4,866 research outputs found

    Photovoltage Detection of Edge Magnetoplasmon Oscillations and Giant Magnetoplasmon Resonances in A Two-Dimensional Hole System

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    In our high mobility p-type AlGaAs/GaAs two-dimensional hole samples, we originally observe the B-periodic oscillation induced by microwave (MW) in photovoltage (PV) measurements. In the frequency range of our measurements (5 - 40 GHz), the period ({\Delta}B) is inversely proportional to the microwave frequency (f). The distinct oscillations come from the edge magnetoplasmon (EMP) in the high quality heavy hole system. In our hole sample with a very large effective mass, the observation of the EMP oscillations is in neither the low frequency limit nor the high frequency limit, and the damping of the EMP oscillations is very weak under high magnetic fields. Simultaneously, we observe the giant plasmon resonance signals in our measurements on the shallow two-dimensional hole system (2DHS)

    Density dependence of microwave induced magneto-resistance oscillations in a two-dimensional electron gas

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    We have measured the magneto-resistance of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) under continuous microwave irradiation as a function of electron density and mobility tuned with a metallic top-gate. In the entire range of density and mobility we have investigated, we observe microwave induced oscillations of large amplitude that are B-periodic. These B-periodic oscillations are reminiscent of the ones reported by Kukushkin \textit{et al}[1] and which were attributed to the presence of edge-magneto-plasmons. We have found that the B-periodicity does not increase linearly with the density in our sample but shows a plateau in the range (2.4-3) 10^{11}\rm cm^{-2} $. In this regime, the phase of the B-periodic oscillations is found to shift continuously by two periods.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Theory of the microwave induced zero resistance states in two-dimensional electron systems

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    The phenomena of the microwave induced zero resistance states (MIZRS) and the microwave induced resistance oscillations (MIRO) were discovered in the ultraclean two-dimensional electron systems in 2001 -- 2003 and have attracted great interest of researchers. In spite of numerous theoretical efforts the true origin of these effects remains unknown so far. We show that the MIRO/ZRS phenomena are naturally explained by the influence of the ponderomotive forces which arise in the near-contact regions of the two-dimensional electron gas under the action of microwaves. The proposed analytical theory is in agreement with all experimental facts accumulated so far and provides a simple and self-evident explanation of the microwave frequency, polarization, magnetic field, mobility, power and temperature dependencies of the observed effects.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, resubmission. Essential modifications/additions: Section I, Section II.5 and Fig. 5, Section IV, Reference

    Nonequilibrium phenomena in high Landau levels

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    Developments in the physics of 2D electron systems during the last decade have revealed a new class of nonequilibrium phenomena in the presence of a moderately strong magnetic field. The hallmark of these phenomena is magnetoresistance oscillations generated by the external forces that drive the electron system out of equilibrium. The rich set of dramatic phenomena of this kind, discovered in high mobility semiconductor nanostructures, includes, in particular, microwave radiation-induced resistance oscillations and zero-resistance states, as well as Hall field-induced resistance oscillations and associated zero-differential resistance states. We review the experimental manifestations of these phenomena and the unified theoretical framework for describing them in terms of a quantum kinetic equation. The survey contains also a thorough discussion of the magnetotransport properties of 2D electrons in the linear response regime, as well as an outlook on future directions, including related nonequilibrium phenomena in other 2D electron systems.Comment: 60 pages, 41 figure

    Magnetoplasmon resonance in 2D electron system driven into a zero-resistance state

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    We report on a remarkably strong, and a rather sharp, photoresistance peak originating from a dimensional magnetoplasmon resonance (MPR) in a high mobility GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well driven by microwave radiation into a zero-resistance state (ZRS). The analysis of the MPR signalreveals a negative background providing experimental evidence for the concept of absolute negative resistance associated with the ZRS. When a system is further subject to a dc field, the maxima of microwave-induced resistance oscillations decay away and a system reveals a state with close-to-zero differential resistance. The MPR peak, on the other hand, remains essentially unchanged, indicating surprisingly robust Ohmic behavior under the MPR conditions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev. B - Rapid Communication

    Microwave photoresistance of a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas in a triangular antidot lattice

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    The microwave (MW) photoresistance has been measured on a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas patterned with a shallow triangular antidot lattice, where both the MW-induced resistance oscillations (MIRO) and magnetoplasmon (MP) resonance are observed superposing on sharp commensurate geometrical resonance (GR). Analysis shows that the MIRO, MP, and GR are decoupled from each other in these experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, paper accepted by PR

    Electrical and radiation characteristics of semilarge photoconductive terahertz emitters

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    We present experimental characterization of semilarge photoconductive emitters, including their electrical/photoconductive parameters and terahertz spectra. A range of emitters were studied and fabricated on both LT-GaAs and SI-GaAs, having a variety of electrode geometries. The spatial cone of terahertz radiation was defined. The dependencies of the photocurrent and the terahertz power on the bias voltage and the laser power were determined. A Fourier-transform interferometer is used to determine the terahertz spectra and to clarify the effects of the substrate and electrode geometry