2 research outputs found

    Dise帽o de un sistema de control de inventario de una tienda de juguetes

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    The objective of this article was to design an inventory control system for a toy store in Puyo, Ecuador. Between November 2018 and February 2019, we characterized the actual situation of inventory management in the company in the first stage of the research; in the second stage, we designed the inventory system. For the analysis and design of the inventory management system of the toy store we combined two procedures, one unrelated to the characterization of the existing inventory system and the other related to inventory planning. We identified that the merchandise in the store was not codified and that the store lacked a storage system for its merchandise. We discovered that the stock available could not be identified. In addition, we determined the inventory parameters as a basis for the design of the automated system. An adequate inventory management will guarantee a timely supply of sales products and the minimization of the total cost of logistics activities in inventory control, ensuring better profitability and customer service.El objetivo de este art铆culo fue dise帽ar un sistema de control de inventario de una tienda de juguetes de la ciudad de Puyo, Ecuador. Entre noviembre de 2018 y febrero de 2019, se realiz贸 una etapa de caracterizaci贸n de la situaci贸n real de la gesti贸n de inventario en la empresa y otra etapa de dise帽o del sistema de inventario. Para el an谩lisis y dise帽o del sistema de gesti贸n de inventario de la jugueter铆a se combinaron dos procedimientos, uno no relacionado con la caracterizaci贸n del sistema de inventario existente y otro relacionado con la planificaci贸n del inventario. Se encontr贸 que en la empresa mercader铆a no se encuentra codificada, que no cuenta con un sistema de almacenamiento que facilite su organizaci贸n y no se pudo identificar el stock del que se dispon铆a. Adem谩s, se determinaron los par谩metros de inventario como base para el dise帽o del sistema automatizado. A partir de una adecuada gesti贸n de inventario, se garantizar谩 un abastecimiento oportuno de los productos de venta y la minimizaci贸n del costo total de las actividades log铆sticas en el control de inventario, lo que asegurar谩 mayor rentabilidad y mejor atenci贸n al cliente

    Two-Echelon Lot-Sizing with Asymmetric Information and Continuous Type Space

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    We analyse a two-echelon discrete lot-sizing problem with a supplier and a retailer under information asymmetry. We assume that all cost parameters are time independent and that the retailer has single-dimensional continuous private information, namely either his setup cost or his holding cost. The supplier uses mechanism design to determine a menu of contracts that minimises his expected costs, where each contract specifies the retailer's procurement plan and a side payment to the retailer. There is no restriction on the number of contracts in the menu. To optimally solve this contracting problem we present a two-stage approach, based on a theoretical analysis. The first stage generates a list of procurement plans that is sufficient to solve the contracting problem to optimality. The second stage optimally assigns these plans to the retailer types and determines all side payments. The result is an optimal menu with finitely many contracts that pools retailer types. We identify cases for which the contracting problem can be solved in polynomial time and provide the corresponding algorithms. Furthermore, our analysis reveals that information asymmetry leads to atypical structures in the plans of the optimal menu, e.g., plans violating the zero-inventory property. Our solution approach and several results are directly applicable to more general problems as well