869 research outputs found

    Convergence analysis of Riemannian Gauss-Newton methods and its connection with the geometric condition number

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    We obtain estimates of the multiplicative constants appearing in local convergence results of the Riemannian Gauss-Newton method for least squares problems on manifolds and relate them to the geometric condition number of [P. B\"urgisser and F. Cucker, Condition: The Geometry of Numerical Algorithms, 2013]

    Tensor Completion via Tensor Train Based Low-Rank Quotient Geometry under a Preconditioned Metric

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    This paper investigates the low-rank tensor completion problem, which is about recovering a tensor from partially observed entries. We consider this problem in the tensor train format and extend the preconditioned metric from the matrix case to the tensor case. The first-order and second-order quotient geometry of the manifold of fixed tensor train rank tensors under this metric is studied in detail. Algorithms, including Riemannian gradient descent, Riemannian conjugate gradient, and Riemannian Gauss-Newton, have been proposed for the tensor completion problem based on the quotient geometry. It has also been shown that the Riemannian Gauss-Newton method on the quotient geometry is equivalent to the Riemannian Gauss-Newton method on the embedded geometry with a specific retraction. Empirical evaluations on random instances as well as on function-related tensors show that the proposed algorithms are competitive with other existing algorithms in terms of recovery ability, convergence performance, and reconstruction quality.Comment: The manuscript has been adjusted in several place

    A Riemannian Trust Region Method for the Canonical Tensor Rank Approximation Problem

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    The canonical tensor rank approximation problem (TAP) consists of approximating a real-valued tensor by one of low canonical rank, which is a challenging non-linear, non-convex, constrained optimization problem, where the constraint set forms a non-smooth semi-algebraic set. We introduce a Riemannian Gauss-Newton method with trust region for solving small-scale, dense TAPs. The novelty of our approach is threefold. First, we parametrize the constraint set as the Cartesian product of Segre manifolds, hereby formulating the TAP as a Riemannian optimization problem, and we argue why this parametrization is among the theoretically best possible. Second, an original ST-HOSVD-based retraction operator is proposed. Third, we introduce a hot restart mechanism that efficiently detects when the optimization process is tending to an ill-conditioned tensor rank decomposition and which often yields a quick escape path from such spurious decompositions. Numerical experiments show improvements of up to three orders of magnitude in terms of the expected time to compute a successful solution over existing state-of-the-art methods

    The geometric mean of two matrices from a computational viewpoint

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    The geometric mean of two matrices is considered and analyzed from a computational viewpoint. Some useful theoretical properties are derived and an analysis of the conditioning is performed. Several numerical algorithms based on different properties and representation of the geometric mean are discussed and analyzed and it is shown that most of them can be classified in terms of the rational approximations of the inverse square root functions. A review of the relevant applications is given

    Preconditioned low-rank Riemannian optimization for linear systems with tensor product structure

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    The numerical solution of partial differential equations on high-dimensional domains gives rise to computationally challenging linear systems. When using standard discretization techniques, the size of the linear system grows exponentially with the number of dimensions, making the use of classic iterative solvers infeasible. During the last few years, low-rank tensor approaches have been developed that allow to mitigate this curse of dimensionality by exploiting the underlying structure of the linear operator. In this work, we focus on tensors represented in the Tucker and tensor train formats. We propose two preconditioned gradient methods on the corresponding low-rank tensor manifolds: A Riemannian version of the preconditioned Richardson method as well as an approximate Newton scheme based on the Riemannian Hessian. For the latter, considerable attention is given to the efficient solution of the resulting Newton equation. In numerical experiments, we compare the efficiency of our Riemannian algorithms with other established tensor-based approaches such as a truncated preconditioned Richardson method and the alternating linear scheme. The results show that our approximate Riemannian Newton scheme is significantly faster in cases when the application of the linear operator is expensive.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Recursive Importance Sketching for Rank Constrained Least Squares: Algorithms and High-order Convergence

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    In this paper, we propose a new {\it \underline{R}ecursive} {\it \underline{I}mportance} {\it \underline{S}ketching} algorithm for {\it \underline{R}ank} constrained least squares {\it \underline{O}ptimization} (RISRO). As its name suggests, the algorithm is based on a new sketching framework, recursive importance sketching. Several existing algorithms in the literature can be reinterpreted under the new sketching framework and RISRO offers clear advantages over them. RISRO is easy to implement and computationally efficient, where the core procedure in each iteration is only solving a dimension reduced least squares problem. Different from numerous existing algorithms with locally geometric convergence rate, we establish the local quadratic-linear and quadratic rate of convergence for RISRO under some mild conditions. In addition, we discover a deep connection of RISRO to Riemannian manifold optimization on fixed rank matrices. The effectiveness of RISRO is demonstrated in two applications in machine learning and statistics: low-rank matrix trace regression and phase retrieval. Simulation studies demonstrate the superior numerical performance of RISRO

    Low-rank Tensor Estimation via Riemannian Gauss-Newton: Statistical Optimality and Second-Order Convergence

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    In this paper, we consider the estimation of a low Tucker rank tensor from a number of noisy linear measurements. The general problem covers many specific examples arising from applications, including tensor regression, tensor completion, and tensor PCA/SVD. We consider an efficient Riemannian Gauss-Newton (RGN) method for low Tucker rank tensor estimation. Different from the generic (super)linear convergence guarantee of RGN in the literature, we prove the first local quadratic convergence guarantee of RGN for low-rank tensor estimation in the noisy setting under some regularity conditions and provide the corresponding estimation error upper bounds. A deterministic estimation error lower bound, which matches the upper bound, is provided that demonstrates the statistical optimality of RGN. The merit of RGN is illustrated through two machine learning applications: tensor regression and tensor SVD. Finally, we provide the simulation results to corroborate our theoretical findings
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