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    As a consequence of globalization, application of new technologies, turbulent economic environment, the uncertainties affecting markets, organizations must cope with ongoing transformational process. In this context, the project-based organization (PBO) emerges as an ideal alternative of organizational structure to deal with the emerging features of the temporary and unique demands, within a complex market. This paper brings a new approach trough integration of general management functions with project management activities. The methodology of the proposed approach covers the whole Deming PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle, involving quality management in project-based organization's success.projects, project management, project-based organization, organizational structure, project teams

    Operational risk categorization in project-based organizations: A theoretical perspective from a project portfolio risk lens

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    Project-based organizations have their processes based on project, program and portfolio approach, they work within a multi-project environment and their core activities are carried out through project execution under an integrated organizational project management. Therefore, operational risks in project-based organizations are directly related to the project risk management. Thus, in project-based organizations risk management is not only about project risk management, because literature also shows that risk management applied to each project in an isolated way is not enough for systemic risk management in project portfolio and organizational context. This paper, based on a systematic literature review on project portfolio risk management, identifies project portfolio risk categories proposed in previous studies, and proposes and describes four categories associated to operational risk in project portfolio context: project portfolio management level, environmental conditions, project interactions and internal processes. The categories proposed for operational risk in project-based organizations under project portfolio approach are oriented to risk management focused not on the operational risk of each isolated project, but on the project portfolio management. The results can be considered a partial contribution towards building conceptual elements to support project portfolio management process.- (undefined

    On being part of the solution, not the problem: taking a proportionate approach to managing records

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    Purpose – This article seeks to provide a perspective on a future pathway for records management that is based on taking a proportionate approach rather than striving for perfection. This approach requires a re-interpretation of traditional principles and their application in practice and recognition of the predominance of people in successful information and records management in the digital domain. Design/methodology/approach – The views are the author's based on the headline findings of a major research project (AC+erm) which investigated issues and practical strategies for accelerating positive change in electronic records management. They incorporate views on contextual developments since the project, in particular the characteristics of today's hybrid and increasingly mobile office environment such as the use of recognition technologies. Findings – The ten headline findings of the AC+erm project are shared. Two strategic findings are highlighted, namely, articulating a vision of successful electronic records management and the approach to applying records management principles in order to realise that vision of success. The article then focuses on two of the other findings, about the need for information and records professionals to adopt proportionate and risk based approaches and to ensure they (the records professionals) are an essential part of the solution not the problem. Post the project, views on these and tactics for addressing them are discussed with reference to real examples and potential future research and development. Research limitations/implications – The research that provides the context for the article was qualitative and therefore its findings transferrable rather than generalisable. The views expressed about tactics for moving forward are intended to contribute to the debate about approaches to managing records in the democratic, digital domain. Practical implications – A proportionate approach to managing records by definition implies a risk-based approach. This may prove challenging in organizational, societal and cultural contexts that are risk averse. Originality/value – The research which underpins this article was the first on the subject to be conducted in the UK and adopted a unique evidence-based approach. Undertaken in the context of the “promise” of electronic document and records management systems, its findings are relevant in the broader systems solutions. They provide a context for this perspective on current and potential tactics for addressing strategic issues for managing records in the digital domain. This provides a significant contribution to knowledge and debate in this field

    Competence Monitoring in Project Teams by using Web based portfolio management systems

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    This paper reports a learning experience related to the acquisition of project management competences. Students from three different universities and backgrounds, cooperate in a common project that drives the learning-teaching process. Previous related works on this initiative have already evaluated the goodness of this multidisciplinary, project-based learning approach in the context of a new educative paradigm. Yet the innovative experience has allowed the authors to define a rubric in order to measure specific competences in project management. The study shows the rubric’s main aspects as well as competence acquisition evaluation alternatives, based in the metrics defined. Key indicators and specific reports obtained from data base fields in the web tool will support this work. As a result, new competences can be assessed, such ones like teamwork, problem solving, communication and leadership. Final goal is to provide an overall competence map to the students at the same time they improve their skills

    Product Champion Characteristics in France and Germany.

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    This study examines the relationship between the status and seniority of product champions, their cultural context and the ability of product champions to enlist top management support for an innovation project. Based on a sample of 82 French and 101 German champions, this work suggests that the effectiveness and crucial characteristics of product champions may vary across national cultures.intercultural management; top management; innovation; product champions;

    Managing urban parks for sustainable development and social sustainability in Rome (Italy)

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    Roma Natura is the public institution that manages all the natural parks inside the city of Rome, more than 16.000 ha of natural and historical environment. In the last months the Communication and Education Office tried a new and different management, based on people involvement. A new project, called VITA (that can be translated in English as LIFE) started with six different goals. The main purpose is to give back natural resources and spaces to citizens, involving them in management and decision making. This paper wants to present the first results of this project and the future programs to make people understand the importance on natural parks in urban context

    Project Management and Intellectual Property

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    Recent approaches consider the knowledge as a determinant factor in the current economy, moving from the knowledge-based economy to the knowledge driving economy. (European Commission - Directorate-General for Enterprise 2004) In that context, along with the growing importance of the intangible assets, and along with the changing criteria for defining the competitive advantages, the intellectual property related issues are increasingly addressed. Therefore, the intellectual property management science has evolved in the past few decades and it is becoming more and more important among the overall management science and practice. As a part of this science, the intellectual property management in the field of project management has just started. It is related to intellectual property components that appear, interfere and result from the project management processes. This paper is trying to find out the place that the intellectual property has in project management, to point out the previous similar approaches and to provide directions for further research in the field.project management, intellectual property, knowledge, intellectual capital, intangible assets, management.
