26,840 research outputs found


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    Actually, chemistry learning is very fun, but it takes a high motivation, passion and confident. Based on that, the teacher's effort in developing student's learning activity is very important, because the students' learning activity becomes the determinant of the success of learning that is done. The use of an appropriate learning methods was an alternative to overcome the problem of low absorption of students to the lesson. The arm of this research was to know how the applying of cooperative learning model Teams Games Tournament (TGT) was type through domino card media to affected the learning chemistry achievement of XI-MIA student in MAN 4 Aceh Besar. Instruments used i.e. research instruments and data instruments. Data collection techniques are observation, test results, and questionnaires. Based on the objectives and the results of data analysis in this study, shown that the teacher activity in managing learning for each cycle was in very good category. Student activity at the time of applying the cooperative learning model Teams Games Tournament (TGT) type through domino card media on petroleum material was active. Students' learning achievement after the implementation of Cycle I, cycle II and final test respectively was about 61.29%, 90.32% and 93.55%. Student response to the application of cooperative learning model type Teams Games Tournament (TGT) through domino card media on petroleum material was positive

    Special Libraries, December 1961

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    Volume 52, Issue 10https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1961/1009/thumbnail.jp


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    Based on observations made in class X2 MAN Sabang shows that learning still many students find it difficult to study chemistry, because the presentation material provided by the teacher is not maximized, so that the learning outcomes of students do not reach the target set in the KKM (70). This can be seen from the value of the task and the replay of students who gained an average of 66.2. One alternative to solve this problem is to use a cooperative learning that is easy to understand and fun through cooperative learning methods Take and Give. The purpose of this study was to: (1) determine student learning outcomes in the material of petroleum by using cooperative learning model type Take and Give, (2) Knowing student activity during learning using cooperative learning model type Take And Give, (3) Knowing the response students to the implementation of cooperative learning model of Take and Give. The design of this study is to use pre-experimental research design. The population in this study were all students of class X which consists of three local student learning outcomes is still relatively very low, then the sample in this study were all students of class X-2, which consists of 20 students. Data collection techniques using observation and administration of the test in the form of multiple choice. Observation data analyzed by using percentage, while the test results were analyzed by percentage formula. The research proves that: (1) student learning outcomes in the petroleum material once taught using cooperative learning model take and give to the percentage of the final test is 73%. (2) the percentage of students learning activity reached 76.9%. (3) response to highly motivated students to cooperative learning Take and Give the percentage is 95%. Based on these studies it can be concluded that the application of cooperative learning model of Take and Give can improve student learning outcomes in the discussion Petroleum class X-2 MAN Saban


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    v. 26, no. 4 (1983

    A New ‘Idea of Nature’ for Chemical Education

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    This paper recommends that chemistry educators shift to a different ‘idea of nature’, an alternative ‘worldview.’ Much of contemporary science and technology deals in one way or another with dynamic coherences that display novel and important properties. The notion of how the world works that such studies and practices generate (and require) is quite different from the earlier concepts that are now integrated into science education. Eventual success in meeting contemporary technological and social challenges requires general diffusion of an overall outlook that focuses on creative generation of novel and useful coherences, replacing a worldview that concentrates on analysis of pre-existing items to minimum constituents. Such a shift in emphasis would amount to general adoption of a new basic model of how nature functions. Chemistry educators can and should provide leadership for this urgently-needed development

    U.S. Government Manual 2008-2009 Edition (Appendix B): Terminated and Transferred Agencies

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    233AA354d01.pdf: 85 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    MTSU Alternative Fuel Research

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    Hydrogen and solar powered vehicles, biodiesel fuels, and plug in hybrid technology are among the cutting edge research projects on campus.hydrogen, solar, vehicle, biodiesel, plug in hybrid, alternative fuel, automotive manufacturing, research, hybrid, MTSU

    Characterization of the transverse relaxation rates in lipid bilayers

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    The 2H NMR transverse relaxation rates of a deuterated phospholipid bilayer reflect slow motions in the bilayer membrane. A study of dimyristoyl lecithin specifically deuterated at several positions of the hydrocarbon chains indicates that these motions are cooperative and are confined to the hydrocarbon chains of the lipid bilayer. However, lipid head group interactions do play an important role in modulating the properties of the cooperative fluctuations of the hydrocarbon chains (director fluctuations), as evidenced by the effects of various lipid additives on the 2H NMR transverse relaxation rates of the dimyristoyl lecithin bilayer
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