7 research outputs found

    Reading Between the Lines: Verifying Mathematical Language

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    A great deal of work has been done on automatically generating automated proofs of formal statements. However, these systems tend to focus on logic-oriented statements and tactics as well as generating proofs in formal language. This project examines proofs written in natural language under a more general scope of mathematics. Furthermore, rather than attempting to generate natural language proofs for the purpose of solving problems, we automatically verify human-written proofs in natural language. To accomplish this, elements of discourse parsing, semantic interpretation, and application of an automated theorem prover are implemented

    A maturity model of evaluating requirements specification techniques

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    It is important to evaluate and understand the state-of-art technologies to position our research and invest our energy and resources in more effective ways. Unfortunately, no systematic approach has been introduced to evaluate the maturity of technologies except a few models such as Redwine/Riddle's model (Redwine and Riddle, 1985), which does not contain a significant concept, "goals" of technologies. A new goal-oriented, technology maturity evaluation model has been proposed in this present study. The model aids to measure how a technology meets the goal of the technology along with a well-defined procedure. The model has applied to evaluate the maturity of the requirements specification technology as a case study. The results showed that this approach promoted effectiveness of measuring the technology maturity and understanding the state-of-art technology

    Knowledge Representation in CGLF, CGIF, KIF, Frame-CG and Formalized-English

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    Simple Framework for Efficient Development of the Functional Requirement Verification-specific Language

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    Докторска теза анализира предлог за имплементацију верификације функционалних програмских захтева. Предмет истраживања је проналажење свих релевантних стандарда, препорука и најбољих пракси, а затим особина и функционалности прате дате стандарде и препоруке у области верификације. Истраживање потом проналази постојећа релевантна решења и њихову усклађеност са датим особинама и функционалностима. Резултат истраживања је развој доменски-специфичног језика за верификацију функсионалних програмских захтјева који имплементира све особине и функционалности чиме потврђује исправност концепта.Doktorska teza analizira predlog za implementaciju verifikacije funkcionalnih programskih zahteva. Predmet istraživanja je pronalaženje svih relevantnih standarda, preporuka i najboljih praksi, a zatim osobina i funkcionalnosti prate date standarde i preporuke u oblasti verifikacije. Istraživanje potom pronalazi postojeća relevantna rešenja i njihovu usklađenost sa datim osobinama i funkcionalnostima. Rezultat istraživanja je razvoj domenski-specifičnog jezika za verifikaciju funksionalnih programskih zahtjeva koji implementira sve osobine i funkcionalnosti čime potvrđuje ispravnost koncepta.The doctoral thesis analyzes the proposal for implementing the verification of functional software requirements. The subject of the research is to find all relevant standards, recommendations, and best practices, and then to examine the features and functionalities that follow the given standards and recommendations in the field of verification. The research then identifies existing relevant solutions and their compatibility with the given features and functionalities. The result of the research is the development of a domain-specific programming language for the verification of functional requitements that implements all the features and functionalities, thus confirming the correctness of the concept