19 research outputs found

    Gradient and Passive Circuit Structure in a Class of Non-linear Dynamics on a Graph

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    We consider a class of non-linear dynamics on a graph that contains and generalizes various models from network systems and control and study convergence to uniform agreement states using gradient methods. In particular, under the assumption of detailed balance, we provide a method to formulate the governing ODE system in gradient descent form of sum-separable energy functions, which thus represent a class of Lyapunov functions; this class coincides with Csisz\'{a}r's information divergences. Our approach bases on a transformation of the original problem to a mass-preserving transport problem and it reflects a little-noticed general structure result for passive network synthesis obtained by B.D.O. Anderson and P.J. Moylan in 1975. The proposed gradient formulation extends known gradient results in dynamical systems obtained recently by M. Erbar and J. Maas in the context of porous medium equations. Furthermore, we exhibit a novel relationship between inhomogeneous Markov chains and passive non-linear circuits through gradient systems, and show that passivity of resistor elements is equivalent to strict convexity of sum-separable stored energy. Eventually, we discuss our results at the intersection of Markov chains and network systems under sinusoidal coupling

    B-stability of numerical integrators on Riemannian manifolds

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    We propose a generalization of nonlinear stability of numerical one-step integrators to Riemannian manifolds in the spirit of Butcher's notion of B-stability. Taking inspiration from Simpson-Porco and Bullo, we introduce non-expansive systems on such manifolds and define B-stability of integrators. In this first exposition, we provide concrete results for a geodesic version of the Implicit Euler (GIE) scheme. We prove that the GIE method is B-stable on Riemannian manifolds with non-positive sectional curvature. We show through numerical examples that the GIE method is expansive when applied to a certain non-expansive vector field on the 2-sphere, and that the GIE method does not necessarily possess a unique solution for large enough step sizes. Finally, we derive a new improved global error estimate for general Lie group integrators