196 research outputs found

    Controllability of nonlinear higher-order fractional damped stochastic systems involving multiple delays

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    This paper is concerned with the controllability problem for higher-order fractional damped stochastic systems with multiple delays, which involves fractional Caputo derivatives of any different orders. In the process of proof, we have proposed the controllability of considered linear system by establishing a controllability Grammian matrix and employing a control function. Sufficient conditions for the considered nonlinear system concerned to be controllable have been derived by constructing a proper control function and utilizing the Banach fixed point theorem with Burkholder–Davis–Gundy’s inequality. Finally, two examples are provided to emphasize the applicability of the derived results

    The damped vibrating string equation on the positive half-line

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    In this paper, the existence of a solution to the problem describing the small vertical vibration of an elastic string on the positive half-line is investigated in the case when both viscous and material damping coefficients are present. The result is obtained by transforming the original partial differential equation into an appropriate abstract second-order ordinary differential equation in a suitable infinite dimensional space. The abstract problem is then studied using the combination of the Kakutani fixed point theorem together with the approximation solvability method and the weak topology. The applied procedure enables obtaining the existence result also for problems depending on the first derivative, without any strict compactness assumptions put on the right-hand side and on the fundamental system generated by the linear term. The paper ends by applying the obtained result to the studied mathematical model describing the small vertical vibration of an elastic string with a nonlinear Balakrishnan–Taylor-type damping term

    Approximate controllability for some integrodifferential measure driven system with nonlocal conditions

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    In this work, we focus on a specific category of nonlocal integrodifferential equations. The development of a few new sufficient postulates that guarantee solvability and approxi- mative controllability is described here. We apply the theory of the resolvent operator in the sense of Grimmer, as well as the fixed point strategy and the theory of the Lebesgue-Stieljes integral, in the context of the space of regulated functions. In light of this, the prevalence of our findings is greater than that which is found in the literature. At last, and example is comprised that exhibits the significance of developed theory

    Controllability of nonlinear fractional Langevin delay systems

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    In this paper, we discuss the controllability of fractional Langevin delay dynamical systems represented by the fractional delay differential equations of order 0 < Î±,β â‰¤ 1. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the controllability of linear fractional Langevin delay dynamical system are obtained by using the Grammian matrix. Sufficient conditions for the controllability of the nonlinear delay dynamical systems are established by using the Schauders fixed-point theorem. The problem of controllability of linear and nonlinear fractional Langevin delay dynamical systems with multiple delays and distributed delays in control are studied by using the same technique. Examples are provided to illustrate the theory

    Mild Solutions of Second-Order Semilinear Impulsive Differential Inclusions in Banach Spaces

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    In this paper, the existence of a mild solution to the Cauchy problem for impulsive semi-linear second-order differential inclusion in a Banach space is investigated in the case when the nonlinear term also depends on the first derivative. This purpose is achieved by combining the Kakutani fixed point theorem with the approximation solvability method and the weak topology. This combination enables obtaining the result under easily verifiable and not restrictive conditions on the impulsive terms, the cosine family generated by the linear operator and the right-hand side while avoiding any requirement for compactness. Firstly, the problems without impulses are investigated, and then their solutions are glued together to construct the solution to the impulsive problem step by step. The paper concludes with an application of the obtained results to the generalized telegraph equation with a Balakrishnan–Taylor-type damping term

    Controllability of Second-Order Semilinear Impulsive Stochastic Neutral Functional Evolution Equations

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    We consider a class of impulsive neutral second-order stochastic functional evolution equations. The Sadovskii fixed point theorem and the theory of strongly continuous cosine families of operators are used to investigate the sufficient conditions for the controllability of the system considered. An example is provided to illustrate our results

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    Rev. iberoam. bioecon. cambio clim. Vol.1(1) 2015; 95-114Los cambios medioambientales globales hacen pensar en un aumento futuro de la aridez, por ello es necesario buscar alternativas que permitan un uso más eficiente del agua y reducir su consumo, teniendo en cuenta que es un recurso limitado. En la actualidad, aproximadamente el 59,7% del total de agua planificada para todos los usos en Cuba se utiliza en la agricultura, pero no más del 50% de esa agua se convierte directamente en productos agrícolas. El estudio de las funciones agua-rendimiento y su uso dentro de la planificación del agua para riego es una vía importante para trazar estrategias de manejo que contribuyan al incremento en la producción agrícola. Utilizando los datos de agua aplicada por riego y los rendimientos obtenidos en más de 100 experimentos de campo realizados fundamentalmente en suelo Ferralítico Rojo de la zona sur de La Habana y con ayuda de herramientas de análisis de regresión en este trabajo se estiman las funciones agua aplicada-rendimientos para algunos cultivos agrícolas y se analizan las posibles estrategias de optimización del riego a seguir en función de la disponibilidad de agua. Seleccionar una estrategia de máxima eficiencia del riego puede conducir a reducciones de agua a aplicar entre un 21,6 y 46,8%, incrementos de la productividad del agua entre 17 y 32% y de la relación beneficios/costo estimada de hasta un 3,4%. Lo anterior indica la importancia desde el punto de vista económico que puede llegar a alcanzar el uso de esta estrategia en condiciones de déficit hídrico. El conocimiento de las funciones agua aplicada por riego-rendimiento y el uso de la productividad del agua, resultan parámetros factibles de introducir como indicadores de eficiencia en el planeamiento del uso del agua en la agricultura, con lo cual es posible reducir los volúmenes de agua a aplicar y elevar la relación beneficio-costo actual.Rev. iberoam. bioecon. cambio clim. Vol.1(1) 2015; 95-11
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