33 research outputs found

    Containment of RumorsunderLimitCost Budget in Social Network

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    With widely usingof computer and mobile devices available, people share information more frequently on the online social network (OSN) than before, so information spread faster and wider, especially misinformation andrumors. Rumors on the OSN often make E-commerce companiessuffermuch financial losses.Once there is a rumor, the companies always try to control the rumor propagating so that they suffer the least loss by using a certain budget. In this paper,an effective method on information blocking maximization with cost budget (CIBM) is proposed to solve rumor containment problem with cost budget in e-commerce environment. First, CIBM is proved as NP-hardproblem withthe characteristic of sub-modular and monotone.Then a community dividing algorithm based community structure is presented to optimize containment of the rumors. To verify our proposed method, a lot of experiments are conducted on real dataset and random generated datasets. And the experiment results show that our algorithm has advantage over traditional methods

    Identification of false news about science and technology by preservice Elementary Science Teachers

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    La creciente aparición de noticias falsas en internet es una de las preocupaciones internacionales, pues el sensacionalismo, la tergiversación, la falta de pruebas, la veracidad o desinformación de muchas noticias, requiere de una formación especial en la identificación de tales falacias. La formación inicial de docentes es una de las estrategias para prevenir y preparar a la ciudadanía hacia un mayor compromiso y pensamiento crítico. En este trabajo se presenta una actividad de identificación de noticias falsas por estudiantes del grado de Primaria (de ahora en adelante EGP), donde se analiza además las creencias epistemológicas que tienen sobre la ciencia y la tecnología, y cómo éstas pueden ayudar o no al desempeño de las actividades formativas. Con una muestra de 38 EGP se observa que los estudiantes con un pensamiento evaluador pudieron identificar por igual las diferentes tipologías de noticias falsas, mientras que los que tenían un pensamiento absolutista o multiplicista tuvieron más dificultades para identificar las noticias tergiversadas y/o con falta de pruebas. Igualmente se presenta una metodología con la herramienta hypothes.is que permite de forma online la citación y creación de anotaciones en páginas web sobre publicaciones falsas.The growing occurrence of false news on the Internet is one of the international issues, because the sensationalism, misrepresentation, no evidences, untrue or disinformation of many news, requires special training in the identification of such fallacies. The pre-service teachers training is one of the strategies to prevent and prepare the public towards greater commitment and critical thinking. In this paper an activity of false news identification is presented by pre-service elementary science teachers (hereinafter EGP), which also analyzes the epistemological beliefs that they have about science and technology, and whether these can help or not to the success identifying false news of the students. It is observed with a sample of 38 EGP that students with an evaluatism thought could identify the different types of false news equally, while those with an absolutist or multiplicist thought had more difficulties to identify the misrepresentation and / or lack of information on the news. Likewise, a methodology is presented with the tool hypothes.is that allows online the citation and creation of annotations in web pages about false publications

    Effects of Time Horizons on Influence Maximization in the Voter Dynamics

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    In this paper we analyze influence maximization in the voter model with an active strategic and a passive influencing party in non-stationary settings. We thus explore the dependence of optimal influence allocation on the time horizons of the strategic influencer. We find that on undirected heterogeneous networks, for short time horizons, influence is maximized when targeting low-degree nodes, while for long time horizons influence maximization is achieved when controlling hub nodes. Furthermore, we show that for short and intermediate time scales influence maximization can exploit knowledge of (transient) opinion configurations. More in detail, we find two rules. First, nodes with states differing from the strategic influencer's goal should be targeted. Second, if only few nodes are initially aligned with the strategic influencer, nodes subject to opposing influence should be avoided, but when many nodes are aligned, an optimal influencer should shadow opposing influence.Comment: 22 page

    Addressing Health Misinformation Dissemination on Mobile Social Media

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    With the pervasive use of social media apps, it is now common to see that people share health related information on the mobile social platforms. The spread of health misinformation on social media apps such as Facebook and WeChat poses serious threats to individual and public health. To address this issue, we drew upon reflective-impulsive model and went beyond the traditional view of users as reasoned decision makers by arguing that the health misinformation dissemination on social media apps is primarily driven by the impulsive system (habit and avoidance orientation). To reduce the dissemination, the reflective system should be strengthened. Accordingly, we propose that the presence of a message which emphasizes the negative effects of health misinformation dissemination and/or the accountability for health misinformation dissemination will reduce users’ dissemination of the misinformation. Situational factors such as time availability, environmental noisiness and the dispositional moderator trait mindfulness will moderate the intervention effects