21 research outputs found

    Using Battery Storage for Peak Shaving and Frequency Regulation: Joint Optimization for Superlinear Gains

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    We consider using a battery storage system simultaneously for peak shaving and frequency regulation through a joint optimization framework which captures battery degradation, operational constraints and uncertainties in customer load and regulation signals. Under this framework, using real data we show the electricity bill of users can be reduced by up to 15\%. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the saving from joint optimization is often larger than the sum of the optimal savings when the battery is used for the two individual applications. A simple threshold real-time algorithm is proposed and achieves this super-linear gain. Compared to prior works that focused on using battery storage systems for single applications, our results suggest that batteries can achieve much larger economic benefits than previously thought if they jointly provide multiple services.Comment: To Appear in IEEE Transaction on Power System

    Using hydropower waterway locks for energy storage and renewable energies integration

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    Waterway are one of the most efficient means for transportation. It can be applied for energy storage demonstrating the potential of using these structures with renewable energy systems, here, through an analysis of energy alternatives. This paper analyzes two different solutions for energy supply, using the Locks of the TucuruĂ­ powerplant, in Brazil. A photovoltaic power station is compared to a hybrid system composed by photovoltaic and pumped storage. The alternatives are discussed technically and economically. The energy costs of the scenarios are calculated based on the evolution of the expenses and the related payback time are found. The water resource is exploited responsibly, keeping balanced the pumped and turbined volumes of water. The grid works as an intermediate storage and allows the operations with a single pump-turbine conversion. Its location lowers down the initial investment in favor of the hybrid system as the more viable alternative. It was found that the locks could be used to handle up to 263 kW and 387 kW of electricity in turbine and pump mode, respectively. This paper gathers crucial data on the use of hydropower in waterways locks that support the integration of renewable energies surrounding the locks. In addition, the use of pumped storage plants to store energy from intermittent sources, present themselves as an innovative opportunity to, using the own head available at facility, improve the financial return of meeting the energy demand through an economically and environmentally responsible energy system, may be useful in similar facilities around the world

    An Energy Sharing Game with Generalized Demand Bidding: Model and Properties

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    This paper proposes a novel energy sharing mechanism for prosumers who can produce and consume. Different from most existing works, the role of individual prosumer as a seller or buyer in our model is endogenously determined. Several desirable properties of the proposed mechanism are proved based on a generalized game-theoretic model. We show that the Nash equilibrium exists and is the unique solution of an equivalent convex optimization problem. The sharing price at the Nash equilibrium equals to the average marginal disutility of all prosumers. We also prove that every prosumer has the incentive to participate in the sharing market, and prosumers' total cost decreases with increasing absolute value of price sensitivity. Furthermore, the Nash equilibrium approaches the social optimal as the number of prosumers grows, and competition can improve social welfare.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Optimal Placement of Wind Turbines Using Novel Binary Invasive Weed Optimization

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    Wind turbines – which are significant in terms of clean energy production globally – are environmentally friendly, consistent and economical systems. Wind turbines, due to developing technology, have become one of the most widely used renewable energy resources, and every country has worked to satisfy its electricity demands with the help of wind energy. As the importance of wind energy increases all around the world, the importance of wind turbine placement also rises. In this study, the aim was to position wind turbines over a certain area of a wind farm to obtain maximum turbine power with minimum investment cost, thereby achieving the highest power efficiency. The experimental studies were conducted over a 2×2 km area; this area was divided into a 10×10 grid, and a 20×20 grid for more efficient placement. Because these operations occurred in a binary search space, Invasive Weed Optimization (IWO) – normally used to solve unceasing optimization problems – was used in this study by obtaining fourteen different binary Invasive Weed Optimization (BIWO1 to BIWO14) algorithms with the help of ten different transfer functions (four from the s-shaped family, four from the v-shaped family, two based on modulo 2, ceil, ceil-round, ceil-floor and round-floor). The proposed method was compared with other studies carried out in the binary search space found in published literature. As a result, it was seen that the proposed algorithm was an efficient algorithm for solving the problem of wind turbine placement to achieve an optimal placement