340,370 research outputs found

    Observation of implicit complexity by non confluence

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    We propose to consider non confluence with respect to implicit complexity. We come back to some well known classes of first-order functional program, for which we have a characterization of their intentional properties, namely the class of cons-free programs, the class of programs with an interpretation, and the class of programs with a quasi-interpretation together with a termination proof by the product path ordering. They all correspond to PTIME. We prove that adding non confluence to the rules leads to respectively PTIME, NPTIME and PSPACE. Our thesis is that the separation of the classes is actually a witness of the intentional properties of the initial classes of programs

    Invariant Percolation and Harmonic Dirichlet Functions

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    The main goal of this paper is to answer question 1.10 and settle conjecture 1.11 of Benjamini-Lyons-Schramm [BLS99] relating harmonic Dirichlet functions on a graph to those of the infinite clusters in the uniqueness phase of Bernoulli percolation. We extend the result to more general invariant percolations, including the Random-Cluster model. We prove the existence of the nonuniqueness phase for the Bernoulli percolation (and make some progress for Random-Cluster model) on unimodular transitive locally finite graphs admitting nonconstant harmonic Dirichlet functions. This is done by using the device of â„“2\ell^2 Betti numbers.Comment: to appear in Geometric And Functional Analysis (GAFA

    Thermodynamic work from operational principles

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    In recent years we have witnessed a concentrated effort to make sense of thermodynamics for small-scale systems. One of the main difficulties is to capture a suitable notion of work that models realistically the purpose of quantum machines, in an analogous way to the role played, for macroscopic machines, by the energy stored in the idealisation of a lifted weight. Despite of several attempts to resolve this issue by putting forward specific models, these are far from capturing realistically the transitions that a quantum machine is expected to perform. In this work, we adopt a novel strategy by considering arbitrary kinds of systems that one can attach to a quantum thermal machine and seeking for work quantifiers. These are functions that measure the value of a transition and generalise the concept of work beyond the model of a lifted weight. We do so by imposing simple operational axioms that any reasonable work quantifier must fulfil and by deriving from them stringent mathematical condition with a clear physical interpretation. Our approach allows us to derive much of the structure of the theory of thermodynamics without taking as a primitive the definition of work. We can derive, for any work quantifier, a quantitative second law in the sense of bounding the work that can be performed using some non-equilibrium resource by the work that is needed to create it. We also discuss in detail the role of reversibility and correlations in connection with the second law. Furthermore, we recover the usual identification of work with energy in degrees of freedom with vanishing entropy as a particular case of our formalism. Our mathematical results can be formulated abstractly and are general enough to carry over to other resource theories than quantum thermodynamics.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, axioms significantly simplified, more comprehensive discussion of relationship to previous approache
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