14,264 research outputs found

    Discontinuous Galerkin finite element approximation of non-divergence form elliptic equations with Cordes coefficients

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    Non-divergence form elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficients do not generally posses a weak formulation, thus presenting an obstacle to their numerical solution by classical finite element methods. We propose a new hphp-version discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for a class of these problems that satisfy the Cordes condition. It is shown that the method exhibits a convergence rate that is optimal with respect to the mesh size hh and suboptimal with respect to the polynomial degree pp by only half an order. Numerical experiments demonstrate the accuracy of the method and illustrate the potential of exponential convergence under hphp-refinement for problems with discontinuous coefficients and nonsmooth solutions

    Variational Convergence of IP-DGFEM

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    In this paper, we develop the theory required to perform a variational convergence analysis for discontinuous Galerkin nite element methods when applied to minimization problems. For Sobolev indices in [1;āˆž)\left[1;\infty\right), we prove generalizations of many techniques of classical analysis in Sobolev spaces and apply them to a typical energy minimization problem for which we prove convergence of a variational interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin nite element method (VIPDGFEM). Our main tool in this analysis is a theorem which allows the extraction of a "weakly" converging subsequence of a family of discrete solutions and which shows that any "weak limit" is a Sobolev function

    Convergence of the Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Discontinuous Solutions

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    Bilinear Immersed Finite Elements for Interface Problems

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    In this dissertation we discuss bilinear immersed finite elements (IFE) for solving interface problems. The related research works can be categorized into three aspects: (1) the construction of the bilinear immersed finite element spaces; (2) numerical methods based on these IFE spaces for solving interface problems; and (3) the corresponding error analysis. All of these together form a solid foundation for the bilinear IFEs. The research on immersed finite elements is motivated by many real world applications, in which a simulation domain is often formed by several materials separated from each other by curves or surfaces while a mesh independent of interface instead of a body-fitting mesh is preferred. The bilinear IFE spaces are nonconforming finite element spaces and the mesh can be independent of interface. The error estimates for the interpolation of a Sobolev function in a bilinear IFE space indicate that this space has the usual approximation capability expected from bilinear polynomials, which is O(h2) in L2 norm and O(h) in H1 norm. Then the immersed spaces are applied in Galerkin, finite volume element (FVE) and discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods for solving interface problems. Numerical examples show that these methods based on the bilinear IFE spaces have the same optimal convergence rates as those based on the standard bilinear finite element for solutions with certain smoothness. For the symmetric selective immersed discontinuous Galerkin method based on bilinear IFE, we have established its optimal convergence rate. For the Galerkin method based on bilinear IFE, we have also established its convergence. One of the important advantages of the discontinuous Galerkin method is its flexibility for both p and h mesh refinement. Because IFEs can use a mesh independent of interface, such as a structured mesh, the combination of a DG method and IFEs allows a flexible adaptive mesh independent of interface to be used for solving interface problems. That is, a mesh independent of interface can be refined wherever needed, such as around the interface and the singular source. We also develop an efficient selective immersed discontinuous Galerkin method. It uses the sophisticated discontinuous Galerkin formulation only around the locations needed, but uses the simpler Galerkin formulation everywhere else. This selective formulation leads to an algebraic system with far less unknowns than the immersed DG method without scarifying the accuracy; hence it is far more efficient than the conventional discontinuous Galerkin formulations

    Numerical Methods for Non-divergence Form Second Order Linear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations and Discontinuous Ritz Methods for Problems from the Calculus of Variations

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    This dissertation consists of three integral parts. Part one studies discontinuous Galerkin approximations of a class of non-divergence form second order linear elliptic PDEs whose coefficients are only continuous. An interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin (IP-DG) method is developed for this class of PDEs. A complete analysis of the proposed IP-DG method is carried out, which includes proving the stability and error estimate in a discrete W2;p-norm [W^2,p-norm]. Part one also studies the convergence of the vanishing moment method for this class of PDEs. The vanishing moment method refers to a PDE technique for approximating these PDEs by a family of fourth order PDEs. Detailed proofs of uniform H1 [H^1] and H2 [H^2]-stability estimates for the approximate solutions and their convergence are presented. Part two studies finite element approximations of a class of calculus of variations problems which exhibit so-called Lavrentiev gap phenomenon (LGP), whose solutions often contain singularities. The LGP incapacitates all standard numerical methods, especially the finite element method, as they fail to produce a correct approximate solution. To overcome the difficulty, an enhanced finite element method based on a truncation technique is developed in this part of the dissertation. The proposed enhanced finite element method is shown to numerically converge on several benchmark problems with the LGP. Part three of the dissertation develops a discontinuous Galerkin numerical framework for general calculus of variations problems, which is called the discontinuous Ritz (DR) methodology and can be regarded as the counterpart of the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methodology for PDEs. Conceptually, it approximates the admissible space by the DG spaces which consist of totally discontinuous piecewise polynomials and approximates the underlying energy functional by discrete energy functionals defined on the DG spaces. The main idea here is to construct the desired discrete energy functional by using the newly developed DG finite element calculus theory, which only requires replacing the gradient operator in the energy functional by the corresponding DG finite element discrete gradient and adding the standard interior penalty terms. It is shown that for a certain class of functionals the proposed DR method does indeed converge to the true solution

    A Class of Embedded DG Methods for Dirichlet Boundary Control of Convection Diffusion PDEs

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    We investigated an hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method for a convection diffusion Dirichlet boundary control problem in our earlier work [SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 56 (2018) 2262-2287] and obtained an optimal convergence rate for the control under some assumptions on the desired state and the domain. In this work, we obtain the same convergence rate for the control using a class of embedded DG methods proposed by Nguyen, Peraire and Cockburn [J. Comput. Phys. vol. 302 (2015), pp. 674-692] for simulating fluid flows. Since the global system for embedded DG methods uses continuous elements, the number of degrees of freedom for the embedded DG methods are smaller than the HDG method, which uses discontinuous elements for the global system. Moreover, we introduce a new simpler numerical analysis technique to handle low regularity solutions of the boundary control problem. We present some numerical experiments to confirm our theoretical results

    Analysis of a discontinuous Galerkin method for heterogeneous diffusion problems with low-regularity solutions

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    International audienceWe study the convergence of the Symmetric Weighted Interior Penalty discontinuous Galerkin method for heterogeneous diffusion problems with low-regularity solutions only belonging to W2,pW^{2,p} with pāˆˆ(1,2]p\in(1,2]. In 2d we infer an optimal algebraic convergence rate. In 3d we achieve the same result for p>\nicefrac65 , and for p\in(1,\nicefrac65] we prove convergence without algebraic rate
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