1,645 research outputs found

    Wissensstandsanalyse zu Qualität, Verbraucherschutz und Verarbeitung Ükologischer Lebensmittel

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    Zielsetzung des Projektes war es, den aktuellen Stand des Wissens zur Qualität und Verarbeitung ökologischer Lebensmittel sowie zum Verbraucherschutz aufzuzeigen und zu bewerten. Das Projektteam setzte sich aus Wissenschaftlern des Forschungsinstituts für biologischen Landbau (Deutschland und Schweiz), des Büros für Lebensmittelkunde, des Forschungsrings für Biologisch-Dynamische Wirtschaftsweise e.V. sowie des Fachgebiets Ökologische Lebensmittelqualität und Ernährungskultur der Universität Kassel zusammen. In dem zeitlich sehr begrenzten Projekt fokussierte die Arbeitsgruppe die Betrachtung auf folgende Themenkomplexe und Produktgruppen: Bereich Qualität - Ernährung - Sensorik - Ökospezifische Qualitäten - Authentizität und Rückverfolgbarkeit Bereich Verarbeitung - Rohwaren/Lagerung und Technologien für die Produktgruppen: -- Getreide -- Milch -- Fleisch -- Obst und Gemüse und Erzeugnisse aus diesen - Nachhaltigkeit im Unternehmen und entlang der Prozesskette - Verpackung Vorhandenes Wissen, aktuelle Fragestellungen und Entwicklungsrichtungen wurden nach thematisch angepassten Vorgehensweisen identifiziert und anhand internationaler Literatur und Experteninterviews diskutiert. Zu allen Themenkomplexen wurden kurze und allgemeinverständliche Reports erstellt, die einen schnellen und fundierten Überblick zum aktuellen Stand des Wissens und zu eventuellen Wissenslücken geben. Der Abschlussreport wurde in deutscher und englischer Sprache veröffentlicht. Insgesamt wurde festgestellt, dass in den betrachteten Themenkomplexen erheblicher Bedarf an Forschung und Entwicklung sowie an Wissenstransfer besteht. Neben einer Reihe von Detailfragen sind grundlegende Themen, wie beispielsweise das Anforderungsprofil an eine „ökologische Verarbeitung“, nicht hinreichend erforscht und geklärt. Diese Arbeiten sind jedoch Voraussetzung für die Bearbeitung von Detailthemen, da hier Aufgabenstellungen, Schwerpunktsetzungen und Methoden definiert werden

    Agri-food business: Global challenges â Innovative solutions

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    The rise of a western-style middle class in many successful emerging economies like China currently is inducing deep structural changes on agricultural world markets and within the global agri-food business. As a result of both higher incomes and concerns over product safety and quality the global demand for high-quality and safe food products is increasing significantly. In order to meet the new required quality, globally minimum quality standards are rising and private standards emerging. All over the world these developments cause adjustments at the enterprise, chain and market levels. At the same time, the tremendously increasing demand for renewable energy has led to the emergence of a highly promising market for biomass production. This has far-reaching consequences for resource allocation in the agri-food business, for the environment, for the poor in developing countries and for agricultural policy reforms. The challenges increase with ongoing liberalisation, globalisation and standardisation, all of which change trade patterns for agricultural and food commodities, and influence production costs and commodity prices. The objective of the IAMO Forum is to show opportunities as well as risks for all participants of the food economy in the ongoing globalisation process: for small peasants in developing countries, farmers in Europe and globally active food enterprises and retailers. The success of enterprises depends on the ability to find innovative solutions with regard to the organisation of enterprises, chains, and markets, as well as future policy design. Concerning bio-energy strategies has to be identified to combat global warming most efficiently and concurrently attenuate the competition between "tank and table" on farmland. IAMO Forum 2008, as well as this book, would not have been possible without the engagement of many people and institutions. We thank the authors of the papers, as well as the referees. Furthermore we are highly indebted to MARLIES LOHR, NADINE GIEMSA and RONNY RECKE who in an outstanding way contributed to the organisation of the Forum. This is true as well for the IAMO administration, whose work we gratefully acknowledge. Many sponsors has funded the IAMO Forum 2008. We are very grateful to the German Research Foundation (DFG), The Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Production in Germany, The Ministry of Cultural Affairs of the Federal State Saxony-Anhalt, Germany and last but not least the City of Halle. Further Conference sponsors are the BIONADE Corporation, Gaensefurther Mineral Water, The Wine Growers Association of the Region Saale-Unstrut, Germany, Obsthof am SßÃen See GmbH, Monsanto Company, KWS Saat AG, Sachsen-Anhalt-Tours, Baumkuchen Salzwedel and the Hallesches Brauhaus.Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Agricultural Finance, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Industrial Organization, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, International Development, Marketing, Political Economy,

    Agri-food business: global challenges - innovative solutions

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    The rise of a western-style middle class in many successful emerging economies like China currently is inducing deep structural changes on agricultural world markets and within the global agri-food business. As a result of both higher incomes and concerns over product safety and quality the global demand for high-quality and safe food products is increasing significantly. In order to meet the new required quality, globally minimum quality standards are rising and private standards emerging. All over the world these developments cause adjustments at the enterprise, chain and market levels. At the same time, the tremendously increasing demand for renewable energy has led to the emergence of a highly promising market for biomass production. This has far-reaching consequences for resource allocation in the agri-food business, for the environment, for the poor in developing countries and for agricultural policy reforms. The challenges increase with ongoing liberalisation, globalisation and standardisation, all of which change trade patterns for agricultural and food commodities, and influence production costs and commodity prices. CONTENTS: Preface... i; On the political economy of food standards ... 1, Johan F. M. Swinnen, Thijs Vandemoortele; An analytical framework for the study of deviant behaviour in production... 11, Norbert Hirschauer, Gaetano Martino; Netchain innovations for sustainable pork supply chains in an EU Context... 22, Rannia Nijhoff-Savvaki, Jacques Trienekens, Onno Omta; Inclusion of dairy farms in supply chain in Bulgaria - Modes, efficiency, perspectives... 35, Hrabrin Bachev; The effective traceability on the example of Polish supply chain ... 47, Agnieszka Bezat, Sebastian Jarzebowski; Geographical indications in transition countries: Governance, vertical integration and territorial impact. Illustration with case studies from Serbia... 58, Marguerite Paus; Processing and marketing feasibility of underutilized fruit species of Rajasthan, India ... 70, Dheeraj Singh, Lobsang Wangshu, V. C. Prahalad; Future impact of new technologies upon food quality and health in Central Eastern European countries... 82, Lajos ZoltĂĄn Bakucs, Imre Ferto, Attila Havas; Are food industry companies interested in co-financing collective agricultural marketing?... 95, AnikĂł TĂłth, Csaba ForgĂĄcs; Farmers' reasons for engaging in bioenergy utilisation and their institutional context: A case study from Germany ... 106, Melf-Hinrich Ehlers; Degree and pattern of agro-food trade integration of South-Eastern European countries with the European Union ... 118, Ĺ tefan Bojnec, Imre Ferto; Competitiveness of cotton and wheat production and processing in Central Asia ... 133, Inna Levkovych --


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    Marketing of specialty and identity preserved grains has become an important strategy in the grain marketing industry and is being driven, in part, by consumer and processor demand and an interest in non-GM products. This study provides background and practices of numerous organizations involved in marketing of specialty/identity preserved grains. Supporting marketing activities are reviewed. Key factors in the success (or failure) of their efforts are identified. Major challenges facing the participants in the specialty/IP grain marketing industry are discussed. The primary focus is on the role of agricultural cooperatives and producer owned alliances.identity preservation, IP, segregation, traceability, specialty products, genetically modified, GM, non-GM, cooperative, alliance., Agribusiness,

    Rural development in the area of Pollino: integrated design of an “atypical” chain

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    The introduction of the Integrated Projects of Food Chain requires the development of models capable of interpreting the dynamics of vertical and horizontal coordination between agents and the definition of the issues that most affect the ability of professionals to provide value added to goods and products to acquire in exchange a competitive advantage. With reference to setting up Local Production System of the Pollino - Lagonegrese, characterized by the development of an "atypical" food chain, for which the main factor of integration and competitive advantage lies in the strong link between companies and territory and in the social and economic value of the protected area agriculture, this research has developed a new model for food chain that combines theories of productivity with those of social welfare and environmental economics: multifunctionality and biodiversity related to the needs of income and efficiency of companies in various stages of the food chain classic.Food Chain, Protected areas, Rural Development, Integrated Project of Food Chain, Local Production System Pollino-Lagonegrese, Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    The role of blockchain technology in promoting traceability systems in agri-food production and supply chains

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    Due to recurring food quality and safety issues, growing segments of consumers, especially in developed markets, and regulators in agri-food supply chains (AFSCs) require a fast and trustworthy system to retrieve necessary information on their food products. With the existing centralized traceability systems used in AFSCs, it is difficult to acquire full traceability information, and there are risks of information loss and data tampering. To address these challenges, research on the application of blockchain technology (BCT) for traceability systems in the agri-food sector is increasing, and startup companies have emerged in recent years. However, there have been only a limited number of reviews on the application of BCT in the agriculture sector, especially those that focus on the BCT-based traceability of agricultural goods. To bridge this knowledge gap, we reviewed 78 studies that integrated BCT into traceability systems in AFSCs and additional relevant papers, mapping out the main types of food traceability information. The findings indicated that the existing BCT-based traceability systems focus more on fruit and vegetables, meat, dairy, and milk. A BCT-based traceability system enables one to develop and implement a decentralized, immutable, transparent, and reliable system in which process automation facilitates the monitoring of real-time data and decision-making activities. We also mapped out the main traceability information, key information providers, and challenges and benefits of the BCT-based traceability systems in AFSCs. These helped to design, develop, and implement BCT-based traceability systems, which, in turn, will contribute to the transition to smart AFSC systems. This study comprehensively illustrated that implementing BCT-based traceability systems also has important, positive implications for improving AFSC management, e.g., reductions in food loss and food recall incidents and the achievement of the United Nations SDGs (1, 3, 5, 9, 12). This will contribute to existing knowledge and be useful for academicians, managers, and practitioners in AFSCs, as well as policymakers

    Food forensics

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    The food market nowadays accounts for huge incomes and therefore it is an easy target for falsification. This recalls the urgency for reliable and powerful diagnostic techniques, in order to develop analytical protocols for identification of frauds. MS-based strategies of analysis are definitely suitable for this task and have become in the last years of paramount importance in the field of food forensics. Sophisticated techniques have been developed that request short times of analysis and allow the identification of specific parameters, useful as classification markers. The wide range of techniques available [i.e. isotopic analysis, inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), hyphenated systems, stand-alone systems] allow to address a wide range of analytical questions pertaining to food authentication and traceability

    Use of Microsatellites to Study Agricultural Biodiversity and Food Traceability

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    Molecular markers are useful tools for measuring the genetic diversity among agricultural species. In plants, microsatellites are still the most used markers for germplasm characterization, conservation, and traceability purposes, while in the livestock sector, although having represented the standard for at least two decades, they are still used only for minor farm animal species. In this work, together with a review on the use of microsatellites in livestock, we also illustrate the use of these markers for the characterization of agricultural diversity and food traceability through two case studies: (i) the analysis of genetic diversity in ancient fruit tree cultivars of apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.), pear (Pyrus communis L.), sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.), and sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) from Northern Italy and (ii) the molecular authentication of wheat food chain. In the former case, a high genetic variability as well as the presence of different ploidy levels were detected, while in the latter microsatellite markers were shown to be useful for traceability and product authentication along the whole food chain. Overall, the presented evidence confirms the versatility of microsatellites as markers for both agrobiodiversity characterization and food traceability in cultivated plants and farm animals
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