to the global data structure and can only describe local linear pairwise relationships between data entries. To address this issue, this thesis uses the property of linear separability -- a notion intrinsic to multi-dimensional data structures called tensors -- as a linchpin to consider the probabilistic, statistical and spectral separability under one umbrella. This helps to both enhance physical meaning in the analysis and reduce the dimensionality of tensor-valued problems. We first introduce a new identifiable probability distribution which appropriately models the interactions between random tensors, whereby linear relationships are considered between tensor fibres as opposed to between individual entries as in standard matrix analysis. Unlike existing models, the proposed tensor probability distribution formulation is shown to yield a unique maximum likelihood estimator which is demonstrated to be statistically efficient. Both matrices and vectors are lower-order tensors, and this gives us a unique opportunity to consider some matrix signal processing models under the more powerful framework of multilinear tensor algebra. By introducing a model for the joint distribution of multiple random tensors, it is also possible to treat random tensor regression analyses and subspace methods within a unified separability framework. Practical utility of the proposed analysis is demonstrated through case studies over synthetic and real-world tensor-valued data, including the evolution over time of global atmospheric temperatures and international interest rates. Another overarching theme in this thesis is the nonstationarity inherent to real-world signals, which typically consist of both deterministic and stochastic components. This thesis aims to help bridge the gap between formal probabilistic theory of stochastic processes and empirical signal processing methods for deterministic signals by providing a spectral model for a class of nonstationary signals, whereby the deterministic and stochastic time-domain signal properties are designated respectively by the first- and second-order moments of the signal in the frequency domain. By virtue of the assumed probabilistic model, novel tests for nonstationarity detection are devised and demonstrated to be effective in low-SNR environments. The proposed spectral analysis framework, which is intrinsically complex-valued, is facilitated by augmented complex algebra in order to fully capture the joint distribution of the real and imaginary parts of complex random variables, using a compact formulation. Finally, motivated by the need for signal processing algorithms which naturally cater for the nonstationarity inherent to real-world tensors, the above contributions are employed simultaneously to derive a general statistical signal processing framework for nonstationary tensors. This is achieved by introducing a new augmented complex multilinear algebra which allows for a concise description of the multilinear interactions between the real and imaginary parts of complex tensors. These contributions are further supported by new physically meaningful empirical results on the statistical analysis of nonstationary global atmospheric temperatures.Open Acces

    Study of L0-norm constraint normalized subband adaptive filtering algorithm

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    Limited by fixed step-size and sparsity penalty factor, the conventional sparsity-aware normalized subband adaptive filtering (NSAF) type algorithms suffer from trade-off requirements of high filtering accurateness and quicker convergence behavior. To deal with this problem, this paper proposes variable step-size L0-norm constraint NSAF algorithms (VSS-L0-NSAFs) for sparse system identification. We first analyze mean-square-deviation (MSD) statistics behavior of the L0-NSAF algorithm innovatively in according to a novel recursion form and arrive at corresponding expressions for the cases that background noise variance is available and unavailable, where correlation degree of system input is indicated by scaling parameter r. Based on derivations, we develop an effective variable step-size scheme through minimizing the upper bounds of the MSD under some reasonable assumptions and lemma. To realize performance improvement, an effective reset strategy is incorporated into presented algorithms to tackle with non-stationary situations. Finally, numerical simulations corroborate that the proposed algorithms achieve better performance in terms of estimation accurateness and tracking capability in comparison with existing related algorithms in sparse system identification and adaptive echo cancellation circumstances.Comment: 15 pages,15 figure

    Rotationally Invariant Image Representation for Viewing Direction Classification in Cryo-EM

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    We introduce a new rotationally invariant viewing angle classification method for identifying, among a large number of Cryo-EM projection images, similar views without prior knowledge of the molecule. Our rotationally invariant features are based on the bispectrum. Each image is denoised and compressed using steerable principal component analysis (PCA) such that rotating an image is equivalent to phase shifting the expansion coefficients. Thus we are able to extend the theory of bispectrum of 1D periodic signals to 2D images. The randomized PCA algorithm is then used to efficiently reduce the dimensionality of the bispectrum coefficients, enabling fast computation of the similarity between any pair of images. The nearest neighbors provide an initial classification of similar viewing angles. In this way, rotational alignment is only performed for images with their nearest neighbors. The initial nearest neighbor classification and alignment are further improved by a new classification method called vector diffusion maps. Our pipeline for viewing angle classification and alignment is experimentally shown to be faster and more accurate than reference-free alignment with rotationally invariant K-means clustering, MSA/MRA 2D classification, and their modern approximations

    Distributed adaptive signal processing for frequency estimation

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    It is widely recognised that future smart grids will heavily rely upon intelligent communication and signal processing as enabling technologies for their operation. Traditional tools for power system analysis, which have been built from a circuit theory perspective, are a good match for balanced system conditions. However, the unprecedented changes that are imposed by smart grid requirements, are pushing the limits of these old paradigms. To this end, we provide new signal processing perspectives to address some fundamental operations in power systems such as frequency estimation, regulation and fault detection. Firstly, motivated by our finding that any excursion from nominal power system conditions results in a degree of non-circularity in the measured variables, we cast the frequency estimation problem into a distributed estimation framework for noncircular complex random variables. Next, we derive the required next generation widely linear, frequency estimators which incorporate the so-called augmented data statistics and cater for the noncircularity and a widely linear nature of system functions. Uniquely, we also show that by virtue of augmented complex statistics, it is possible to treat frequency tracking and fault detection in a unified way. To address the ever shortening time-scales in future frequency regulation tasks, the developed distributed widely linear frequency estimators are equipped with the ability to compensate for the fewer available temporal voltage data by exploiting spatial diversity in wide area measurements. This contribution is further supported by new physically meaningful theoretical results on the statistical behavior of distributed adaptive filters. Our approach avoids the current restrictive assumptions routinely employed to simplify the analysis by making use of the collaborative learning strategies of distributed agents. The efficacy of the proposed distributed frequency estimators over standard strictly linear and stand-alone algorithms is illustrated in case studies over synthetic and real-world three-phase measurements. An overarching theme in this thesis is the elucidation of underlying commonalities between different methodologies employed in classical power engineering and signal processing. By revisiting fundamental power system ideas within the framework of augmented complex statistics, we provide a physically meaningful signal processing perspective of three-phase transforms and reveal their intimate connections with spatial discrete Fourier transform (DFT), optimal dimensionality reduction and frequency demodulation techniques. Moreover, under the widely linear framework, we also show that the two most widely used frequency estimators in the power grid are in fact special cases of frequency demodulation techniques. Finally, revisiting classic estimation problems in power engineering through the lens of non-circular complex estimation has made it possible to develop a new self-stabilising adaptive three-phase transformation which enables algorithms designed for balanced operating conditions to be straightforwardly implemented in a variety of real-world unbalanced operating conditions. This thesis therefore aims to help bridge the gap between signal processing and power communities by providing power system designers with advanced estimation algorithms and modern physically meaningful interpretations of key power engineering paradigms in order to match the dynamic and decentralised nature of the smart grid.Open Acces