188,829 research outputs found

    VSSA-NET: Vertical Spatial Sequence Attention Network for Traffic Sign Detection

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    Although traffic sign detection has been studied for years and great progress has been made with the rise of deep learning technique, there are still many problems remaining to be addressed. For complicated real-world traffic scenes, there are two main challenges. Firstly, traffic signs are usually small size objects, which makes it more difficult to detect than large ones; Secondly, it is hard to distinguish false targets which resemble real traffic signs in complex street scenes without context information. To handle these problems, we propose a novel end-to-end deep learning method for traffic sign detection in complex environments. Our contributions are as follows: 1) We propose a multi-resolution feature fusion network architecture which exploits densely connected deconvolution layers with skip connections, and can learn more effective features for the small size object; 2) We frame the traffic sign detection as a spatial sequence classification and regression task, and propose a vertical spatial sequence attention (VSSA) module to gain more context information for better detection performance. To comprehensively evaluate the proposed method, we do experiments on several traffic sign datasets as well as the general object detection dataset and the results have shown the effectiveness of our proposed method

    On the Importance of Visual Context for Data Augmentation in Scene Understanding

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    Performing data augmentation for learning deep neural networks is known to be important for training visual recognition systems. By artificially increasing the number of training examples, it helps reducing overfitting and improves generalization. While simple image transformations can already improve predictive performance in most vision tasks, larger gains can be obtained by leveraging task-specific prior knowledge. In this work, we consider object detection, semantic and instance segmentation and augment the training images by blending objects in existing scenes, using instance segmentation annotations. We observe that randomly pasting objects on images hurts the performance, unless the object is placed in the right context. To resolve this issue, we propose an explicit context model by using a convolutional neural network, which predicts whether an image region is suitable for placing a given object or not. In our experiments, we show that our approach is able to improve object detection, semantic and instance segmentation on the PASCAL VOC12 and COCO datasets, with significant gains in a limited annotation scenario, i.e. when only one category is annotated. We also show that the method is not limited to datasets that come with expensive pixel-wise instance annotations and can be used when only bounding boxes are available, by employing weakly-supervised learning for instance masks approximation.Comment: Updated the experimental section. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1807.0742

    Does Visual Pretraining Help End-to-End Reasoning?

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    We aim to investigate whether end-to-end learning of visual reasoning can be achieved with general-purpose neural networks, with the help of visual pretraining. A positive result would refute the common belief that explicit visual abstraction (e.g. object detection) is essential for compositional generalization on visual reasoning, and confirm the feasibility of a neural network "generalist" to solve visual recognition and reasoning tasks. We propose a simple and general self-supervised framework which "compresses" each video frame into a small set of tokens with a transformer network, and reconstructs the remaining frames based on the compressed temporal context. To minimize the reconstruction loss, the network must learn a compact representation for each image, as well as capture temporal dynamics and object permanence from temporal context. We perform evaluation on two visual reasoning benchmarks, CATER and ACRE. We observe that pretraining is essential to achieve compositional generalization for end-to-end visual reasoning. Our proposed framework outperforms traditional supervised pretraining, including image classification and explicit object detection, by large margins.Comment: NeurIPS 202

    Efficient Parameter Mining and Freezing for Continual Object Detection

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    Continual Object Detection is essential for enabling intelligent agents to interact proactively with humans in real-world settings. While parameter-isolation strategies have been extensively explored in the context of continual learning for classification, they have yet to be fully harnessed for incremental object detection scenarios. Drawing inspiration from prior research that focused on mining individual neuron responses and integrating insights from recent developments in neural pruning, we proposed efficient ways to identify which layers are the most important for a network to maintain the performance of a detector across sequential updates. The presented findings highlight the substantial advantages of layer-level parameter isolation in facilitating incremental learning within object detection models, offering promising avenues for future research and application in real-world scenarios.Comment: In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 2: VISAPP, ISBN 978-989-758-679-8, ISSN 2184-4321, pages 466-47
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