468 research outputs found

    Continuous-Time Collaborative Prefetching of Continuous Media

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    Live Prefetching for Mobile Computation Offloading

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    The conventional designs of mobile computation offloading fetch user-specific data to the cloud prior to computing, called offline prefetching. However, this approach can potentially result in excessive fetching of large volumes of data and cause heavy loads on radio-access networks. To solve this problem, the novel technique of live prefetching is proposed in this paper that seamlessly integrates the task-level computation prediction and prefetching within the cloud-computing process of a large program with numerous tasks. The technique avoids excessive fetching but retains the feature of leveraging prediction to reduce the program runtime and mobile transmission energy. By modeling the tasks in an offloaded program as a stochastic sequence, stochastic optimization is applied to design fetching policies to minimize mobile energy consumption under a deadline constraint. The policies enable real-time control of the prefetched-data sizes of candidates for future tasks. For slow fading, the optimal policy is derived and shown to have a threshold-based structure, selecting candidate tasks for prefetching and controlling their prefetched data based on their likelihoods. The result is extended to design close-to-optimal prefetching policies to fast fading channels. Compared with fetching without prediction, live prefetching is shown theoretically to always achieve reduction on mobile energy consumption.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communicatio

    Improving Mobile Video Streaming with Mobility Prediction and Prefetching in Integrated Cellular-WiFi Networks

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    We present and evaluate a procedure that utilizes mobility and throughput prediction to prefetch video streaming data in integrated cellular and WiFi networks. The effective integration of such heterogeneous wireless technologies will be significant for supporting high performance and energy efficient video streaming in ubiquitous networking environments. Our evaluation is based on trace-driven simulation considering empirical measurements and shows how various system parameters influence the performance, in terms of the number of paused video frames and the energy consumption; these parameters include the number of video streams, the mobile, WiFi, and ADSL backhaul throughput, and the number of WiFi hotspots. Also, we assess the procedure's robustness to time and throughput variability. Finally, we present our initial prototype that implements the proposed approach.Comment: 7 pages, 15 figure

    Closest playback-point first: A new peer selection algorithm for P2P VoD systems

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    Peer-to-peer (P2P) based video-on-demand (VoD) streaming service has been gaining popularity recently. Unlike live streaming, a VoD peer always starts its playback from the beginning of a stored video. The playback-points of different peers, as well as the amount of video contents/pieces they cached, depend on when they join the video session, or their viewing ages. As a result, the upload bandwidth of younger peers tends to be underutilized because older peers are not interested in their cached video pieces. The collaborative piece exchange among peers is undermined due to the unbalanced supply and demand. To address this issue, a playback-point based request peer selection algorithm is proposed in this paper. Specifically, when a peer requests a particular video piece, among the set of potential providers, a request is sent to the peer that has the smallest playback-point difference with itself. We call this request peer selection algorithm closest playback-point first (CPF). With CPF, peers with similar available content can be loosely grouped together for a more balanced collaborative piece exchange. Extensive packet-level simulations show that with CPF, the video playback quality is enhanced and the VoD server load is significantly reduced. © 2011 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2011), Houston, TX, USA, 5-9 December 201

    Traffic analysis of Internet user behavior and content demand patterns

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    El estudio del trafico de internet es relevante para poder mejorar la calidad de servicio de los usuarios. Ser capaz de conocer cuales son los servicios más populares y las horas con más usuarios activos permite identificar la cantidad de tráfico producido y, por lo tanto, diseñar una red capaz de soportar la actividad esperada. La implementación de una red considerando este conocimiento puede reducir el tiempo de espera considerablemente, mejorando la experiencia de los usuarios en la web. Ya existen análisis del trafico de los usuarios y de sus patrones de demanda. Pero, los datos utilizados en estos estudios no han sido renovados, por lo tanto los resultados obtenidos pueden estar obsoletos y se han podido producir cambios importantes. En esta tesis, se estudia la cantidad de trafico entrante y saliente producido por diferentes aplicaciones y se ha hecho una evolución teniendo en cuenta datos presentes y pasados. Esto nos permitirá entender los cambios producidos desde 2007 hasta 2015 y observar las tendencias actuales. Además, se han analizado los patrones de demanda de usuarios del inicio de 2016 y se han comparado con resultados previos. La evolución del tráfico demuestra cambios en las preferencias de los usuarios, a pesar de que los patrones de demanda siguen siendo los mismos que en años anteriores. Los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis confirman las predicciones sobre un aumento del tráfico de 'Streaming Media'; se ha comprobado que el tráfico de 'Streaming Media' es el tráfico total dominante, con Netflix como el mayor contribuidor.L'estudi del trànsit d'Internet és rellevant per a poder millor la qualitat de servei dels usuaris. Ser capaç de conèixer quins són els serveis més popular i les hores amb més usuaris actius permet identificar la quantitat de trànsit produït i, per tant, dissenyar una xarxa capaç de soportar la activitat esperada. L'implementació d'una xarxa considerant aquest coneixement pot reduir el temps d'espera considerablement, millorant l'experiència dels usuaris a la web. Ja existeixen anàlisis del transit dels usuaris i els seus patrons de demanda. Però, les dades utilitzades en aquests estudis no han sigut renovades, per tant els resultats obtinguts poden estar obsolets i s'han produït canvis importants. En aquesta tesis, s'estudia la quantitat de transit entrant i sortint produit per diferents aplicacions i s'ha fet una evolució, tenint en compte dades presents i passades. Això ens permetrà entendre els canvis produïts des de 2007 fins 2015 i observar les tendències actuals. A més, s'han analitzat els patrons de demanda de usuaris de principis de 2016 i s'han comparat amb resultats previs. L'evolució del trànsit mostra canvis en las preferències dels usuaris, en canvi els patrons de demanda continuen sent els mateixos que en anys posteriors. Els resultats obtinguts en aquesta tesis confirmen les prediccions sobre un augment del trànsit de 'Streaming Media'; s'ha comprovat que el trànsit de 'Streaming Media' es el trànsit total dominant, amb Netflix com el major contribuïdor.The study of Internet traffic is relevant in order to improve the quality of service of users. Being able to know which are the most popular services and the hours with most active users can let us identify the amount of inbound and outbound traffic produced, and hence design a network able to support the activity expected. The implementation of a network considering that knowledge can reduce the waiting time of users considerably, improving the users’ experience in the web. Analysis of users’ traffic and user demand patterns already exist. However, the data used in these studies is not renewed, thus the results found can be obsolete and considerable changes would have happened. In this bachelor’s thesis, it is studied the amount of inbound and outbound traffic produced considering different applications and the evolution when regarding previous and actual data has been taken into account. This would let us understand the changes produced from 2007 to 2015 and observe the tendencies nowadays. In addition, it has been analyzed the user demand patterns in the beginning of 2016 and it has been contrasted with previous results. The evolution of traffic has shown changes in users’ preferences, although their demand patterns are still the same as previous years. The results found in this thesis confirmed the expectations about an increase of streaming media Internet traffic; it was proved that streaming media traffic is the dominant total traffic, with Netflix as the major contributor

    An Enhanced Web Data Learning Method for Integrating Item, Tag and Value for Mining Web Contents

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    The Proposed System Analyses the scopes introduced by Web 2.0 and collaborative tagging systems, several challenges have to be addressed too, notably, the problem of information overload. Recommender systems are among the most successful approaches for increasing the level of relevant content over the 201C;noise.201D; Traditional recommender systems fail to address the requirements presented in collaborative tagging systems. This paper considers the problem of item recommendation in collaborative tagging systems. It is proposed to model data from collaborative tagging systems with three-mode tensors, in order to capture the three-way correlations between users, tags, and items. By applying multiway analysis, latent correlations are revealed, which help to improve the quality of recommendations. Moreover, a hybrid scheme is proposed that additionally considers content-based information that is extracted from items. We propose an advanced data mining method using SVD that combines both tag and value similarity, item and user preference. SVD automatically extracts data from query result pages by first identifying and segmenting the query result records in the query result pages and then aligning the segmented query result records into a table, in which the data values from the same attribute are put into the same column. Specifically, we propose new techniques to handle the case when the query result records based on user preferences, which may be due to the presence of auxiliary information, such as a comment, recommendation or advertisement, and for handling any nested-structure that may exist in the query result records

    Optimizing Hypervideo Navigation Using a Markov Decision Process Approach

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    Interaction with hypermedia documents is a required feature for new sophisticated yet flexible multimedia applications. This paper presents an innovative adaptive technique to stream hypervideo that takes into account user behaviour. The objective is to optimize hypervideo prefetching in order to reduce the latency caused by the network. This technique is based on a model provided by a Markov Decision Process approach. The problem is solved using two methods: classical stochastic dynamic programming algorithms and reinforcement learning. Experimental results under stochastic network conditions are very promising


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    Although random access operations are desirable for on-demand video streaming in peer-to-peer systems, they are difficult to efficiently achieve due to the asynchronous interactive behaviors of users and the dynamic nature of peers. In this paper, we propose a network coding equivalent content distribution (NCECD) scheme to efficiently handle interactive videoon- demand (VoD) operations in peer-to-peer systems. In NCECD, videos are divided into segments that are then further divided into blocks. These blocks are encoded into independent blocks that are distributed to different peers for local storage. With NCECD, a new client only needs to connect to a sufficient number of parent peers to be able to view the whole video and rarely needs to find new parents when performing random access operations. In most existing methods, a new client must search for parent peers containing specific segments; however, NCECD uses the properties of network coding to cache equivalent content in peers, so that one can pick any parent without additional searches. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme achieves low startup and jump searching delays and requires fewer server resources. In addition, we present the analysis of system parameters to achieve reasonable block loss rates for the proposed scheme