1 research outputs found


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    Although widely adopted, one of the biggest concerns with cloud computing is how to preserve the security and privacy of client data being processed and/or stored in a cloud computing environment. When it comes to cloud data protection, the methods employed can be very similar to protecting data within a traditional data center. Authentication and identity, access control, encryption, secure deletion, integrity checking, and data masking are all data protection methods that have applicability in cloud computing. Current research in cloud data protection primarily falls into three main categories: 1) Authentication & Access Control, 2) Encryption, and 3) Intrusion Detection. This thesis examines the various mechanisms that currently exist to protect data being stored in a public cloud computing environment. It also looks at the methods employed to detect intrusions targeting cloud data when and if data protection mechanisms fail. In response to these findings, we present three primary contributions that focus on enhancing the overall security of user data residing in a hosted environment such as the cloud. We first provide an analysis of Cloud Storage vendors that shows how data can be exposed when shared - even in the most `secure' environments. Secondly, we o er Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) as a method of securing data within this environment while enhancing PGP'sWeb of Trust validation mechanism using Bitcoin. Lastly, we provide a framework for protecting data exfiltration attempts in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Cloud Storage environments using Cyber Deception