314 research outputs found

    Energy-Efficient Coordinated Multi-Cell Multigroup Multicast Beamforming with Antenna Selection

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    This paper studies energy-efficient coordinated beamforming in multi-cell multi-user multigroup multicast multiple-input single-output systems. We aim at maximizing the network energy efficiency by taking into account the fact that some of the radio frequency chains can be switched off in order to save power. We consider the antenna specific maximum power constraints to avoid non-linear distortion in power amplifiers and user-specific quality of service (QoS) constraints to guarantee a certain QoS levels. We first introduce binary antenna selection variables and use the perspective formulation to model the relation between them and the beamformers. Subsequently, we propose a new formulation which reduces the feasible set of the continuous relaxation, resulting in better performance compared to the original perspective formulation based problem. However, the resulting optimization problem is a mixed-Boolean non-convex fractional program, which is difficult to solve. We follow the standard continuous relaxation of the binary antenna selection variables, and then reformulate the problem such that it is amendable to successive convex approximation. Thereby, solving the continuous relaxation mostly results in near-binary solution. To recover the binary variables from the continuous relaxation, we switch off all the antennas for which the continuous values are smaller than a small threshold. Numerical results illustrate the superior convergence result and significant achievable gains in terms of energy efficiency with the proposed algorithm.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted to IEEE ICC 2017 - International Workshop on 5G RAN Desig

    A Developmental Organization for Robot Behavior

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    This paper focuses on exploring how learning and development can be structured in synthetic (robot) systems. We present a developmental assembler for constructing reusable and temporally extended actions in a sequence. The discussion adopts the traditions of dynamic pattern theory in which behavior is an artifact of coupled dynamical systems with a number of controllable degrees of freedom. In our model, the events that delineate control decisions are derived from the pattern of (dis)equilibria on a working subset of sensorimotor policies. We show how this architecture can be used to accomplish sequential knowledge gathering and representation tasks and provide examples of the kind of developmental milestones that this approach has already produced in our lab

    An Algorithm for Global Maximization of Secrecy Rates in Gaussian MIMO Wiretap Channels

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    Optimal signaling for secrecy rate maximization in Gaussian MIMO wiretap channels is considered. While this channel has attracted a significant attention recently and a number of results have been obtained, including the proof of the optimality of Gaussian signalling, an optimal transmit covariance matrix is known for some special cases only and the general case remains an open problem. An iterative custom-made algorithm to find a globally-optimal transmit covariance matrix in the general case is developed in this paper, with guaranteed convergence to a \textit{global} optimum. While the original optimization problem is not convex and hence difficult to solve, its minimax reformulation can be solved via the convex optimization tools, which is exploited here. The proposed algorithm is based on the barrier method extended to deal with a minimax problem at hand. Its convergence to a global optimum is proved for the general case (degraded or not) and a bound for the optimality gap is given for each step of the barrier method. The performance of the algorithm is demonstrated via numerical examples. In particular, 20 to 40 Newton steps are already sufficient to solve the sufficient optimality conditions with very high precision (up to the machine precision level), even for large systems. Even fewer steps are required if the secrecy capacity is the only quantity of interest. The algorithm can be significantly simplified for the degraded channel case and can also be adopted to include the per-antenna power constraints (instead or in addition to the total power constraint). It also solves the dual problem of minimizing the total power subject to the secrecy rate constraint.Comment: accepted by IEEE Transactions on Communication

    A proof of convergence of a finite volume scheme for modified steady Richards’ equation describing transport processes in the pressing section of a paper machine

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    A number of water flow problems in porous media are modelled by Richards’ equation [1]. There exist a lot of different applications of this model. We are concerned with the simulation of the pressing section of a paper machine. This part of the industrial process provides the dewatering of the paper layer by the use of clothings, i.e. press felts, which absorb the water during pressing [2]. A system of nips are formed in the simplest case by rolls, which increase sheet dryness by pressing against each other (see Figure 1). A lot of theoretical studies were done for Richards’ equation (see [3], [4] and references therein). Most articles consider the case of x-independent coefficients. This simplifies the system considerably since, after Kirchhoff’s transformation of the problem, the elliptic operator becomes linear. In our case this condition is not satisfied and we have to consider nonlinear operator of second order. Moreover, all these articles are concerned with the nonstationary problem, while we are interested in the stationary case. Due to complexity of the physical process our problem has a specific feature. An additional convective term appears in our model because the porous media moves with the constant velocity through the pressing rolls. This term is zero in immobile porous media. We are not aware of papers, which deal with such kind of modified steady Richards’ problem. The goal of this paper is to obtain the stability results, to show the existence of a solution to the discrete problem, to prove the convergence of the approximate solution to the weak solution of the modified steady Richards’ equation, which describes the transport processes in the pressing section. In Section 2 we present the model which we consider. In Section 3 a numerical scheme obtained by the finite volume method is given. The main part of this paper is theoretical studies, which are given in Section 4. Section 5 presents a numerical experiment. The conclusion of this work is given in Section 6

    Bioelectronic Sensor Nodes for Internet of Bodies

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    Energy-efficient sensing with Physically-secure communication for bio-sensors on, around and within the Human Body is a major area of research today for development of low-cost healthcare, enabling continuous monitoring and/or secure, perpetual operation. These devices, when used as a network of nodes form the Internet of Bodies (IoB), which poses certain challenges including stringent resource constraints (power/area/computation/memory), simultaneous sensing and communication, and security vulnerabilities as evidenced by the DHS and FDA advisories. One other major challenge is to find an efficient on-body energy harvesting method to support the sensing, communication, and security sub-modules. Due to the limitations in the harvested amount of energy, we require reduction of energy consumed per unit information, making the use of in-sensor analytics/processing imperative. In this paper, we review the challenges and opportunities in low-power sensing, processing and communication, with possible powering modalities for future bio-sensor nodes. Specifically, we analyze, compare and contrast (a) different sensing mechanisms such as voltage/current domain vs time-domain, (b) low-power, secure communication modalities including wireless techniques and human-body communication, and (c) different powering techniques for both wearable devices and implants.Comment: 30 pages, 5 Figures. This is a pre-print version of the article which has been accepted for Publication in Volume 25 of the Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering (2023). Only Personal Use is Permitte

    Using the Sharp Operator for edge detection and nonlinear diffusion

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    In this paper we investigate the use of the sharp function known from functional analysis in image processing. The sharp function gives a measure of the variations of a function and can be used as an edge detector. We extend the classical notion of the sharp function for measuring anisotropic behaviour and give a fast anisotropic edge detection variant inspired by the sharp function. We show that these edge detection results are useful to steer isotropic and anisotropic nonlinear diffusion filters for image enhancement
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