4 research outputs found

    Conveying human-computer interaction concerns to software engineers through an interaction model

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    Desarrollo de una nueva metodologĂ­a para la evaluaciĂłn de software ergonĂłmico en educaciĂłn primaria

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    La tesis pretende desarrollar un nuevo modelo para el desarrollo Software interactivo y adaptable, llamado modelo interactivo adaptable (modelo IA).La simbología del modelo es representada por un triángulo, con los tres vértices simbolizando las tres variables que deben encontrarse en equilíbrio perfecto : el vértice HIC – Human Interface Computer – que engloba también User Interface Design) , el vértice CUAL – “Calidad del Software” - que considera las metodologias analizadas y adaptadas a nuestro estudio y el vértice ERG – “Ergonomía”. Cada vértice es compuesto por variables de segundo grado que a su vez se van relacionar con las variables de segundo grado de los demás vértices Para probar la viabilidad del modelo, decidimos probarlo en la enseñanza era necesario crear otro modelo, denominado Modelo Interactivo Adaptable Orientado para la Enseñanza (Modelo IAOE) que tiene en su base al Método Interactivo Adaptable Orientado a la Enseñanza (MIAOE), diseñado y desarrollado en esta tesis. Para probar la viabilidad del modelo y del método fue creado y desarollado un software específico, relacionado con el aprendizaje de la lengua portuguesa para el primer ciclo de enseñanza. El método MIAOE es desarrollado teniendo en cuenta diferentes etapas, a veces cíclicas, a veces secuenciales, lo que nos permitió incorporar las diferentes fases de análisis y desarollo de un determinado software de una forma interactiva , possibilitando que las ideas y los processos fueran verficados y evaluados de forma continua. Por lo tanto era necesario examinar de metodologías de desarrollo de software, ergonómicos modelos, metodologías y modelos de calidad de software, modelos y teorías del aprendizaje.The PhD thesis aimed to develop a new model for development of Interactive and Adaptable Software, called Adaptive Interactive Model (model IA). The model as to a triangle, each vertex representing a variable important to consider: vertex IHC – Human Interface Computer (includes User Design Interface as well); vertex QUAL – Quality of the software (the analyzed methodologies adapted to our study being part of it); and vertex ERG – Ergonomic Models (analyzed and adapted to the study). It is important to point that each vertex has its own sub-variables and that there is interaction among them. All three vertices should be harmonically related and only after achieving this is our goal completed. To test the viability of the model, we chose to test it in teaching (1-level basic cycle) for it was necessary to create another model, called Adaptive Oriented Interactive Model for Teaching (IAOE Model) and an Adaptive oriented Interactive Method for Teaching (MIAOE). This “IAOE” method is developed following determined steps, being them sequential or not, enabling us to incorporate all the analytical and developmental phases of software in an interactive form, allowing the ideas and the processes to be verified and evaluated constantly. Therefore it was necessary to study software development methodologies, ergonomic models, methodologies and software quality models, models and theories of learning.A tese de doutoramento visou desenvolver um novo Modelo de desenvolvimento de Software Interativo e Adaptável, denominado Modelo Interativo Adaptável (Modelo IA). A simbologia do modelo é um triângulo, os seus três vértices que simbolizam as três variáveis que devem estar em equilibradas (o vértice IHC –“Human Interface Computer e engloba também User Interface Design”; o vértice QUAL – “Qualidade de software” engloba as metodologias analisadas e adaptadas ao nosso estudo; o vértice ERG – representa, os modelos ergonómicos analisados e adaptados ao estudo em causa) em perfeita harmonia. É de salientar, que cada um destes vértices é composto por subvariáveis que têm de se inter-relacionar com as subvariáveis dos vértices restantes. Como tal, existe um cruzamento entre todas as variáveis e subvariáveis. Para testar a viabilidade do Modelo IA, optamos por testá-lo no ensino (ao nível do 1º ciclo básico) para isso foi necessário criar outro modelo, denominado Modelo Interativo Adaptável Orientado para o Ensino (Modelo IAOE) e um Método Interativo Adaptável Orientado para o Ensino (MIAOE).Para provar a viabilidade dos modelos e do método foi desenvolvido um software, relacionado com a aprendizagem da língua portuguesa para o 1º ciclo básico. Este método MIAOE é desenvolvido seguindo determinados passos, sequenciais ou não. Permite-nos incorporar todas as fases de análise e desenvolvimento de um software de uma forma interativa, possibilitando que as ideias e os processos sejam verificados e avaliados constantemente. Portanto foi necessário estudar metodologias de desenvolvimento de software, modelos ergonómicos, metodologias e modelos de qualidade de software, modelos e teorias de aprendizagem

    Bridging the Gap between Psychology and Engineering Through the Use of Unified Modeling Language

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    Where there have been gaps in communicating between psychologists and engineers, collaborative project goals may not always reach their full potential. The risk for stunted performance in such interdisciplinary projects makes it prudent to examine ways of improving communication and brainstorming methods such that psychologists and engineers can gain the most from their interactions. Tools that have been used to aid this process include scenarios, storyboards, prototypes, and simple modeling (de Paula, Barbosa, & de Lucena, 2004). However, the use of such tools is frequently limited by (1) the psychologist’s ability and willingness to use the tool and (2) how much information the tool conveys relative to what the engineer may need to know. In addressing these limitations, this presentation suggests that psychologists consider learning a simple modeling language known as unified modeling language (UML) to assist in conveying ideas to engineers. The use of unified modeling language (UML) may allow psychologists to more effectively collaborate with engineers by modeling technical systems in a way that is more in line with how such systems are built. Subsequently, engineers will be able to build systems more accurate to the psychologist’s needs. Several factors make UML a language a worthwhile tool for psychologists to learn. First, a UML diagram is fairly easy to understand, especially if a legend or key is provided with the diagram. Second, engineers are often familiar with UML and similar modeling languages, so they may already have an affinity for such a tool. Third, UML is easy to learn, making it a desirable tool for professionals of all disciplines. There are many applications and resources that can aid in the development of a UML diagram. Finally, UML encompasses many types of models, which make it possible to convey many different aspects of one system, including human interaction with a system. The purpose of this presentation is to explore UML as a tool for aiding communication and brainstorming processes between psychologists and engineers. Examples of various UML diagrams and their use will be discussed. It is hoped that this presentation will draw attention to a modeling language that has been heretofore underused in psychology and thus increase its popularity in this field as a tool to aid in communication with engineers. References: de Paula, M. G., Barbosa, S. D. J., & de Lucena, C. J. P. (2004, October). Conveying human-computer interaction concerns to software engineers through an interaction model. In VI Workshop on Human Factors in Computer Systems, IHC. (pp. 155-162)

    Communication between Human Factors Psychologists and Engineers: Problems and Solutions

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    Communication between Human Factors Psychologists and Engineers: Problems and Solutions K. Stowers University of Central Florida The field of human factors psychology has become increasingly diverse over the years, with professionals today being involved in several domains including education, healthcare, aviation, and military operation. Given the diversification of domains being explored in the field of human factors, it is commonplace to find human factors psychologists working in teams alongside engineers, computer programmers, doctors, or teachers. Such interdisciplinary teams can face many challenges, especially when it comes to the smooth execution of project tasks. For example, one case study indicated that two common disadvantages to multidisciplinary work in human-computer interaction are (1) lack of a unified view and (2) loss of focus (de Paula & Barbosa, 2004). It may be that the underlying cause of such “disadvantages” lies in issues with communication. After all, it has been found that certain types of interdisciplinary teams may have trouble with communication between members from different professional backgrounds (Bunderson & Sutcliffe, 2002). Of particular importance today are interdisciplinary teams involving human factors psychologists and engineers who often have to work together to win the never-ending race to technological perfection. Human factors psychologists and engineers may work together on a variety of problems, including the creation of intelligent agents, interfaces, and performance standards. Many of these problems may involve safety-critical aspects, making it imperative for human factors psychologists and engineers to succeed in their joint efforts to perform well as a team to attain high technological safety and performance. However, as stated above, communication issues could impede this process. The primary purpose of this presentation is thus to explore problems that may arise in communication between these two types of functionally diverse professionals – human factors psychologists and engineers – and pose possible solutions that may aid in their communication. A secondary goal of this presentation is to advocate for more research into communication between human factors psychologists and engineers in order to identify problems and create solutions that can help these teams work more effectively. References: Bunderson, J. S., & Sutcliffe, K. M. (2002). Comparing alternative conceptualizations of functional diversity in management teams: Process and performance effects. Academy of management journal, 45(5), 875-893. de Paula, M. G., Barbosa, S. D. J., & de Lucena, C. J. P. (2005, October). Conveying human-computer interaction concerns to software engineers through an interaction model. In Proceedings of the 2005 Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 109-119). ACM