47,978 research outputs found

    Contextualised Mobile Media for Learning

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    Contextualised Mobile Media for Learning

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    De Jong, T. (2011). Contextualised Mobile Media for Learning. June, 10, 2011, Heerlen, The Netherlands: Open University in the Netherlands, CELSTEC. SIKS Dissertation Series No. 2011-09. ISBN 978 90 79447 47 3The research reported in this thesis was carried out at the Open University of the Netherlands in the Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies as a part of the MACE project and the TENCompetence project. The European Project MACE is funded by the European Commission’s eContentPlus project, ECP 2005 EDU 038098 (portal.mace-project.eu). The TENCompetence Integrated Project, is funded by the European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning, contract 027087 (www.tencompetence.org). The research reported in this thesis has been carried out under the auspices of SIKS, the Dutch Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems

    Widening access to higher education: admissions (SPICe Briefing; 11/07)

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    "This paper describes the recruitment and selection processes of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and explains what is meant by 'contextualised admissions'. It summarises existing research, reports on the use of contextual data for the development of admissions processes and explains the roles of various bodies in developing good practice for HEIs admissions policies. Finally, it provides a brief overview of current Scottish Funding Council activity related to contextualised admissions and 'Widening access to the Professions'." - Cover

    Functional skills

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    Connecting key competencies and social inquiry in primary social studies pedagogy: initial teacher education students' planning decisions and reflections.

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    Over 2007-2009 we have worked with the national curriculum's key competencies to establish their place and purpose in the social sciences learning area. As a result, our initial teacher education (ITE) primary social studies programmes involve pedagogy that conceives key competencies as analogous to social inquiry thinking and skills processes. Our team was keen to research ways ITE students identify and embed key competencies in their social inquiry planning decisions. The research also sought student reflection of how engagement with key competencies might influence their future social studies teaching and learning. The article offers a storying of ways the curriculum element of key competencies has been developed, implemented, researched and reflected upon within ITE primary social studies curriculum

    Briefing paper : findings from an evaluation of initial assessment materials

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    Context at the Crossroads of Language Learning and Mobile Learning

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    Contextual learning is the next step in the development of pedagogy in relation to mobile and ubiquitous technologies. The question addressed in this paper is whether research on 'context' within second language learning, and in the language sciences more broadly, can inform the development of the notion of context in research on technology-enhanced learning and mobile learning. As researchers in mobile assisted language learning, we stand at the crossroads of these disciplines. In this paper, we indicate the main sources and research directions that inform our work; we share our observations and propose some tentative conclusions