9 research outputs found

    Constructive aspects of Riemann's permutation theorem for series

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    The notions of permutable and weak-permutable convergence of a series n=1an\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}a_{n} of real numbers are introduced. Classically, these two notions are equivalent, and, by Riemann's two main theorems on the convergence of series, a convergent series is permutably convergent if and only if it is absolutely convergent. Working within Bishop-style constructive mathematics, we prove that Ishihara's principle \BDN implies that every permutably convergent series is absolutely convergent. Since there are models of constructive mathematics in which the Riemann permutation theorem for series holds but \BDN does not, the best we can hope for as a partial converse to our first theorem is that the absolute convergence of series with a permutability property classically equivalent to that of Riemann implies \BDN. We show that this is the case when the property is weak-permutable convergence

    The Third Trick

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    We prove a result, similar to the ones known as Ishihara's First and Second Trick, for sequences of functions

    Reverse Mathematics in Bishop’s Constructive Mathematics

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    We will overview the results in an informal approach to constructive reverse mathematics, that is reverse mathematics in Bishop’s constructive mathematics, especially focusing on compactness properties and continuous properties

    The extensional realizability model of continuous functionals and three weakly non-constructive classical theorems

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    We investigate wether three statements in analysis, that can be proved classically, are realizable in the realizability model of extensional continuous functionals induced by Kleene's second model K2K_2. We prove that a formulation of the Riemann Permutation Theorem as well as the statement that all partially Cauchy sequences are Cauchy cannot be realized in this model, while the statement that the product of two anti-Specker spaces is anti-Specker can be realized

    The Third Trick

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    We prove a result, similar to the ones known as Ishihara's First and Second Trick, for sequences of functions

    Brouwer’s Weak Counterexamples and the Creative Subject: A Critical Survey

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    I survey Brouwer’s weak counterexamples to classical theorems, with a view to discovering (i) what useful mathematical work is done by weak counterexamples; (ii) whether they are rigorous mathematical proofs or just plausibility arguments; (iii) the role of Brouwer’s notion of the creative subject in them, and whether the creative subject is really necessary for them; (iv) what axioms for the creative subject are needed; (v) what relation there is between these arguments and Brouwer’s theory of choice sequences. I refute one of Brouwer’s claims with a weak counterexample of my own. I also examine Brouwer’s 1927 proof of the negative continuity theorem, which appears to be a weak counterexample reliant on both the creative subject and the concept of choice sequence; I argue that it provides a good justification for the weak continuity principle, but it is not a weak counterexample and it does not depend essentially on the creative subject