2,472 research outputs found

    Hybrid Ensemble Stacking Techniques for Coronary Artery Disease Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Throughout history, humanity has been plagued by several outbreaks that have claimed numerous lives. Since coronary artery disease is among the most fatal illnesses that humanity has faced in the modern era, it has been recognized in our time. It links several Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) risk factors to the critical requirement for precise, reliable, and workable methods for early identification and management. In light of this, we suggest a technique called Hybrid Ensemble Stacking that combines Naive Bayes (NB), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), and Ada Boosting for the prediction of CAD illnesses. To combine the forecasts of the basis models, a meta-logistic regression model is utilized. According to a quantitative study, the ensemble model and brute force feature selection method together produce a classification accuracy for heart disease of up to 92.66%. The suggested stacking model has demonstrated its effectiveness and outperforms current methods in the categorization of cardiac disorders. Several classification issues have been solved successfully using ensemble techniques. The suggested method was constructed using the Sani dataset, which contains 303 nearly completed records. Using Min-Max Normalization, the data are pre-processed to making it suitable for a Machine Learning (ML) model. SMOTE and SelectKBest technique were applied to   increases the accuracy and efficiency of a model. Using the metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, F1, ROC and log-loss, the outcomes produced by the suggested model had the greatest performance

    Hybrid Ensemble Stacking Techniques for Coronary Artery Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Throughout history, humanity has been plagued by several outbreaks that have claimed numerous lives. Since coronary artery disease is among the most fatal illnesses that humanity has faced in the modern era, it has been recognized in our time. It links several Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) risk factors to the critical requirement for precise, reliable, and workable methods for early identification and management. In light of this, we suggest a technique called Hybrid Ensemble Stacking that combines Naive Bayes (NB), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), and Ada Boosting for the prediction of CAD illnesses. To combine the forecasts of the basis models, a meta-logistic regression model is utilized. According to a quantitative study, the ensemble model and brute force feature selection method together produce a classification accuracy for heart disease of up to 92.66%. The suggested stacking model has demonstrated its effectiveness and outperforms current methods in the categorization of cardiac disorders. Several classification issues have been solved successfully using ensemble techniques. The suggested method was constructed using the Sani dataset, which contains 303 nearly completed records. Using Min-Max Normalization, the data are pre-processed to making it suitable for a Machine Learning (ML) model. SMOTE and SelectKBest technique were applied to   increases the accuracy and efficiency of a model. Using the metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, F1, ROC and log-loss, the outcomes produced by the suggested model had the greatest performance

    CAD-CDN: Coronary Artery Disease Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Network with Modified Densenet

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    Atherosclerosis is a synonym for coronary artery disease (CAD), a non-communicable cardiovascular disease. Coronary artery disease, cancer, and tumour illness pose significant human risks. Predicting coronary artery disease (CAD) is a difficult and time-consuming task in the medical field. Early prediction is a virtuoso skill in the medical area, particularly in the cardiovascular sector. Prior research on developing early prediction models provided a grasp of modern strategies for detecting variance in medical imaging. Cardiovascular disease prevention may be accomplished with a diet plan established by the concerned physician after early diagnosis. We proposed a CAD-CDN framework for coronary artery disease prediction using a Convolutional neural network (CNN) with modified densenet. The datasets are collected from the Kaggle repository, and the data normalization has been done with Affinity propagation with an adaptive damping factor (APADF). The best features are selected using ACO with SA as the Hybrid method. Finally, the classification was done with CNN with modified Densenet.  The experimental result has been done with various existing algorithms and proposed one. And the results have shown performance indicators including accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, and measure value

    A Powerful Paradigm for Cardiovascular Risk Stratification Using Multiclass, Multi-Label, and Ensemble-Based Machine Learning Paradigms: A Narrative Review

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    Background and Motivation: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) causes the highest mortality globally. With escalating healthcare costs, early non-invasive CVD risk assessment is vital. Conventional methods have shown poor performance compared to more recent and fast-evolving Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods. The proposed study reviews the three most recent paradigms for CVD risk assessment, namely multiclass, multi-label, and ensemble-based methods in (i) office-based and (ii) stress-test laboratories. Methods: A total of 265 CVD-based studies were selected using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) model. Due to its popularity and recent development, the study analyzed the above three paradigms using machine learning (ML) frameworks. We review comprehensively these three methods using attributes, such as architecture, applications, pro-and-cons, scientific validation, clinical evaluation, and AI risk-of-bias (RoB) in the CVD framework. These ML techniques were then extended under mobile and cloud-based infrastructure. Findings: Most popular biomarkers used were office-based, laboratory-based, image-based phenotypes, and medication usage. Surrogate carotid scanning for coronary artery risk prediction had shown promising results. Ground truth (GT) selection for AI-based training along with scientific and clinical validation is very important for CVD stratification to avoid RoB. It was observed that the most popular classification paradigm is multiclass followed by the ensemble, and multi-label. The use of deep learning techniques in CVD risk stratification is in a very early stage of development. Mobile and cloud-based AI technologies are more likely to be the future. Conclusions: AI-based methods for CVD risk assessment are most promising and successful. Choice of GT is most vital in AI-based models to prevent the RoB. The amalgamation of image-based strategies with conventional risk factors provides the highest stability when using the three CVD paradigms in non-cloud and cloud-based frameworks

    An Intelligent Decision Support Ensemble Voting Model for Coronary Artery Disease Prediction in Smart Healthcare Monitoring Environments

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    Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the most common cardiac diseases worldwide and causes disability and economic burden. It is the world's leading and most serious cause of mortality, with approximately 80% of deaths reported in low- and middle-income countries. The preferred and most precise diagnostic tool for CAD is angiography, but it is invasive, expensive, and technically demanding. However, the research community is increasingly interested in the computer-aided diagnosis of CAD via the utilization of machine learning (ML) methods. The purpose of this work is to present an e-diagnosis tool based on ML algorithms that can be used in a smart healthcare monitoring system. We applied the most accurate machine learning methods that have shown superior results in the literature to different medical datasets such as RandomForest, XGboost, MLP, J48, AdaBoost, NaiveBayes, LogitBoost, KNN. Every single classifier can be efficient on a different dataset. Thus, an ensemble model using majority voting was designed to take advantage of the well-performed single classifiers, Ensemble learning aims to combine the forecasts of multiple individual classifiers to achieve higher performance than individual classifiers in terms of precision, specificity, sensitivity, and accuracy; furthermore, we have benchmarked our proposed model with the most efficient and well-known ensemble models, such as Bagging, Stacking methods based on the cross-validation technique, The experimental results confirm that the ensemble majority voting approach based on the top 3 classifiers: MultilayerPerceptron, RandomForest, and AdaBoost, achieves the highest accuracy of 88,12% and outperforms all other classifiers. This study demonstrates that the majority voting ensemble approach proposed above is the most accurate machine learning classification approach for the prediction and detection of coronary artery disease.Comment: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 202

    A Comparison Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms on Cardiovascular Disease Prediction

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    People nowadays are engrossed in their daily routines, concentrating on their jobs and other responsibilities while ignoring their health. Because of their hurried lifestyles and disregard for their health, the number of people becoming ill grows daily. Furthermore, most of the population suffers from a disease such as cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease kills 35% of the world's population, according to W.H.O. A person's life can be saved if a heart disease diagnosis is made early enough. Still, it can also be lost if the diagnosis is constructed incorrectly. Therefore, predicting heart disease will become increasingly relevant in the medical sector. The volume of data collected by the medical industry or hospitals, on the other hand, can be overwhelming at times. Time-series forecasting and processing using machine learning algorithms can help healthcare practitioners become more efficient. In this study, we discussed heart disease and its risk factors and machine learning techniques and compared various heart disease prediction algorithms. Predicting and assessing heart problems is the goal of this research

    An Adaptive Technique to Predict Heart Disease Using Hybrid Machine Learning Approach

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    cardiovascular disease is amongby far prevalent fatalities in today's society. Cardiovascular disease is extremely hard to predict using clinical data analysis. Machine learning (ML) hasproved to be useful for helping in judgement and predictions with the enormous amount data produced by the healthcare sectorbusiness. Furthermore, latest events in other IoT sectors have demonstrated that machine learning is used (IOT). Several studies have examined the use of MLa heart disease prediction. In this research, we describe a novel method that, by highlighting essential traits, can improvethe precision of heart disease prognosis. Numerous data combinations and well-known categorization algorithms are used to create the forecasting models. Using a decent accuracy of 88.7%, we raise the level of playusing a heart disease forecasting approach that incorporates a88.7% absolute certainty in a combination random forest and linear model. (HRFLM)
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