5 research outputs found

    A state approach to the management of concurrent design task design of symmetrical woble plate compressor

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    This paper discusses how state space control concepts may be applied to the modelling and control of coupled, concurrent design tasks subjected to unexpected, dynamic disturbances. The Homogeneous State Space (HSS) model determines the natural response shape of the design process and predicts the number of iterations before all the design tasks are completed, while the Non-Homogeneous State-Space (NHSS) model precisely monitors and controls the stability and the convergence rate of each design task. The amount of additional work or resources required by each task at every stage of iteration can be determined; this facilitates workload distribution and resource allocation in design task planning and scheduling. A case study of the design of a new symmetrical wobble plate compressor is discussed to validate the proposed models in monitoring and controlling the stability of design tasks under the influence of unexpected disturbance

    Component-based records: a novel method to record transaction design work

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    The growing pressures from global competitive markets signal the inevitable challenge for companies to rapidly design and develop new successful products. To continually improve design quality and efficiency, companies must consider how to speed design processes, minimise human-errors, avoid unnecessary iterations, and sustain knowledge embedded in the design process. All of these issues strongly concern one topic: how to make and exploit records of design activities. Using process modelling ideas, this paper introduces a new method called component-based records, in place of traditional design reports. The proposed method records transaction elements of the actual design processes undertaken in a design episode, which aims to continually improve design quality and efficiency, reduce designers’ workload for routine tasks, and sustain competitiveness of companies

    Development of a DSM-Based Model for Managing the Design of Complex Systems Considering the Impact of Technological Obsolescence

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    Obsolescence has been a constant issue for process planners and designers and if not properly accounted for, obsolescence can become an expensive issue. As systems become more complex, interconnected, and nonhomogeneous, separate studies of single groups of equipment are no longer sufficient in modeling the obsolescence of the systems that they make up. The purpose of this dissertation is to model the likelihood of a process\u27s design becoming obsolescent given the obsolescent behavior of the equipment used to complete the process. The methodology discussed in this work is based on a combination of using a systems engineering tool called the DSM (Design Structure Matrix) and a technological forecasting tool known as the growth curve to simulate the duration and cost of completing a process, and to determine if the process\u27sdesign will keep its utility as it ages

    Iterointien hallinta tuotekehityksessä

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    Harmful iterations increase project lead time and make their scheduling difficult. On the other hand, iteration is not always undesired; some iteration is natural to product development and feedback providing iteration in the early phases of develoment may increase development speed. In this master's thesis causes for harmful iterations are recognized and classified, their impacts are diagnosed, and means to diminish their impacts are developed. Also, an iterative development model aiming at early, feedback providing iterations for avoiding later harmful iterations is presented. This master's thesis starts out with a very comprehensive theoretical part covering theory about product development in general, Lean Product Development (LPD), process modeling and then moves on to cover theory about task level iterations. The theoretical part presents tools for modeling and analyzing the detailed design process in product development through a Design Structure Matrix (DSM) representation, network analysis or a matrix representation, and presents task overlapping principles. It also presents the concurrent engineering model and the spiral development model. The empirical part analyzes the main causes for iterations in the company through System Dynamics (SD) approach. Causes for iteration are identified, elaborated and classified as well as many other areas needing improvement. The proposed iterative development framework aims at early feedback providing iterations for avoiding later harmful iterations. The process structure should reflect project uncertainties instead of forcing single process structure for all projects. The achievements of this thesis, besides of classifying the causes of iteration and presenting insights in how to manage them, was describing how product development projects in the company proceed from planning to sales release, documenting events from present and past projects, and pointing out other issues that need addressing. This thesis could serve as a handbook for new project managers for familiarizing them on product development in the company as well as serving as a collected lessons learned document.Haitalliset iteroinnit lisäävät projektien läpimenoaikaa ja tekevät niiden aikatauluttamisesta vaikeaa. Toisaalta jonkinasteinen iterointi on luontaista tuotekehitykselle ja tuotekehitysprosessin alkuvaiheessa tapahtuvat, epävarmuuksia poistavat iteroinnit nopeuttavat tuotekehitystä. Tässä diplomityössä tunnistetaan ja luokitellaan erilaiset haitalliset iteroinnit, arvioidaan niiden vaikutuksia ja esitetään keinoja niiden vaikutusten vähentämiseksi. Lisäksi tämä diplomityö esittää iteratiivisen kehitysmallin, joka tähtää aikaisiin epävarmuuksia poistaviin iterointeihin myöhäisempien haitallisten iterointien välttämiseksi. Tämä diplomityö alkaa erittäin kattavalla teoriaosuudella. Teoriaosuus alkaa yleisellä tuotekehitysteorialla, kattaa Lean tuotekehityksen, prosessien mallintamisen ja jatkaa sitten tehtävätason iterointien teoreettisella tarkastelulla. Teoriaosuus esittää työkaluja yksityiskohtaisen suunnitteluprosessin mallintamiseen ja analysointiin Design Structure Matrix:in (DSM) avulla, informaatioverkkoanalyysin avulla tai matriisiesityksen avulla, ja esittää tehtävien rinnastuksen periaatteet. Teoriaosuus esittää myös Concurrent Engineering (CE)- mallin ja spiraalimallin. Empiriaosuudessa iterointien pääsyyt tunnistetaan, niihin syvennytään ja ne luokitellaan systeemidynamiikan avulla. Sen lisäksi monia muita kehityskohteita tuodaan esille. Ehdotettu iteratiivinen kehitysmalli pyrkii aikaisiin epävarmuuksia poistaviin iterointeihin, joiden tarkoitus on estää myöhempiä haitallisia iterointeja. Prosessirakenteen tulisi heijastaa projektin epävarmuustekijöitä sen sijaan, että yksi ja sama prosessirakenne pakotetaan jokaiselle tuotekehitysprojektille. Edellä mainittujen lisäksi tämän diplomityön saavutuksiin kuuluu tuotekehitysprojektien etenemisen kuvaaminen aina suunnitteluvaiheesta tuotteen myyntiin vapauttamiseen, nykyisten ja menneiden tuotekehitysprojektien tapahtumien dokumentointi, ja muiden kehityskohteiden tunnistaminen. Tämä diplomityö voisi toimia oppaana uusille projektipäälliköille yrityksessä ja tutustuttaa heidät tapaan, jolla tuotekehitysprojekteja viedään yrityksessä läpi, sekä toimia yhteenvetona menneiden projektien opeista yrityksessä