20 research outputs found

    Construction of planar triangulations with minimum degree 5

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    AbstractIn this article, we describe a method of constructing all simple triangulations of the sphere with minimum degree 5; equivalently, 3-connected planar cubic graphs with girth 5. We also present the results of a computer program based on this algorithm, including counts of convex polytopes of minimum degree 5

    Construction of planar 4-connected triangulations

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    In this article we describe a recursive structure for the class of 4-connected triangulations or - equivalently - cyclically 4-connected plane cubic graphs

    On Cyclic Edge-Connectivity of Fullerenes

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    A graph is said to be cyclic kk-edge-connected, if at least kk edges must be removed to disconnect it into two components, each containing a cycle. Such a set of kk edges is called a cyclic-kk-edge cutset and it is called a trivial cyclic-kk-edge cutset if at least one of the resulting two components induces a single kk-cycle. It is known that fullerenes, that is, 3-connected cubic planar graphs all of whose faces are pentagons and hexagons, are cyclic 5-edge-connected. In this article it is shown that a fullerene FF containing a nontrivial cyclic-5-edge cutset admits two antipodal pentacaps, that is, two antipodal pentagonal faces whose neighboring faces are also pentagonal. Moreover, it is shown that FF has a Hamilton cycle, and as a consequence at least 152n2015\cdot 2^{\lfloor \frac{n}{20}\rfloor} perfect matchings, where nn is the order of FF.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Wiener Index and Remoteness in Triangulations and Quadrangulations

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    Let GG be a a connected graph. The Wiener index of a connected graph is the sum of the distances between all unordered pairs of vertices. We provide asymptotic formulae for the maximum Wiener index of simple triangulations and quadrangulations with given connectivity, as the order increases, and make conjectures for the extremal triangulations and quadrangulations based on computational evidence. If σ(v)\overline{\sigma}(v) denotes the arithmetic mean of the distances from vv to all other vertices of GG, then the remoteness of GG is defined as the largest value of σ(v)\overline{\sigma}(v) over all vertices vv of GG. We give sharp upper bounds on the remoteness of simple triangulations and quadrangulations of given order and connectivity

    Recursive generation of simple planar 5-regular graphs and pentangulations

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    We describe how the 5-regular simple planar graphs can all be obtained from an elementary family of starting graphs by repeatedly applying a few local expansion operations. The proof uses an amalgam of theory and computation. By incorporating the recursion into the canonical construc- tion path method of isomorph rejection, a generator of non-isomorphic embedded 5-regular planar graphs is obtained with time complexity O(n2) per isomorphism class. A similar result is obtained for simple planar pen- tangulations with minimum degree 2