172,506 research outputs found

    Shared Value in Chile: Increasing Private Sector Competitiveness by Solving Social Problems

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    Over the last few decades, Chile has experienced rapid and sustained economic, social, and institutional development. Crucial challenges remain, however, in the form of social inequity, lack of opportunity, mistrust, and social unrest. The Chilean private sector is at an inflection point in its relationship with society. The corporate sector has both contributed to and benefited from the growth and development of the last decades, but remaining social challenges pose significant constraints to the continued growth of the private sector. High levels of mistrust regarding the role of business in society reflect a widespread belief that profit making activities are merely a demonstration of corporate greed. The Chilean private sector faces a frequently antagonistic relationship with government and civil society that will likely worsen unless companies are able to find ways to authentically link their businesses to efforts to solve Chile's social problems. On the other hand, if government and civil society conclude that the private sector has no contribution to make to the country's social and economic development strategy, Chile will squander an important engine for creating shared prosperity. The good news is that there does not need to be a trade-off between private sector competitiveness and greater prosperity for all Chileans. Shared value, a concept explained in Harvard Professor Michael Porter and Mark Kramer's Harvard Business Review articles, suggests an approach for companies to increase their competitiveness and profitability by helping to solve social problems. The public sector and civil society can increase the social benefits from shared value by thoughtfully partnering with the private secto

    Competing by Saving Lives: How Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Companies Create Shared Value in Global Health

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    This report looks at how pharmaceutical and medical device companies can create shared value in global health by addressing unmet health needs in low- and middle-income countries. Companies have already begun to reap business value and are securing competitive advantages in the markets of tomorrow

    Measuring Shared Value: How to Unlock Value by Linking Social and Business Results

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    Measuring shared value allows companies to maximize opportunities for innovation, growth, and social impact at scale. This article explains the specific purpose of shared value measurement and offers a step-by-step process and pragmatic approaches to measurement with examples from leading companies

    Creating Shared Value in India: How Indian Corporations Are Contributing to Inclusive Growth While Strengthening Their Competitive Advantage

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    Leading companies are finding new ways to accelerate growth and increase competitive advantage through innovative business models that meet societal needs at scale. These companies are "creating shared value" by using their core business processes and practices to enhance the competitiveness of companies while improving social and environmental conditions. The concept of Creating Shared Value (CSV) was introduced by the co-founders of FSG, Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter and senior fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School Mark Kramer, in several Harvard Business Review articles (most recently in January/February 2011). FSG's research in India has identified a number of highly innovative examples of shared value. In this paper, we highlight these examples and call on corporations, especially our largest ones, to lead the charge toward a strategy for growth that benefits all our citizens

    Shared Value in Emerging Markets: How Multinational Corporations Are Redefining Business Strategies to Reach Poor or Vulnerable Populations

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    This report illuminates the enormous opportunities in emerging markets for companies to drive competitive advantage and sustainable impact at scale. It identifies how over 30 companies across multiple sectors and geographies design and measure business strategies that also improve the lives of underserved individuals

    BIM and online collabortion platforms - an investigation into emerging requirements

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    It is widely documented that productivity in the AEC/FM industry has been hampered by fragmentation, low innovation, adversarial relationships and slow adoption of Information Communication Technologies. The rising recognition of the potential of Building Information Modelling (BIM), combined with online collaboration platforms, provides an opportunity for addressing those industry obstacles. This study reviews existing literature pertaining to how BIM and online collaboration platforms can facilitate the much desired integration within the industry. Subsequently, a scoping study for UK online collaboration platforms is carried out. Despite the expected benefits of BIM technology, it has not been widely embedded within the UK AEC/FM industry. This is mainly attributed to the incompatibility of current practices with BIM. Current collaborative practices still result in some rework, suboptimal design decisions, constructability issues and waste. Factors relating to the introduction of collaborative BIM practices revolve around a shared vision, clear responsibilities and technology ease of use. The essential role of online collaboration platforms for construction organizations reaching full BIM maturity is not yet fully appreciated. Additionally, corporate BIM strategies lack a clear vision. The scoping study identifies some trends in the evolution of online collaboration platform functionalities and sets the ground for a gap analysis

    Sukuk dan wakaf bagi majukan Kampong Bharu

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    Sejak berkurun lamanya, filantrofi telah memainkan peranan penting dalam menyumbang kepada meningkatkan kebajikan seluruh manusia di muka bumi ini. Dalam konteks ini, wakaf merupakan penyelamat yang mampu menyediakan pelbagai kemudahan untuk rakyat yang memerlukan. Wakaf dapat menjadi sebagai benteng yang kukuh menyelamatkan umat daripada hakisan sosial dan juga ekonomi. Apabila dana wakaf dikumpul dan digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya, berbagai bentuk pembangunan ekonomi boleh dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendanaan melalui wakaf

    How Economies Grow: The CED Perspective on Raising the Long-Term Standard of Living

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    This report ties together CED's previous six decades of work on various policies that concern the nation's prospects for economic growth to outline how the economy grows and, more generally, what must be done to improve its long-term prospects

    Private Sector Investment and Sustainable Development: The Current and Potential Role of Institutional Investors, Companies, Banks and Foundations in Sustainable Development

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    This paper seeks to provide the Financing for Development process with a perspective on the role institutional investors, companies, and foundations can play in the design and implementation of a financing strategy for global sustainability. This will help bridge the terminology and investment approaches of institutional investors, companies, foundations, and governments. The paper highlights ongoing efforts among private investors to increase the impact of their investments. It concludes with a set of key actions facing investors, companies and foundations in their transition towards investment practices that contribute to sustainable development
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