3 research outputs found

    Trading Safety Versus Performance: Rapid Deployment of Robotic Swarms with Robust Performance Constraints

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    In this paper we consider a stochastic deployment problem, where a robotic swarm is tasked with the objective of positioning at least one robot at each of a set of pre-assigned targets while meeting a temporal deadline. Travel times and failure rates are stochastic but related, inasmuch as failure rates increase with speed. To maximize chances of success while meeting the deadline, a control strategy has therefore to balance safety and performance. Our approach is to cast the problem within the theory of constrained Markov Decision Processes, whereby we seek to compute policies that maximize the probability of successful deployment while ensuring that the expected duration of the task is bounded by a given deadline. To account for uncertainties in the problem parameters, we consider a robust formulation and we propose efficient solution algorithms, which are of independent interest. Numerical experiments confirming our theoretical results are presented and discussed

    Rapid Multirobot Deployment with Time Constraints

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    Abstract-In this paper we consider the problem of multirobot deployment under temporal deadlines. The objective is to compute strategies trading off safety for speed in order to maximize the probability of reaching a given set of target locations within a given temporal deadline. We formulate this problem using the theory of Constrained Markov Decision Processes and we show that thanks to this framework it is possible to determine deploying strategies maximizing the probability of success while satisfying a temporal deadline. Moreover, the formulation allows to exactly compute the failure probability of complex deployment tasks. Simulation results illustrate how the proposed method works in different scenarios and show how informed decisions can be made regarding the size of the robot team

    Controlled-mobile sensing simulator for indoor fire monitoring

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