7,565 research outputs found

    Interaction Testing, Fault Location, and Anonymous Attribute-Based Authorization

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    abstract: This dissertation studies three classes of combinatorial arrays with practical applications in testing, measurement, and security. Covering arrays are widely studied in software and hardware testing to indicate the presence of faulty interactions. Locating arrays extend covering arrays to achieve identification of the interactions causing a fault by requiring additional conditions on how interactions are covered in rows. This dissertation introduces a new class, the anonymizing arrays, to guarantee a degree of anonymity by bounding the probability a particular row is identified by the interaction presented. Similarities among these arrays lead to common algorithmic techniques for their construction which this dissertation explores. Differences arising from their application domains lead to the unique features of each class, requiring tailoring the techniques to the specifics of each problem. One contribution of this work is a conditional expectation algorithm to build covering arrays via an intermediate combinatorial object. Conditional expectation efficiently finds intermediate-sized arrays that are particularly useful as ingredients for additional recursive algorithms. A cut-and-paste method creates large arrays from small ingredients. Performing transformations on the copies makes further improvements by reducing redundancy in the composed arrays and leads to fewer rows. This work contains the first algorithm for constructing locating arrays for general values of dd and tt. A randomized computational search algorithmic framework verifies if a candidate array is (dˉ,t)(\bar{d},t)-locating by partitioning the search space and performs random resampling if a candidate fails. Algorithmic parameters determine which columns to resample and when to add additional rows to the candidate array. Additionally, analysis is conducted on the performance of the algorithmic parameters to provide guidance on how to tune parameters to prioritize speed, accuracy, or a combination of both. This work proposes anonymizing arrays as a class related to covering arrays with a higher coverage requirement and constraints. The algorithms for covering and locating arrays are tailored to anonymizing array construction. An additional property, homogeneity, is introduced to meet the needs of attribute-based authorization. Two metrics, local and global homogeneity, are designed to compare anonymizing arrays with the same parameters. Finally, a post-optimization approach reduces the homogeneity of an anonymizing array.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Fuzzy Adaptive Tuning of a Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Variable-Strength Combinatorial Test Suite Generation

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    Combinatorial interaction testing is an important software testing technique that has seen lots of recent interest. It can reduce the number of test cases needed by considering interactions between combinations of input parameters. Empirical evidence shows that it effectively detects faults, in particular, for highly configurable software systems. In real-world software testing, the input variables may vary in how strongly they interact, variable strength combinatorial interaction testing (VS-CIT) can exploit this for higher effectiveness. The generation of variable strength test suites is a non-deterministic polynomial-time (NP) hard computational problem \cite{BestounKamalFuzzy2017}. Research has shown that stochastic population-based algorithms such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) can be efficient compared to alternatives for VS-CIT problems. Nevertheless, they require detailed control for the exploitation and exploration trade-off to avoid premature convergence (i.e. being trapped in local optima) as well as to enhance the solution diversity. Here, we present a new variant of PSO based on Mamdani fuzzy inference system \cite{Camastra2015,TSAKIRIDIS2017257,KHOSRAVANIAN2016280}, to permit adaptive selection of its global and local search operations. We detail the design of this combined algorithm and evaluate it through experiments on multiple synthetic and benchmark problems. We conclude that fuzzy adaptive selection of global and local search operations is, at least, feasible as it performs only second-best to a discrete variant of PSO, called DPSO. Concerning obtaining the best mean test suite size, the fuzzy adaptation even outperforms DPSO occasionally. We discuss the reasons behind this performance and outline relevant areas of future work.Comment: 21 page

    Locating and Detecting Arrays for Interaction Faults

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    The identification of interaction faults in component-based systems has focused on indicating the presence of faults, rather than their location and magnitude. While this is a valuable step in screening a system for interaction faults prior to its release, it provides little information to assist in the correction of such faults. Consequently tests to reveal the location of interaction faults are of interest. The problem of nonadaptive location of interaction faults is formalized under the hypothesis that the system contains (at most) some number d of faults, each involving (at most) some number t of interacting factors. Restrictions on the number and size of the putative faults lead to numerous variants of the basic problem. The relationships between this class of problems and interaction testing using covering arrays to indicate the presence of faults, designed experiments to measure and model faults, and combinatorial group testing to locate faults in a more general testing scenario, are all examined. While each has some definite similarities with the fault location problems for component-based systems, each has some striking differences as well. In this paper, we formulate the combinatorial problems for locating and detecting arrays to undertake interaction fault location. Necessary conditions for existence are established, and using a close connection to covering arrays, asymptotic bounds on the size of minimal locating and detecting arrays are established. A final version of this paper appears in J Comb Optim (2008) 15: 17-48

    Electricity from photovoltaic solar cells: Flat-Plate Solar Array Project final report. Volume VI: Engineering sciences and reliability

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    The Flat-Plate Solar Array (FSA) Project, funded by the U.S. Government and managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, was formed in 1975 to develop the module/array technology needed to attain widespread terrestrial use of photovoltaics by 1985. To accomplish this, the FSA Project established and managed an Industry, University, and Federal Government Team to perform the needed research and development. This volume of the series of final reports documenting the FSA Project deals with the Project's activities directed at developing the engineering technology base required to achieve modules that meet the functional, safety and reliability requirements of large-scale terrestrial photovoltaic systems applications. These activities included: (1) development of functional, safety, and reliability requirements for such applications; (2) development of the engineering analytical approaches, test techniques, and design solutions required to meet the requirements; (3) synthesis and procurement of candidate designs for test and evaluation; and (4) performance of extensive testing, evaluation, and failure analysis to define design shortfalls and, thus, areas requiring additional research and development. During the life of the FSA Project, these activities were known by and included a variety of evolving organizational titles: Design and Test, Large-Scale Procurements, Engineering, Engineering Sciences, Operations, Module Performance and Failure Analysis, and at the end of the Project, Reliability and Engineering Sciences. This volume provides both a summary of the approach and technical outcome of these activities and provides a complete Bibliography (Appendix A) of the published documentation covering the detailed accomplishments and technologies developed
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