40 research outputs found

    Context-aware Sequential Recommendation

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    Since sequential information plays an important role in modeling user behaviors, various sequential recommendation methods have been proposed. Methods based on Markov assumption are widely-used, but independently combine several most recent components. Recently, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) based methods have been successfully applied in several sequential modeling tasks. However, for real-world applications, these methods have difficulty in modeling the contextual information, which has been proved to be very important for behavior modeling. In this paper, we propose a novel model, named Context-Aware Recurrent Neural Networks (CA-RNN). Instead of using the constant input matrix and transition matrix in conventional RNN models, CA-RNN employs adaptive context-specific input matrices and adaptive context-specific transition matrices. The adaptive context-specific input matrices capture external situations where user behaviors happen, such as time, location, weather and so on. And the adaptive context-specific transition matrices capture how lengths of time intervals between adjacent behaviors in historical sequences affect the transition of global sequential features. Experimental results show that the proposed CA-RNN model yields significant improvements over state-of-the-art sequential recommendation methods and context-aware recommendation methods on two public datasets, i.e., the Taobao dataset and the Movielens-1M dataset.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) 2016, to apea

    News Session-Based Recommendations using Deep Neural Networks

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    News recommender systems are aimed to personalize users experiences and help them to discover relevant articles from a large and dynamic search space. Therefore, news domain is a challenging scenario for recommendations, due to its sparse user profiling, fast growing number of items, accelerated item's value decay, and users preferences dynamic shift. Some promising results have been recently achieved by the usage of Deep Learning techniques on Recommender Systems, specially for item's feature extraction and for session-based recommendations with Recurrent Neural Networks. In this paper, it is proposed an instantiation of the CHAMELEON -- a Deep Learning Meta-Architecture for News Recommender Systems. This architecture is composed of two modules, the first responsible to learn news articles representations, based on their text and metadata, and the second module aimed to provide session-based recommendations using Recurrent Neural Networks. The recommendation task addressed in this work is next-item prediction for users sessions: "what is the next most likely article a user might read in a session?" Users sessions context is leveraged by the architecture to provide additional information in such extreme cold-start scenario of news recommendation. Users' behavior and item features are both merged in an hybrid recommendation approach. A temporal offline evaluation method is also proposed as a complementary contribution, for a more realistic evaluation of such task, considering dynamic factors that affect global readership interests like popularity, recency, and seasonality. Experiments with an extensive number of session-based recommendation methods were performed and the proposed instantiation of CHAMELEON meta-architecture obtained a significant relative improvement in top-n accuracy and ranking metrics (10% on Hit Rate and 13% on MRR) over the best benchmark methods.Comment: Accepted for the Third Workshop on Deep Learning for Recommender Systems - DLRS 2018, October 02-07, 2018, Vancouver, Canada. https://recsys.acm.org/recsys18/dlrs

    Rethinking Large Language Model Architectures for Sequential Recommendations

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    Recently, sequential recommendation has been adapted to the LLM paradigm to enjoy the power of LLMs. LLM-based methods usually formulate recommendation information into natural language and the model is trained to predict the next item in an auto-regressive manner. Despite their notable success, the substantial computational overhead of inference poses a significant obstacle to their real-world applicability. In this work, we endeavor to streamline existing LLM-based recommendation models and propose a simple yet highly effective model Lite-LLM4Rec. The primary goal of Lite-LLM4Rec is to achieve efficient inference for the sequential recommendation task. Lite-LLM4Rec circumvents the beam search decoding by using a straight item projection head for ranking scores generation. This design stems from our empirical observation that beam search decoding is ultimately unnecessary for sequential recommendations. Additionally, Lite-LLM4Rec introduces a hierarchical LLM structure tailored to efficiently handle the extensive contextual information associated with items, thereby reducing computational overhead while enjoying the capabilities of LLMs. Experiments on three publicly available datasets corroborate the effectiveness of Lite-LLM4Rec in both performance and inference efficiency (notably 46.8% performance improvement and 97.28% efficiency improvement on ML-1m) over existing LLM-based methods. Our implementations will be open sourced.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, conferenc

    Contextual Attention Recurrent Architecture for Context-aware Venue Recommendation

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    Venue recommendation systems aim to effectively rank a list of interesting venues users should visit based on their historical feedback (e.g. checkins). Such systems are increasingly deployed by Location-based Social Networks (LBSNs) such as Foursquare and Yelp to enhance their usefulness to users. Recently, various RNN architectures have been proposed to incorporate contextual information associated with the users' sequence of checkins (e.g. time of the day, location of venues) to effectively capture the users' dynamic preferences. However, these architectures assume that different types of contexts have an identical impact on the users' preferences, which may not hold in practice. For example, an ordinary context such as the time of the day reflects the user's current contextual preferences, whereas a transition context - such as a time interval from their last visited venue - indicates a transition effect from past behaviour to future behaviour. To address these challenges, we propose a novel Contextual Attention Recurrent Architecture (CARA) that leverages both sequences of feedback and contextual information associated with the sequences to capture the users' dynamic preferences. Our proposed recurrent architecture consists of two types of gating mechanisms, namely 1) a contextual attention gate that controls the influence of the ordinary context on the users' contextual preferences and 2) a time- and geo-based gate that controls the influence of the hidden state from the previous checkin based on the transition context. Thorough experiments on three large checkin and rating datasets from commercial LBSNs demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed CARA architecture by significantly outperforming many state-of-the-art RNN architectures and factorisation approaches