24 research outputs found

    Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation Learns Anaphora Resolution

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    Standard machine translation systems process sentences in isolation and hence ignore extra-sentential information, even though extended context can both prevent mistakes in ambiguous cases and improve translation coherence. We introduce a context-aware neural machine translation model designed in such way that the flow of information from the extended context to the translation model can be controlled and analyzed. We experiment with an English-Russian subtitles dataset, and observe that much of what is captured by our model deals with improving pronoun translation. We measure correspondences between induced attention distributions and coreference relations and observe that the model implicitly captures anaphora. It is consistent with gains for sentences where pronouns need to be gendered in translation. Beside improvements in anaphoric cases, the model also improves in overall BLEU, both over its context-agnostic version (+0.7) and over simple concatenation of the context and source sentences (+0.6).Comment: ACL 201

    Improving Context-aware Neural Machine Translation with Target-side Context

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    In recent years, several studies on neural machine translation (NMT) have attempted to use document-level context by using a multi-encoder and two attention mechanisms to read the current and previous sentences to incorporate the context of the previous sentences. These studies concluded that the target-side context is less useful than the source-side context. However, we considered that the reason why the target-side context is less useful lies in the architecture used to model these contexts. Therefore, in this study, we investigate how the target-side context can improve context-aware neural machine translation. We propose a weight sharing method wherein NMT saves decoder states and calculates an attention vector using the saved states when translating a current sentence. Our experiments show that the target-side context is also useful if we plug it into NMT as the decoder state when translating a previous sentence.Comment: 12 pages; PACLING 201

    Contextualized Translation of Automatically Segmented Speech

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    Direct speech-to-text translation (ST) models are usually trained on corpora segmented at sentence level, but at inference time they are commonly fed with audio split by a voice activity detector (VAD). Since VAD segmentation is not syntax-informed, the resulting segments do not necessarily correspond to well-formed sentences uttered by the speaker but, most likely, to fragments of one or more sentences. This segmentation mismatch degrades considerably the quality of ST models' output. So far, researchers have focused on improving audio segmentation towards producing sentence-like splits. In this paper, instead, we address the issue in the model, making it more robust to a different, potentially sub-optimal segmentation. To this aim, we train our models on randomly segmented data and compare two approaches: fine-tuning and adding the previous segment as context. We show that our context-aware solution is more robust to VAD-segmented input, outperforming a strong base model and the fine-tuning on different VAD segmentations of an English-German test set by up to 4.25 BLEU points.Comment: Interspeech 202

    Modeling Coherence for Discourse Neural Machine Translation

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    Discourse coherence plays an important role in the translation of one text. However, the previous reported models most focus on improving performance over individual sentence while ignoring cross-sentence links and dependencies, which affects the coherence of the text. In this paper, we propose to use discourse context and reward to refine the translation quality from the discourse perspective. In particular, we generate the translation of individual sentences at first. Next, we deliberate the preliminary produced translations, and train the model to learn the policy that produces discourse coherent text by a reward teacher. Practical results on multiple discourse test datasets indicate that our model significantly improves the translation quality over the state-of-the-art baseline system by +1.23 BLEU score. Moreover, our model generates more discourse coherent text and obtains +2.2 BLEU improvements when evaluated by discourse metrics.Comment: Accepted by AAAI201