56 research outputs found

    Error Analysis of a Fully Discrete Projection Method for Magnetohydrodynamic System

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    In this paper, we develop and analyze a finite element projection method for magnetohydrodynamics equations in Lipschitz domain. A fully discrete scheme based on Euler semi-implicit method is proposed, in which continuous elements are used to approximate the Navier–Stokes equations and H(curl) conforming Nédélec edge elements are used to approximate the magnetic equation. One key point of the projection method is to be compatible with two different spaces for calculating velocity, which leads one to obtain the pressure by solving a Poisson equation. The results show that the proposed projection scheme meets a discrete energy stability. In addition, with the help of a proper regularity hypothesis for the exact solution, this paper provides a rigorous optimal error analysis of velocity, pressure and magnetic induction. Finally, several numerical examples are performed to demonstrate both accuracy and efficiency of our proposed scheme

    Robust Preconditioners for Incompressible MHD Models

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    In this paper, we develop two classes of robust preconditioners for the structure-preserving discretization of the incompressible magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) system. By studying the well-posedness of the discrete system, we design block preconditioners for them and carry out rigorous analysis on their performance. We prove that such preconditioners are robust with respect to most physical and discretization parameters. In our proof, we improve the existing estimates of the block triangular preconditioners for saddle point problems by removing the scaling parameters, which are usually difficult to choose in practice. This new technique is not only applicable to the MHD system, but also to other problems. Moreover, we prove that Krylov iterative methods with our preconditioners preserve the divergence-free condition exactly, which complements the structure-preserving discretization. Another feature is that we can directly generalize this technique to other discretizations of the MHD system. We also present preliminary numerical results to support the theoretical results and demonstrate the robustness of the proposed preconditioners

    Convergent finite element discretizations of the nonstationary incompressible magnetohydrodynamics system

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    The incompressible MHD equations couple Navier-Stokes equations with Maxwell's equations to describe the flow of a viscous, incompressible, and electrically conducting fluid in a Lipschitz domain Ω⊂R3\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^3. We verify convergence of iterates of different coupling and decoupling fully discrete schemes towards weak solutions for vanishing discretization parameters. Optimal first order of convergence is shown in the presence of strong solutions for a splitting scheme which decouples the computation of velocity field, pressure, and magnetic fields at every iteration step
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