24 research outputs found

    Semilocal Convergence Analysis for Inexact Newton Method under Weak Condition

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    Under the hypothesis that the first derivative satisfies some kind of weak Lipschitz conditions, a new semilocal convergence theorem for inexact Newton method is presented. Unified convergence criteria ensuring the convergence of inexact Newton method are also established. Applications to some special cases such as the Kantorovich type conditions and γ-Conditions are provided and some well-known convergence theorems for Newton's method are obtained as corollaries

    On the convergence of a damped-secant method with modified right-hand side vector

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    [EN] We present a convergence analysis for a Damped Secant method with modified right-hand side vector in order to approximate a locally unique solution of a nonlinear equation in a Banach spaces setting. In the special case when the method is defined on Ri , our method provides computable error estimates based on the initial data. Such estimates were not given in relevant studies such as (Herceg et al., 1996; Krejic´, 2002). Numerical examples further validating the theoretical results are also presented in this study.The authors thank to the anonymous referee for his/her valuable comments and for the suggestions to improve the final version of the paper. This work is partially supported by UNIR Research Support Strategy 2013-2015, under the CYBERSE-CURITICS.es Research Group [http://research.unir.net].Argyros, IK.; Cordero Barbero, A.; Magreñán Ruiz, ÁA.; Torregrosa Sánchez, JR. (2015). On the convergence of a damped-secant method with modified right-hand side vector. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 252:315-323. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2014.12.029S31532325

    On the local convergence of inexact Newton-type methods under residual control-type conditions

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    AbstractA local convergence analysis of inexact Newton-type methods using a new type of residual control was recently presented by C. Li and W. Shen. Here, we introduce the center-Hölder condition on the operator involved, and use it in combination with the Hölder condition to provide a new local convergence analysis with the following advantages: larger radius of convergence, and tighter error bounds on the distances involved. These results are obtained under the same hypotheses and computational cost. Numerical examples further validating the theoretical results are also provided in this study