7,512 research outputs found

    From computability to executability : a process-theoretic view on automata theory

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    The theory of automata and formal language was devised in the 1930s to provide models for and to reason about computation. Here we mean by computation a procedure that transforms input into output, which was the sole mode of operation of computers at the time. Nowadays, computers are systems that interact with us and also each other; they are non-deterministic, reactive systems. Concurrency theory, split off from classical automata theory a few decades ago, provides a model of computation similar to the model given by the theory of automata and formal language, but focuses on concurrent, reactive and interactive systems. This thesis investigates the integration of the two theories, exposing the differences and similarities between them. Where automata and formal language theory focuses on computations and languages, concurrency theory focuses on behaviour. To achieve integration, we look for process-theoretic analogies of classic results from automata theory. The most prominent difference is that we use an interpretation of automata as labelled transition systems modulo (divergence-preserving) branching bisimilarity instead of treating automata as language acceptors. We also consider similarities such as grammars as recursive specifications and finite automata as labelled finite transition systems. We investigate whether the classical results still hold and, if not, what extra conditions are sufficient to make them hold. We especially look into three levels of Chomsky's hierarchy: we study the notions of finite-state systems, pushdown systems, and computable systems. Additionally we investigate the notion of parallel pushdown systems. For each class we define the central notion of automaton and its behaviour by associating a transition system with it. Then we introduce a suitable specification language and investigate the correspondence with the respective automaton (via its associated transition system). Because we not only want to study interaction with the environment, but also the interaction within the automaton, we make it explicit by means of communicating parallel components: one component representing the finite control of the automaton and one component representing the memory. First, we study finite-state systems by reinvestigating the relation between finite-state automata, left- and right-linear grammars, and regular expressions, but now up to (divergence-preserving) branching bisimilarity. For pushdown systems we augment the finite-state systems with stack memory to obtain the pushdown automata and consider different termination styles: termination on empty stack, on final state, and on final state and empty stack. Unlike for language equivalence, up to (divergence-preserving) branching bisimilarity the associated transition systems for the different termination styles fall into different classes. We obtain (under some restrictions) the correspondence between context-free grammars and pushdown automata for termination on final state and empty stack. We show how for contrasimulation, a weaker equivalence than branching bisimilarity, we can obtain the correspondence result without some of the restrictions. Finally, we make the interaction within a pushdown automaton explicit, but in a different way depending on the termination style. By analogy of pushdown systems we investigate the parallel pushdown systems, obtained by augmenting finite-state systems with bag memory, and consider analogous termination styles. We investigate the correspondence between context-free grammars that use parallel composition instead of sequential composition and parallel pushdown automata. While the correspondence itself is rather tight, it unfortunately only covers a small subset of the parallel pushdown automata, i.e. the single-state parallel pushdown automata. When making the interaction within parallel pushdown automata explicit, we obtain a rather uniform result for all termination styles. Finally, we study computable systems and the relation with exective and computable transition systems and Turing machines. For this we present the reactive Turing machine, a classical Turing machine augmented with capabilities for interaction. Again, we make the interaction in the reactive Turing machine between its finite control and the tape memory explicit

    A Bibliography on Fuzzy Automata, Grammars and Lanuages

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    This bibliography contains references to papers on fuzzy formal languages, the generation of fuzzy languages by means of fuzzy grammars, the recognition of fuzzy languages by fuzzy automata and machines, as well as some applications of fuzzy set theory to syntactic pattern recognition, linguistics and natural language processing

    Extended macro grammars and stack controlled machines

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    K-extended basic macro grammars are introduced, where K is any class of languages. The class B(K) of languages generated by such grammars is investigated, together with the class LB(K) of languages generated by the corresponding linear basic grammars. For any full semi-AFL K, B(K) is a full AFL closed under iterated LB(K)-substitution, but not necessarily under substitution. For any machine type D, the stack controlled machine type corresponding to D is introduced, denoted S(D), and the checking-stack controlled machine type CS(D). The data structure of this machine is a stack which controls a pushdown of data structures from D. If D accepts K, then S(D) accepts B(K) and CS(D) accepts LB(K). Thus the classes B(K) are characterized by stack controlled machines and the classes LB(K), i.e., the full hyper-AFLs, by checking-stack controlled machines. A full basic-AFL is a full AFL K such that B(K)C K. Every full basic-AFL is a full hyper-AFL, but not vice versa. The class of OI macro languages (i.e., indexed languages, i.e., nested stack automaton languages) is a full basic-AFL, properly containing the smallest full basic-AFL. The latter is generated by the ultrabasic macro grammars and accepted by the nested stack automata with bounded depth of nesting (and properly contains the stack languages, the ETOL languages, i.e., the smallest full hyper-AFL, and the basic macro languages). The full basic-AFLs are characterized by bounded nested stack controlled machines

    On Measuring Non-Recursive Trade-Offs

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    We investigate the phenomenon of non-recursive trade-offs between descriptional systems in an abstract fashion. We aim at categorizing non-recursive trade-offs by bounds on their growth rate, and show how to deduce such bounds in general. We also identify criteria which, in the spirit of abstract language theory, allow us to deduce non-recursive tradeoffs from effective closure properties of language families on the one hand, and differences in the decidability status of basic decision problems on the other. We develop a qualitative classification of non-recursive trade-offs in order to obtain a better understanding of this very fundamental behaviour of descriptional systems

    Descriptional complexity of cellular automata and decidability questions

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    We study the descriptional complexity of cellular automata (CA), a parallel model of computation. We show that between one of the simplest cellular models, the realtime-OCA. and "classical" models like deterministic finite automata (DFA) or pushdown automata (PDA), there will be savings concerning the size of description not bounded by any recursive function, a so-called nonrecursive trade-off. Furthermore, nonrecursive trade-offs are shown between some restricted classes of cellular automata. The set of valid computations of a Turing machine can be recognized by a realtime-OCA. This implies that many decidability questions are not even semi decidable for cellular automata. There is no pumping lemma and no minimization algorithm for cellular automata

    Tree transducers, L systems, and two-way machines

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    A relationship between parallel rewriting systems and two-way machines is investigated. Restrictions on the “copying power” of these devices endow them with rich structuring and give insight into the issues of determinism, parallelism, and copying. Among the parallel rewriting systems considered are the top-down tree transducer; the generalized syntax-directed translation scheme and the ETOL system, and among the two-way machines are the tree-walking automaton, the two-way finite-state transducer, and (generalizations of) the one-way checking stack automaton. The. relationship of these devices to macro grammars is also considered. An effort is made .to provide a systematic survey of a number of existing results
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