7,902 research outputs found

    Convergence of some leader election algorithms

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    We start with a set of n players. With some probability P(n,k), we kill n-k players; the other ones stay alive, and we repeat with them. What is the distribution of the number X_n of phases (or rounds) before getting only one player? We present a probabilistic analysis of this algorithm under some conditions on the probability distributions P(n,k), including stochastic monotonicity and the assumption that roughly a fixed proportion alpha of the players survive in each round. We prove a kind of convergence in distribution for X_n-log_a n, where the basis a=1/alpha; as in many other similar problems there are oscillations and no true limit distribution, but suitable subsequences converge, and there is an absolutely continuous random variable Z such that the distribution of X_n can be approximated by Z+log_a n rounded to the nearest larger integer. Applications of the general result include the leader election algorithm where players are eliminated by independent coin tosses and a variation of the leader election algorithm proposed by W.R. Franklin. We study the latter algorithm further, including numerical results.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, 5 table

    Convergence of some leader election algorithms

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    We start with a set of nn players. With some probability P(n,k)P(n,k), we kill nkn-k players; the other ones stay alive, and we repeat with them. What is the distribution of the number XnX_n of \emph{phases} (or rounds) before getting only one player? We present a probabilistic analysis of this algorithm under some conditions on the probability distributions P(n,k)P(n,k), including stochastic monotonicity and the assumption that roughly a fixed proportion \al of the players survive in each round. We prove a kind of convergence in distribution for Xnlog1/ ⁣α(n)X_n - \log_{1/\!\alpha}(n); as in many other similar problems there are oscillations and no true limit distribution, but suitable subsequences converge, and there is an absolutely continuous random variable ZZ such that d\l(X_n, \lceil Z + \log_{1/\!\alpha} (n)\rceil\r) \to 0, where dd is either the total variation distance or the Wasserstein distance. Applications of the general result include the leader election algorithm where players are eliminated by independent coin tosses and a variation of the leader election algorithm proposed by W.R. Franklin. We study the latter algorithm further, including numerical results

    Randomization Adaptive Self-Stabilization

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    We present a scheme to convert self-stabilizing algorithms that use randomization during and following convergence to self-stabilizing algorithms that use randomization only during convergence. We thus reduce the number of random bits from an infinite number to a bounded number. The scheme is applicable to the cases in which there exits a local predicate for each node, such that global consistency is implied by the union of the local predicates. We demonstrate our scheme over the token circulation algorithm of Herman and the recent constant time Byzantine self-stabilizing clock synchronization algorithm by Ben-Or, Dolev and Hoch. The application of our scheme results in the first constant time Byzantine self-stabilizing clock synchronization algorithm that uses a bounded number of random bits

    Automated Synthesis of Distributed Self-Stabilizing Protocols

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    In this paper, we introduce an SMT-based method that automatically synthesizes a distributed self-stabilizing protocol from a given high-level specification and network topology. Unlike existing approaches, where synthesis algorithms require the explicit description of the set of legitimate states, our technique only needs the temporal behavior of the protocol. We extend our approach to synthesize ideal-stabilizing protocols, where every state is legitimate. We also extend our technique to synthesize monotonic-stabilizing protocols, where during recovery, each process can execute an most once one action. Our proposed methods are fully implemented and we report successful synthesis of well-known protocols such as Dijkstra's token ring, a self-stabilizing version of Raymond's mutual exclusion algorithm, ideal-stabilizing leader election and local mutual exclusion, as well as monotonic-stabilizing maximal independent set and distributed Grundy coloring

    Efficient size estimation and impossibility of termination in uniform dense population protocols

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    We study uniform population protocols: networks of anonymous agents whose pairwise interactions are chosen at random, where each agent uses an identical transition algorithm that does not depend on the population size nn. Many existing polylog(n)(n) time protocols for leader election and majority computation are nonuniform: to operate correctly, they require all agents to be initialized with an approximate estimate of nn (specifically, the exact value logn\lfloor \log n \rfloor). Our first main result is a uniform protocol for calculating log(n)±O(1)\log(n) \pm O(1) with high probability in O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) time and O(log4n)O(\log^4 n) states (O(loglogn)O(\log \log n) bits of memory). The protocol is converging but not terminating: it does not signal when the estimate is close to the true value of logn\log n. If it could be made terminating, this would allow composition with protocols, such as those for leader election or majority, that require a size estimate initially, to make them uniform (though with a small probability of failure). We do show how our main protocol can be indirectly composed with others in a simple and elegant way, based on the leaderless phase clock, demonstrating that those protocols can in fact be made uniform. However, our second main result implies that the protocol cannot be made terminating, a consequence of a much stronger result: a uniform protocol for any task requiring more than constant time cannot be terminating even with probability bounded above 0, if infinitely many initial configurations are dense: any state present initially occupies Ω(n)\Omega(n) agents. (In particular, no leader is allowed.) Crucially, the result holds no matter the memory or time permitted. Finally, we show that with an initial leader, our size-estimation protocol can be made terminating with high probability, with the same asymptotic time and space bounds.Comment: Using leaderless phase cloc

    Leader election: A Markov chain approach

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    A well-studied randomized election algorithm proceeds as follows: In each round the remaining candidates each toss a coin and leave the competition if they obtain heads. Of interest is the number of rounds required and the number of winners, both related to maxima of geometric random samples, as well as the number of remaining participants as a function of the number of rounds. We introduce two related Markov chains and use ideas and methods from discrete potential theory to analyse the respective asymptotic behaviour as the initial number of participants grows. One of the tools used is the approach via the R\'enyi-Sukhatme representation of exponential order statistics, which was first used in the leader election context by Bruss and Gr\"ubel in \cite{BrGr03}