3 research outputs found


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    Advancements in robotics have increasingly taken robots out of controlled environments to perform in hostile conditions that increase the chance of a system fault. Currently most solutions require human intervention or, in the case of homogenous modular systems, discarding the faulty agents which in return degrade the overall capabilities of the system. There is an emerging need for a reliable system that can perform its duties regardless of the changing mission requirements and effectively alleviate a range of possible fault states. This essay presents the second version of the Hexagonal Distributed Modular Robot (Hex-DMR II) capable of autonomous team-assisted repair to address this issue. The Hex-DMR II system is composed of reconfigurable modular agents that encapsulate distinct capabilities (and thus the related fault states) within modules and can replace these modules to meet the changing needs of the mission as well as to maintain functionality despite a faulty state. The essay introduces the design and capabilities of the system, presents the methods of team-assisted repair and discusses the results of module replacement maneuvers undertaken by the system. Overall Hex-DMR II demonstrates the working principles of robotic team-assisted repair through successful experimental trials

    Autonomous Operation of a Reconfigurable Multi-Robot System for Planetary Space Missions

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    Reconfigurable robots can physically merge and form new types of composite systems. This ability leads to additional degrees of freedom for robot operations especially when dynamically composed robotic systems offer capabilities that none of the individual systems have. Research in the area of reconfigurable multi-robot systems has mainly been focused on swarm-based robots and thereby to systems with a high degree of modularity but a heavily restricted set of capabilities. In contrast, this thesis deals with heterogeneous robot teams comprising individually capable robots which are also modular and reconfigurable. In particular, the autonomous application of such reconfigurable multi-robot systems to enhance robotic space exploration missions is investigated. Exploiting the flexibility of a reconfigurable multi-robot system requires an appropriate system model and reasoner. Hence, this thesis introduces a special organisation model. This model accounts for the key characteristics of reconfigurable robots which are constrained by the availability and compatibility of hardware interfaces. A newly introduced mapping function between resource structures and functional properties permits to characterise dynamically created agent compositions. Since a combinatorial challenge lies in the identification of feasible and functionally suitable agents, this thesis further suggests bounding strategies to reason efficiently with composite robotic systems. This thesis proposes a mission planning algorithm which permits to exploit the flexibility of reconfigurable multi-robot systems. The implemented planner builds upon the developed organisation model so that multi-robot missions can be specified by high-level functionality constraints which are resolved to suitable combinations of robots. Furthermore, the planner synchronises robot activities over time and characterises plans according to three objectives: efficacy, efficiency and safety. The plannera s evaluation demonstrates an optimization of an exemplary space mission. This research is based on the parallel development of theoretical concepts and practical solutions while working with three reconfigurable multi-robot teams. The operation of a reconfigurable robotic team comes with practical constraints. Therefore, this thesis composes and evaluates an operational infrastructure which can serve as reference implementation. The identification and combination of applicable state-of-the-art technologies result in a distributed and dynamically extensible communication infrastructure which can maintain the properties of reconfigurable multi-robot systems. Field tests covering semi-autonomous and autonomous operation have been performed to characterise multi-robot missions and validate the autonomous control approach for reconfigurable multi-robot systems. The practical evaluation identified critical constraints and design elements for a successful application of reconfigurable multi-robot systems. Furthermore, the experiments point to improvements for the organisation model. This thesis is a wholistic approach to automate reconfigurable multi-robot systems. It identifies theoretical as well as practical challenges and it suggests effective solutions which permit an exploitation of an increased level of flexibility in future robotics missions

    Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Hybrid Wheeled-Leg Exploration Rover in the Context of Multi-Robot Systems

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    With this dissertation, the electromechanic design, implementation, locomotion control, and experimental evaluation of a novel type of hybrid wheeled-leg exploration rover are presented. The actively articulated suspension system of the rover is the basis for advanced locomotive capabilities of a mobile exploration robot. The developed locomotion control system abstracts the complex kinematics of the suspension system and provides platform control inputs usable by autonomous behaviors or human remote control. Design and control of the suspension system as well as experimentation with the resulting rover are in the focus of this thesis. The rover is part of a heterogeneous modular multi-robot exploration system with an aspired sample return mission to the lunar south pole or currently hard-to-access regions on Mars. The multi-robot system pursues a modular and reconfigurable design methodology. It combines heterogeneous robots with different locomotion capabilities for enhanced overall performance. Consequently, the design of the multi-robot system is presented as the frame of the rover developments. The requirements for the rover design originating from the deployment in a modular multi-robot system are accentuated and summarized in this thesis