8 research outputs found

    Converse Barrier Certificates for Finite-time Safety Verification of Continuous-time Perturbed Deterministic Systems

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    In this paper, we investigate the problem of verifying the finite-time safety of continuous-time perturbed deterministic systems represented by ordinary differential equations in the presence of measurable disturbances. Given a finite time horizon, if the system is safe, it, starting from a compact initial set, will remain within an open and bounded safe region throughout the specified time horizon, regardless of the disturbances. The main contribution of this work is to uncover that there exists a time-dependent barrier certificate if and only if the system is safe. This barrier certificate satisfies the following conditions: negativity over the initial set at the initial time instant, non-negativity over the boundary of the safe set, and non-increasing behavior along the system dynamics over the specified finite time horizon. The existence problem is explored using a Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation, which has a unique Lipschitz viscosity solution

    Lyapunov-Barrier Characterization of Robust Reach-Avoid-Stay Specifications for Hybrid Systems

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    Stability, reachability, and safety are crucial properties of dynamical systems. While verification and control synthesis of reach-avoid-stay objectives can be effectively handled by abstraction-based formal methods, such approaches can be computationally expensive due to the use of state-space discretization. In contrast, Lyapunov methods qualitatively characterize stability and safety properties without any state-space discretization. Recent work on converse Lyapunov-barrier theorems also demonstrates an approximate completeness or verifying reach-avoid-stay specifications of systems modelled by nonlinear differential equations. In this paper, based on the topology of hybrid arcs, we extend the Lyapunov-barrier characterization to more general hybrid systems described by differential and difference inclusions. We show that Lyapunov-barrier functions are not only sufficient to guarantee reach-avoid-stay specifications for well-posed hybrid systems, but also necessary for arbitrarily slightly perturbed systems under mild conditions. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the main results

    Learning safe neural network controllers with barrier certificates

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    We provide a new approach to synthesize controllers for nonlinear continuous dynamical systems with control against safety properties. The controllers are based on neural networks (NNs). To certify the safety property we utilize barrier functions, which are represented by NNs as well. We train the controller-NN and barrier-NN simultaneously, achieving a verification-in-the-loop synthesis. We provide a prototype tool nncontroller with a number of case studies. The experiment results confirm the feasibility and efficacy of our approach