15 research outputs found

    Convex Optimization In Identification Of Stable Non-Linear State Space Models

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    A new framework for nonlinear system identification is presented in terms of optimal fitting of stable nonlinear state space equations to input/output/state data, with a performance objective defined as a measure of robustness of the simulation error with respect to equation errors. Basic definitions and analytical results are presented. The utility of the method is illustrated on a simple simulation example as well as experimental recordings from a live neuron.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure, elaboration of same-title paper in 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Contro

    Output-Feedback Control of Nonlinear Systems using Control Contraction Metrics and Convex Optimization

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    Control contraction metrics (CCMs) are a new approach to nonlinear control design based on contraction theory. The resulting design problems are expressed as pointwise linear matrix inequalities and are and well-suited to solution via convex optimization. In this paper, we extend the theory on CCMs by showing that a pair of "dual" observer and controller problems can be solved using pointwise linear matrix inequalities, and that when a solution exists a separation principle holds. That is, a stabilizing output-feedback controller can be found. The procedure is demonstrated using a benchmark problem of nonlinear control: the Moore-Greitzer jet engine compressor model.Comment: Conference submissio

    Input Design for System Identification via Convex Relaxation

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    This paper proposes a new framework for the optimization of excitation inputs for system identification. The optimization problem considered is to maximize a reduced Fisher information matrix in any of the classical D-, E-, or A-optimal senses. In contrast to the majority of published work on this topic, we consider the problem in the time domain and subject to constraints on the amplitude of the input signal. This optimization problem is nonconvex. The main result of the paper is a convex relaxation that gives an upper bound accurate to within 2/Ï€2/\pi of the true maximum. A randomized algorithm is presented for finding a feasible solution which, in a certain sense is expected to be at least 2/Ï€2/\pi as informative as the globally optimal input signal. In the case of a single constraint on input power, the proposed approach recovers the true global optimum exactly. Extensions to situations with both power and amplitude constraints on both inputs and outputs are given. A simple simulation example illustrates the technique.Comment: Preprint submitted for journal publication, extended version of a paper at 2010 IEEE Conference on Decision and Contro

    Contracting Nonlinear Observers: Convex Optimization and Learning from Data

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    A new approach to design of nonlinear observers (state estimators) is proposed. The main idea is to (i) construct a convex set of dynamical systems which are contracting observers for a particular system, and (ii) optimize over this set for one which minimizes a bound on state-estimation error on a simulated noisy data set. We construct convex sets of continuous-time and discrete-time observers, as well as contracting sampled-data observers for continuous-time systems. Convex bounds for learning are constructed using Lagrangian relaxation. The utility of the proposed methods are verified using numerical simulation.Comment: conference submissio

    Transverse Contraction Criteria for Existence, Stability, and Robustness of a Limit Cycle

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    This paper derives a differential contraction condition for the existence of an orbitally-stable limit cycle in an autonomous system. This transverse contraction condition can be represented as a pointwise linear matrix inequality (LMI), thus allowing convex optimization tools such as sum-of-squares programming to be used to search for certificates of the existence of a stable limit cycle. Many desirable properties of contracting dynamics are extended to this context, including preservation of contraction under a broad class of interconnections. In addition, by introducing the concepts of differential dissipativity and transverse differential dissipativity, contraction and transverse contraction can be established for large scale systems via LMI conditions on component subsystems.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Conference submissio

    Stable Nonlinear Identification From Noisy Repeated Experiments via Convex Optimization

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    This paper introduces new techniques for using convex optimization to fit input-output data to a class of stable nonlinear dynamical models. We present an algorithm that guarantees consistent estimates of models in this class when a small set of repeated experiments with suitably independent measurement noise is available. Stability of the estimated models is guaranteed without any assumptions on the input-output data. We first present a convex optimization scheme for identifying stable state-space models from empirical moments. Next, we provide a method for using repeated experiments to remove the effect of noise on these moment and model estimates. The technique is demonstrated on a simple simulated example

    Recurrent Equilibrium Networks: Flexible Dynamic Models with Guaranteed Stability and Robustness

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    This paper introduces recurrent equilibrium networks (RENs), a new class of nonlinear dynamical models for applications in machine learning, system identification and control. The new model class has ``built in'' guarantees of stability and robustness: all models in the class are contracting - a strong form of nonlinear stability - and models can satisfy prescribed incremental integral quadratic constraints (IQC), including Lipschitz bounds and incremental passivity. RENs are otherwise very flexible: they can represent all stable linear systems, all previously-known sets of contracting recurrent neural networks and echo state networks, all deep feedforward neural networks, and all stable Wiener/Hammerstein models. RENs are parameterized directly by a vector in R^N, i.e. stability and robustness are ensured without parameter constraints, which simplifies learning since generic methods for unconstrained optimization can be used. The performance and robustness of the new model set is evaluated on benchmark nonlinear system identification problems, and the paper also presents applications in data-driven nonlinear observer design and control with stability guarantees.Comment: Journal submission, extended version of conference paper (v1 of this arxiv preprint