11 research outputs found

    A graph theory-based online keywords model for image semantic extraction

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    Image captions and keywords are the semantic descriptions of the dominant visual content features in a targeted visual scene. Traditional image keywords extraction processes involves intensive data- and knowledge-level operations by using computer vision and machine learning techniques. However, recent studies have shown that the gap between pixel-level processing and the semantic definition of an image is difficult to bridge by counting only the visual features. In this paper, augmented image semantic information has been introduced through harnessing functions of online image search engines. A graphical model named as the “Head-words Relationship Network” (HWRN) has been devised for tackling the aforementioned problems. The proposed algorithm starts from retrieving online images of similarly visual features from the input image, the text content of their hosting webpages are then extracted, classified and analysed for semantic clues. The relationships of those “head-words” from relevant webpages can then be modelled and quantified using linguistic tools. Experiments on the prototype system have proven the effectiveness of this novel approach. Performance evaluation over benchmarking state-of-the-art approaches has also shown satisfactory results and promising future applications

    ACSIR: ANOVA Cosine Similarity Image Recommendation in vertical search

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    In todayĂąïżœïżœs world, online shopping is very attractive and grown exponentially due to revolution in digitization. It is a crucial demand to provide recommendation for all the search engine to identify usersĂąïżœïżœ need. In this paper, we have proposed a ANOVA Cosine Similarity Image Recommendation (ACSIR) framework for vertical image search where text and visual features are integrated to fill the semantic gap. Visual synonyms of each term are computed using ANOVA p value by considering image visual features on text-based search. Expanded queries are generated for user input query, and text-based search is performed to get the initial result set. Pair-wise image cosine similarity is computed for recommendation of images. Experiments are conducted on product images crawled from domain-specific site. Experiment results show that the ACSIR outperforms iLike method by providing more relevant products to the user input query. © 2017, Springer-Verlag London

    A Two-View Learning Approach for Image Tag Ranking

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    Singapore Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier

    Image Recommendation Based on Keyword Relevance Using Absorbing Markov Chain and Image Features

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    Image recommendation is an important feature of search engine, as tremendous amount of images are available online. It is necessary to retrieve relevant images to meet the user's requirement. In this paper, we present an algorithm image recommendation with absorbing Markov chain (IRAbMC) to retrieve relevant images for a user's input query. Images are ranked by calculating keyword relevance probability between annotated keywords from log and keywords of user input query. Keyword relevance is computed using absorbing Markov chain. Images are reranked using image visual features. Experimental results show that the IRAbMC algorithm outperforms Markovian semantic indexing (MSI) method with improved relevance score of retrieved ranked images

    Image Annotation and Topic Extraction Using Super-Word Latent Dirichlet

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    This research presents a multi-domain solution that uses text and images to iteratively improve automated information extraction. Stage I uses local text surrounding an embedded image to provide clues that help rank-order possible image annotations. These annotations are forwarded to Stage II, where the image annotations from Stage I are used as highly-relevant super-words to improve extraction of topics. The model probabilities from the super-words in Stage II are forwarded to Stage III where they are used to refine the automated image annotation developed in Stage I. All stages demonstrate improvement over existing equivalent algorithms in the literature

    AplicaciĂłn del modelo Bag-of-Words al reconocimiento de imĂĄgenes

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    Object recognition on images has been more investigated in the recent years. Its principal application is the image retrieval and, therefore, image searchers would find the solution to the query based on whether the image has certain objects in its visual content or not instead of based on the adjacent textual annotations. Content based image retrieval would improve notoriously the quality of searchers. It is neccesary to have models that classify an image based on its low level features. In this project, it is used the ‘Bag of words’ model. Multimedia information retrieval entails many fields involved, and has many applications. The objective of this project is the indexing of images of a database based on content. It tries to eliminate the semantic gap finding the descriptors of each imagen, and therefore decide to which class or which semantic concept belongs.--------------------------------------------------------------------El reconocimiento de objetos en imĂĄgenes es un campo cada vez mĂĄs investigado y que se aplica principalmente a la recuperaciĂłn de imĂĄgenes basada en contenido, es decir, a buscadores de imĂĄgenes que encontrarĂĄn la soluciĂłn a una consulta basĂĄndose en si la imagen contiene ciertos objetos o no en funciĂłn de su contenido visual, y no de las anotaciones textuales colindantes. Su aplicaciĂłn surge de la necesidad de sistemas de gestiĂłn automatizada de documentos multimedia que sustituyan a la gestiĂłn manual, ya que ciertas bases de datos de informaciĂłn multimedia tienen tamaños impracticables para realizar una anotaciĂłn manual. La recuperaciĂłn de imĂĄgenes basada en contenido mejorarĂ­a significativamente la calidad de las bĂșsquedas. Para ello es necesario disponer de modelos que se enfrenten a la clasificaciĂłn de una imagen a partir de sus caracterĂ­sticas de bajo nivel. En este proyecto se va a utilizar el modelo Bag-of-words (BoW). La recuperaciĂłn de informaciĂłn multimedia conlleva muchos campos involucrados: clasificadores de informaciĂłn, estadĂ­sticas de señales, visiĂłn artificial
 Por otro lado, tambiĂ©n tiene multitud de aplicaciones: buscadores Web, detecciĂłn de rostros en fotografĂ­as, recuperaciĂłn de imĂĄgenes mĂ©dicas, robĂłtica, etc. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo la indexaciĂłn de las imĂĄgenes de una base de datos basĂĄndose en el contenido. Trata de eliminar la laguna semĂĄntica hallando los descriptores de cada imagen de la base de datos para luego discernir a quĂ© clase o concepto semĂĄntico pertenecen.IngenierĂ­a TĂ©cnica en Sonido e Image

    Parallelizing support vector machines for scalable image annotation

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    Machine learning techniques have facilitated image retrieval by automatically classifying and annotating images with keywords. Among them Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are used extensively due to their generalization properties. However, SVM training is notably a computationally intensive process especially when the training dataset is large. In this thesis distributed computing paradigms have been investigated to speed up SVM training, by partitioning a large training dataset into small data chunks and process each chunk in parallel utilizing the resources of a cluster of computers. A resource aware parallel SVM algorithm is introduced for large scale image annotation in parallel using a cluster of computers. A genetic algorithm based load balancing scheme is designed to optimize the performance of the algorithm in heterogeneous computing environments. SVM was initially designed for binary classifications. However, most classification problems arising in domains such as image annotation usually involve more than two classes. A resource aware parallel multiclass SVM algorithm for large scale image annotation in parallel using a cluster of computers is introduced. The combination of classifiers leads to substantial reduction of classification error in a wide range of applications. Among them SVM ensembles with bagging is shown to outperform a single SVM in terms of classification accuracy. However, SVM ensembles training are notably a computationally intensive process especially when the number replicated samples based on bootstrapping is large. A distributed SVM ensemble algorithm for image annotation is introduced which re-samples the training data based on bootstrapping and training SVM on each sample in parallel using a cluster of computers. The above algorithms are evaluated in both experimental and simulation environments showing that the distributed SVM algorithm, distributed multiclass SVM algorithm, and distributed SVM ensemble algorithm, reduces the training time significantly while maintaining a high level of accuracy in classifications.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Content-Based Image Annotation Refinement

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