2 research outputs found

    Ontology-based reasoning for entity-relationship data model semantic evaluation

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    Konceptualno modeliranje je jedna od najbitnijih aktivnosti u fazi modeliranja informacionog sustava najčešće prezentirana modelom entiteta-poveznika. Ovaj rad predstavlja sustav za semantičko evaluiranje modela entiteta-poveznika koji se bazira na komparaciji elemenata ontologije i modela podataka. Ovaj pristup je baziran na formalizaciji domenske ontologije i modela podataka u formu predikatskog računa koji je pogodan za rasuđivanje. Definiran je skup pravila rasuđivanja za mapiranje ontologije u model podataka. Ceo postupak je empirijski verificiran i potvrđen. Za ovu svrhu je razvijen softverski alat koji ontologiju i model podataka transformira u predikatski oblik i zatim u skup Prologolikih klauzula. Nakon integriranja ovih klauzula i pravila uporabljen je Prolog sustav za rasuđivanje sa ciljem da se kvantitativno izrazi kvalitet modela podataka sa odgovarajućom metrikom.Conceptual modeling is one of the most important activities in the modeling phase of information systems development most commonly presented by entity-relationship data model. This paper presents a system for entity-relationship data model semantic evaluation that is based on comparing ontology with data model elements. This approach is based on domain ontology and data model formalization at predicate calculus form that is suitable for reasoning. A set of reasoning rules for ontology to data model mapping was defined. The whole process is empirically verified and confirmed. For this purpose it has been developed a software tool for ontology and data model transformation to predicate logic form and then to a set of Prolog-like clauses. After integration of these sets of clauses and rules, a Prolog-system was used for reasoning in order to quantitatively express the quality of data model with appropriate metric

    reusing analysis schemas in odb applications a chart based approach

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    This paper presents a method for creating, indexing and reusing analysis schemas in developing Object-oriented Data-base (ODB) applications. Analysis schemas are specified by using analysis charts, a user-oriented set of forms structured according to the TQL++ Object-oriented specification model, and are classified according to their structural characteristics and content. A set of analysis charts forms a reusable schema, referred to as an analysis stack. The developer can retrieve and examine stacks by accessing analysis charts containing relevant entity names and structures. Charts are connected by links reproducing TQL++ relationships and connecting 'similar' schemas. The paper presents the measures of similarity between charts and describes the organization of charts in a reuse repository. A Thesaurus of relevant terms and synonyms is coupled with the repository. The Thesaurus and the repository are the basis for guiding developers in deriving new ODB applications through a sequence of steps proposed by a CHarting and Analysis for Reuse Tool (CHART). The methodology for reusing analysis schemas, based on navigation in the repository, and the support tool are described