4,825 research outputs found

    Plant image retrieval using color, shape and texture features

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    We present a content-based image retrieval system for plant image retrieval, intended especially for the house plant identification problem. A plant image consists of a collection of overlapping leaves and possibly flowers, which makes the problem challenging.We studied the suitability of various well-known color, shape and texture features for this problem, as well as introducing some new texture matching techniques and shape features. Feature extraction is applied after segmenting the plant region from the background using the max-flow min-cut technique. Results on a database of 380 plant images belonging to 78 different types of plants show promise of the proposed new techniques and the overall system: in 55% of the queries, the correct plant image is retrieved among the top-15 results. Furthermore, the accuracy goes up to 73% when a 132-image subset of well-segmented plant images are considered

    From 3D Point Clouds to Pose-Normalised Depth Maps

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    We consider the problem of generating either pairwise-aligned or pose-normalised depth maps from noisy 3D point clouds in a relatively unrestricted poses. Our system is deployed in a 3D face alignment application and consists of the following four stages: (i) data filtering, (ii) nose tip identification and sub-vertex localisation, (iii) computation of the (relative) face orientation, (iv) generation of either a pose aligned or a pose normalised depth map. We generate an implicit radial basis function (RBF) model of the facial surface and this is employed within all four stages of the process. For example, in stage (ii), construction of novel invariant features is based on sampling this RBF over a set of concentric spheres to give a spherically-sampled RBF (SSR) shape histogram. In stage (iii), a second novel descriptor, called an isoradius contour curvature signal, is defined, which allows rotational alignment to be determined using a simple process of 1D correlation. We test our system on both the University of York (UoY) 3D face dataset and the Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC) 3D data. For the more challenging UoY data, our SSR descriptors significantly outperform three variants of spin images, successfully identifying nose vertices at a rate of 99.6%. Nose localisation performance on the higher quality FRGC data, which has only small pose variations, is 99.9%. Our best system successfully normalises the pose of 3D faces at rates of 99.1% (UoY data) and 99.6% (FRGC data)

    A Novel Active Contour Model for Texture Segmentation

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    Texture is intuitively defined as a repeated arrangement of a basic pattern or object in an image. There is no mathematical definition of a texture though. The human visual system is able to identify and segment different textures in a given image. Automating this task for a computer is far from trivial. There are three major components of any texture segmentation algorithm: (a) The features used to represent a texture, (b) the metric induced on this representation space and (c) the clustering algorithm that runs over these features in order to segment a given image into different textures. In this paper, we propose an active contour based novel unsupervised algorithm for texture segmentation. We use intensity covariance matrices of regions as the defining feature of textures and find regions that have the most inter-region dissimilar covariance matrices using active contours. Since covariance matrices are symmetric positive definite, we use geodesic distance defined on the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices PD(n) as a measure of dissimlarity between such matrices. We demonstrate performance of our algorithm on both artificial and real texture images

    An Appearance-Based Framework for 3D Hand Shape Classification and Camera Viewpoint Estimation

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    An appearance-based framework for 3D hand shape classification and simultaneous camera viewpoint estimation is presented. Given an input image of a segmented hand, the most similar matches from a large database of synthetic hand images are retrieved. The ground truth labels of those matches, containing hand shape and camera viewpoint information, are returned by the system as estimates for the input image. Database retrieval is done hierarchically, by first quickly rejecting the vast majority of all database views, and then ranking the remaining candidates in order of similarity to the input. Four different similarity measures are employed, based on edge location, edge orientation, finger location and geometric moments.National Science Foundation (IIS-9912573, EIA-9809340

    Efficient contour-based shape representation and matching

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    This paper presents an efficient method for calculating the similarity between 2D closed shape contours. The proposed algorithm is invariant to translation, scale change and rotation. It can be used for database retrieval or for detecting regions with a particular shape in video sequences. The proposed algorithm is suitable for real-time applications. In the first stage of the algorithm, an ordered sequence of contour points approximating the shapes is extracted from the input binary images. The contours are translation and scale-size normalized, and small sets of the most likely starting points for both shapes are extracted. In the second stage, the starting points from both shapes are assigned into pairs and rotation alignment is performed. The dissimilarity measure is based on the geometrical distances between corresponding contour points. A fast sub-optimal method for solving the correspondence problem between contour points from two shapes is proposed. The dissimilarity measure is calculated for each pair of starting points. The lowest dissimilarity is taken as the final dissimilarity measure between two shapes. Three different experiments are carried out using the proposed approach: letter recognition using a web camera, our own simulation of Part B of the MPEG-7 core experiment “CE-Shape1” and detection of characters in cartoon video sequences. Results indicate that the proposed dissimilarity measure is aligned with human intuition

    Image Retrieval Using Circular Hidden Markov Models with a Garbage State

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    Shape-based image and video retrieval is an active research topic in multimedia information retrieval. It is well known that there are significant variations in shapes of the same category extracted from images and videos. In this paper, we propose to use circular hidden Markov models for shape recognition and image retrieval. In our approach, we use a garbage state to explicitly deal with shape mismatch caused by shape deformation and occlusion. We will propose a modi¯ed circular hidden Markov model (HMM)for shape-based image retrieval and then use circular HMMs with a garbage state to further improve the performance. To evaluate the proposed algorithms, we have conducted experiments using the database of the MPEG-7 Core Experiments Shape-1, Part B. The experiments show that our approaches are robust to shape deformations such as shape variations and occlusion. The performance of our approaches is comparable to that of the state-of-the-art shape-based image retrieval systems in terms of accuracy and speed

    Edge Potential Functions (EPF) and Genetic Algorithms (GA) for Edge-Based Matching of Visual Objects

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    Edges are known to be a semantically rich representation of the contents of a digital image. Nevertheless, their use in practical applications is sometimes limited by computation and complexity constraints. In this paper, a new approach is presented that addresses the problem of matching visual objects in digital images by combining the concept of Edge Potential Functions (EPF) with a powerful matching tool based on Genetic Algorithms (GA). EPFs can be easily calculated starting from an edge map and provide a kind of attractive pattern for a matching contour, which is conveniently exploited by GAs. Several tests were performed in the framework of different image matching applications. The results achieved clearly outline the potential of the proposed method as compared to state of the art methodologies. (c) 2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works