12 research outputs found

    Scene restoration from scaffold occlusion using deep learning-based methods

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    The occlusion issues of computer vision (CV) applications in construction have attracted significant attention, especially those caused by the wide-coverage, crisscrossed, and immovable scaffold. Intuitively, removing the scaffold and restoring the occluded visual information can provide CV agents with clearer site views and thus help them better understand the construction scenes. Therefore, this study proposes a novel two-step method combining pixel-level segmentation and image inpainting for restoring construction scenes from scaffold occlusion. A low-cost data synthesis method based only on unlabeled data is developed to address the shortage dilemma of labeled data. Experiments on the synthesized test data show that the proposed method achieves performances of 92% mean intersection over union (MIoU) for scaffold segmentation and over 82% structural similarity (SSIM) for scene restoration from scaffold occlusion

    Generative Modeling in Structural-Hankel Domain for Color Image Inpainting

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    In recent years, some researchers focused on using a single image to obtain a large number of samples through multi-scale features. This study intends to a brand-new idea that requires only ten or even fewer samples to construct the low-rank structural-Hankel matrices-assisted score-based generative model (SHGM) for color image inpainting task. During the prior learning process, a certain amount of internal-middle patches are firstly extracted from several images and then the structural-Hankel matrices are constructed from these patches. To better apply the score-based generative model to learn the internal statistical distribution within patches, the large-scale Hankel matrices are finally folded into the higher dimensional tensors for prior learning. During the iterative inpainting process, SHGM views the inpainting problem as a conditional generation procedure in low-rank environment. As a result, the intermediate restored image is acquired by alternatively performing the stochastic differential equation solver, alternating direction method of multipliers, and data consistency steps. Experimental results demonstrated the remarkable performance and diversity of SHGM.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Zoom-to-Inpaint: Image Inpainting with High-Frequency Details

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    Although deep learning has enabled a huge leap forward in image inpainting, current methods are often unable to synthesize realistic high-frequency details. In this paper, we propose applying super-resolution to coarsely reconstructed outputs, refining them at high resolution, and then downscaling the output to the original resolution. By introducing high-resolution images to the refinement network, our framework is able to reconstruct finer details that are usually smoothed out due to spectral bias - the tendency of neural networks to reconstruct low frequencies better than high frequencies. To assist training the refinement network on large upscaled holes, we propose a progressive learning technique in which the size of the missing regions increases as training progresses. Our zoom-in, refine and zoom-out strategy, combined with high-resolution supervision and progressive learning, constitutes a framework-agnostic approach for enhancing high-frequency details that can be applied to any CNN-based inpainting method. We provide qualitative and quantitative evaluations along with an ablation analysis to show the effectiveness of our approach. This seemingly simple, yet powerful approach, outperforms state-of-the-art inpainting methods

    Unpaired Depth Super-Resolution in the Wild

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    Depth maps captured with commodity sensors are often of low quality and resolution; these maps need to be enhanced to be used in many applications. State-of-the-art data-driven methods of depth map super-resolution rely on registered pairs of low- and high-resolution depth maps of the same scenes. Acquisition of real-world paired data requires specialized setups. Another alternative, generating low-resolution maps from high-resolution maps by subsampling, adding noise and other artificial degradation methods, does not fully capture the characteristics of real-world low-resolution images. As a consequence, supervised learning methods trained on such artificial paired data may not perform well on real-world low-resolution inputs. We consider an approach to depth super-resolution based on learning from unpaired data. While many techniques for unpaired image-to-image translation have been proposed, most fail to deliver effective hole-filling or reconstruct accurate surfaces using depth maps. We propose an unpaired learning method for depth super-resolution, which is based on a learnable degradation model, enhancement component and surface normal estimates as features to produce more accurate depth maps. We propose a benchmark for unpaired depth SR and demonstrate that our method outperforms existing unpaired methods and performs on par with paired

    Deep panoramic depth prediction and completion for indoor scenes

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    We introduce a novel end-to-end deep-learning solution for rapidly estimating a dense spherical depth map of an indoor environment. Our input is a single equirectangular image registered with a sparse depth map, as provided by a variety of common capture setups. Depth is inferred by an efficient and lightweight single-branch network, which employs a dynamic gating system to process together dense visual data and sparse geometric data. We exploit the characteristics of typical man-made environments to efficiently compress multi-resolution features and find short- and long-range relations among scene parts. Furthermore, we introduce a new augmentation strategy to make the model robust to different types of sparsity, including those generated by various structured light sensors and LiDAR setups. The experimental results demonstrate that our method provides interactive performance and outperforms state-of-the-art solutions in computational efficiency, adaptivity to variable depth sparsity patterns, and prediction accuracy for challenging indoor data, even when trained solely on synthetic data without any fine tuning. (Figure presented.