27,132 research outputs found

    Restricted Motzkin permutations, Motzkin paths, continued fractions, and Chebyshev polynomials

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    We say that a permutation Ļ€\pi is a Motzkin permutation if it avoids 132 and there do not exist a<ba<b such that Ļ€a<Ļ€b<Ļ€b+1\pi_a<\pi_b<\pi_{b+1}. We study the distribution of several statistics in Motzkin permutations, including the length of the longest increasing and decreasing subsequences and the number of rises and descents. We also enumerate Motzkin permutations with additional restrictions, and study the distribution of occurrences of fairly general patterns in this class of permutations.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Generalized permutation patterns - a short survey

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    An occurrence of a classical pattern p in a permutation Ļ€ is a subsequence of Ļ€ whose letters are in the same relative order (of size) as those in p. In an occurrence of a generalized pattern, some letters of that subsequence may be required to be adjacent in the permutation. Subsets of permutations characterized by the avoidanceā€”or the prescribed number of occurrencesā€” of generalized patterns exhibit connections to an enormous variety of other combinatorial structures, some of them apparently deep. We give a short overview of the state of the art for generalized patterns

    Restricted 132-Dumont permutations

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    A permutation Ļ€\pi is said to be {\em Dumont permutations of the first kind} if each even integer in Ļ€\pi must be followed by a smaller integer, and each odd integer is either followed by a larger integer or is the last element of Ļ€\pi (see, for example, \cite{Z}). In \cite{D} Dumont showed that certain classes of permutations on nn letters are counted by the Genocchi numbers. In particular, Dumont showed that the (n+1)(n+1)st Genocchi number is the number of Dummont permutations of the first kind on 2n2n letters. In this paper we study the number of Dumont permutations of the first kind on nn letters avoiding the pattern 132 and avoiding (or containing exactly once) an arbitrary pattern on kk letters. In several interesting cases the generating function depends only on kk.Comment: 12 page

    Some statistics on restricted 132 involutions

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    In [GM] Guibert and Mansour studied involutions on n letters avoiding (or containing exactly once) 132 and avoiding (or containing exactly once) an arbitrary pattern on k letters. They also established a bijection between 132-avoiding involutions and Dyck word prefixes of same length. Extending this bijection to bilateral words allows to determine more parameters; in particular, we consider the number of inversions and rises of the involutions onto the words. This is the starting point for considering two different directions: even/odd involutions and statistics of some generalized patterns. Thus we first study generating functions for the number of even or odd involutions on n letters avoiding (or containing exactly once) 132 and avoiding (or containing exactly once) an arbitrary pattern Ļ„\tau on k letters. In several interesting cases the generating function depends only on k and is expressed via Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind. Next, we consider other statistics on 132-avoiding involutions by counting an occurrences of some generalized patterns, related to the enumeration according to the number of rises.Comment: 22 page

    Simultaneous avoidance of generalized patterns

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    In [BabStein] Babson and Steingr\'{\i}msson introduced generalized permutation patterns that allow the requirement that two adjacent letters in a pattern must be adjacent in the permutation. In [Kit1] Kitaev considered simultaneous avoidance (multi-avoidance) of two or more 3-patterns with no internal dashes, that is, where the patterns correspond to contiguous subwords in a permutation. There either an explicit or a recursive formula was given for all but one case of simultaneous avoidance of more than two patterns. In this paper we find the exponential generating function for the remaining case. Also we consider permutations that avoid a pattern of the form xāˆ’yzx-yz or xyāˆ’zxy-z and begin with one of the patterns 12...k12... k, k(kāˆ’1)...1k(k-1)... 1, 23...k123... k1, (kāˆ’1)(kāˆ’2)...1k(k-1)(k-2)... 1k or end with one of the patterns 12...k12... k, k(kāˆ’1)...1k(k-1)... 1, 1k(kāˆ’1)...21k(k-1)... 2, k12...(kāˆ’1)k12... (k-1). For each of these cases we find either the ordinary or exponential generating functions or a precise formula for the number of such permutations. Besides we generalize some of the obtained results as well as some of the results given in [Kit3]: we consider permutations avoiding certain generalized 3-patterns and beginning (ending) with an arbitrary pattern having either the greatest or the least letter as its rightmost (leftmost) letter.Comment: 18 page
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