4,364 research outputs found

    Constructions of Large Graphs on Surfaces

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    We consider the degree/diameter problem for graphs embedded in a surface, namely, given a surface Σ\Sigma and integers Δ\Delta and kk, determine the maximum order N(Δ,k,Σ)N(\Delta,k,\Sigma) of a graph embeddable in Σ\Sigma with maximum degree Δ\Delta and diameter kk. We introduce a number of constructions which produce many new largest known planar and toroidal graphs. We record all these graphs in the available tables of largest known graphs. Given a surface Σ\Sigma of Euler genus gg and an odd diameter kk, the current best asymptotic lower bound for N(Δ,k,Σ)N(\Delta,k,\Sigma) is given by 38gΔ⌊k/2⌋.\sqrt{\frac{3}{8}g}\Delta^{\lfloor k/2\rfloor}. Our constructions produce new graphs of order \begin{cases}6\Delta^{\lfloor k/2\rfloor}& \text{if $\Sigma$ is the Klein bottle}\\ \(\frac{7}{2}+\sqrt{6g+\frac{1}{4}}\)\Delta^{\lfloor k/2\rfloor}& \text{otherwise,}\end{cases} thus improving the former value by a factor of 4.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Exploring complex networks via topological embedding on surfaces

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    We demonstrate that graphs embedded on surfaces are a powerful and practical tool to generate, characterize and simulate networks with a broad range of properties. Remarkably, the study of topologically embedded graphs is non-restrictive because any network can be embedded on a surface with sufficiently high genus. The local properties of the network are affected by the surface genus which, for example, produces significant changes in the degree distribution and in the clustering coefficient. The global properties of the graph are also strongly affected by the surface genus which is constraining the degree of interwoveness, changing the scaling properties from large-world-kind (small genus) to small- and ultra-small-world-kind (large genus). Two elementary moves allow the exploration of all networks embeddable on a given surface and naturally introduce a tool to develop a statistical mechanics description. Within such a framework, we study the properties of topologically-embedded graphs at high and low `temperatures' observing the formation of increasingly regular structures by cooling the system. We show that the cooling dynamics is strongly affected by the surface genus with the manifestation of a glassy-like freezing transitions occurring when the amount of topological disorder is low.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    The degree-diameter problem for sparse graph classes

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    The degree-diameter problem asks for the maximum number of vertices in a graph with maximum degree Δ\Delta and diameter kk. For fixed kk, the answer is Θ(Δk)\Theta(\Delta^k). We consider the degree-diameter problem for particular classes of sparse graphs, and establish the following results. For graphs of bounded average degree the answer is Θ(Δk−1)\Theta(\Delta^{k-1}), and for graphs of bounded arboricity the answer is \Theta(\Delta^{\floor{k/2}}), in both cases for fixed kk. For graphs of given treewidth, we determine the the maximum number of vertices up to a constant factor. More precise bounds are given for graphs of given treewidth, graphs embeddable on a given surface, and apex-minor-free graphs

    The degree/diameter problem in maximal planar bipartite graphs

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    The (Δ,D)(Δ,D) (degree/diameter) problem consists of finding the largest possible number of vertices nn among all the graphs with maximum degree ΔΔ and diameter DD. We consider the (Δ,D)(Δ,D) problem for maximal planar bipartite graphs, that is, simple planar graphs in which every face is a quadrangle. We obtain that for the (Δ,2)(Δ,2) problem, the number of vertices is n=Δ+2n=Δ+2; and for the (Δ,3)(Δ,3) problem, n=3Δ−1n=3Δ−1 if ΔΔ is odd and n=3Δ−2n=3Δ−2 if ΔΔ is even. Then, we prove that, for the general case of the (Δ,D)(Δ,D) problem, an upper bound on nn is approximately 3(2D+1)(Δ−2)⌊D/2⌋3(2D+1)(Δ−2)⌊D/2⌋, and another one is C(Δ−2)⌊D/2⌋C(Δ−2)⌊D/2⌋ if Δ≥DΔ≥D and CC is a sufficiently large constant. Our upper bounds improve for our kind of graphs the one given by Fellows, Hell and Seyffarth for general planar graphs. We also give a lower bound on nn for maximal planar bipartite graphs, which is approximately (Δ−2)k(Δ−2)k if D=2kD=2k, and 3(Δ−3)k3(Δ−3)k if D=2k+1D=2k+1, for ΔΔ and DD sufficiently large in both cases.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    On the maximum order of graphs embedded in surfaces

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    The maximum number of vertices in a graph of maximum degree Δ≥3\Delta\ge 3 and fixed diameter k≥2k\ge 2 is upper bounded by (1+o(1))(Δ−1)k(1+o(1))(\Delta-1)^{k}. If we restrict our graphs to certain classes, better upper bounds are known. For instance, for the class of trees there is an upper bound of (2+o(1))(Δ−1)⌊k/2⌋(2+o(1))(\Delta-1)^{\lfloor k/2\rfloor} for a fixed kk. The main result of this paper is that graphs embedded in surfaces of bounded Euler genus gg behave like trees, in the sense that, for large Δ\Delta, such graphs have orders bounded from above by begin{cases} c(g+1)(\Delta-1)^{\lfloor k/2\rfloor} & \text{if $k$ is even} c(g^{3/2}+1)(\Delta-1)^{\lfloor k/2\rfloor} & \text{if $k$ is odd}, \{cases} where cc is an absolute constant. This result represents a qualitative improvement over all previous results, even for planar graphs of odd diameter kk. With respect to lower bounds, we construct graphs of Euler genus gg, odd diameter kk, and order c(g+1)(Δ−1)⌊k/2⌋c(\sqrt{g}+1)(\Delta-1)^{\lfloor k/2\rfloor} for some absolute constant c>0c>0. Our results answer in the negative a question of Miller and \v{S}ir\'a\v{n} (2005).Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Self-similar planar graphs as models for complex networks

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    In this paper we introduce a family of planar, modular and self-similar graphs which have small-world and scale-free properties. The main parameters of this family are comparable to those of networks associated to complex systems, and therefore the graphs are of interest as mathematical models for these systems. As the clustering coefficient of the graphs is zero, this family is an explicit construction that does not match the usual characterization of hierarchical modular networks, namely that vertices have clustering values inversely proportional to their degrees.Comment: 10 pages, submitted to 19th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2008
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