2,978 research outputs found

    The complexity of Boolean surjective general-valued CSPs

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    Valued constraint satisfaction problems (VCSPs) are discrete optimisation problems with a (Q∪{∞})(\mathbb{Q}\cup\{\infty\})-valued objective function given as a sum of fixed-arity functions. In Boolean surjective VCSPs, variables take on labels from D={0,1}D=\{0,1\} and an optimal assignment is required to use both labels from DD. Examples include the classical global Min-Cut problem in graphs and the Minimum Distance problem studied in coding theory. We establish a dichotomy theorem and thus give a complete complexity classification of Boolean surjective VCSPs with respect to exact solvability. Our work generalises the dichotomy for {0,∞}\{0,\infty\}-valued constraint languages (corresponding to surjective decision CSPs) obtained by Creignou and H\'ebrard. For the maximisation problem of Q≥0\mathbb{Q}_{\geq 0}-valued surjective VCSPs, we also establish a dichotomy theorem with respect to approximability. Unlike in the case of Boolean surjective (decision) CSPs, there appears a novel tractable class of languages that is trivial in the non-surjective setting. This newly discovered tractable class has an interesting mathematical structure related to downsets and upsets. Our main contribution is identifying this class and proving that it lies on the borderline of tractability. A crucial part of our proof is a polynomial-time algorithm for enumerating all near-optimal solutions to a generalised Min-Cut problem, which might be of independent interest.Comment: v5: small corrections and improved presentatio

    Spectrally approximating large graphs with smaller graphs

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    How does coarsening affect the spectrum of a general graph? We provide conditions such that the principal eigenvalues and eigenspaces of a coarsened and original graph Laplacian matrices are close. The achieved approximation is shown to depend on standard graph-theoretic properties, such as the degree and eigenvalue distributions, as well as on the ratio between the coarsened and actual graph sizes. Our results carry implications for learning methods that utilize coarsening. For the particular case of spectral clustering, they imply that coarse eigenvectors can be used to derive good quality assignments even without refinement---this phenomenon was previously observed, but lacked formal justification.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Minimizing optimal transport for functions with fixed-size nodal sets

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    Consider the class of zero-mean functions with fixed L∞L^{\infty} and L1L^1 norms and exactly N∈NN\in \mathbb{N} nodal points. Which functions ff minimize Wp(f+,f−)W_p(f_+,f_-), the Wasserstein distance between the measures whose densities are the positive and negative parts? We provide a complete solution to this minimization problem on the line and the circle, which provides sharp constants for previously proven ``uncertainty principle''-type inequalities, i.e., lower bounds on N⋅Wp(f+,f−)N\cdot W_p (f_+, f_-). We further show that, while such inequalities hold in many metric measure spaces, they are no longer sharp when the non-branching assumption is violated; indeed, for metric star-graphs, the optimal lower bound on Wp(f+,f−)W_p(f_+,f_-) is not inversely proportional to the size of the nodal set, NN. Based on similar reductions, we make connections between the analogous problem of minimizing Wp(f+,f−)W_p(f_+,f_-) for ff defined on Ω⊂Rd\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^d with an equivalent optimal domain partition problem

    The intrinsic dynamics of optimal transport

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    The question of which costs admit unique optimizers in the Monge-Kantorovich problem of optimal transportation between arbitrary probability densities is investigated. For smooth costs and densities on compact manifolds, the only known examples for which the optimal solution is always unique require at least one of the two underlying spaces to be homeomorphic to a sphere. We introduce a (multivalued) dynamics which the transportation cost induces between the target and source space, for which the presence or absence of a sufficiently large set of periodic trajectories plays a role in determining whether or not optimal transport is necessarily unique. This insight allows us to construct smooth costs on a pair of compact manifolds with arbitrary topology, so that the optimal transportation between any pair of probility densities is unique.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figure

    A semidefinite programming hierarchy for packing problems in discrete geometry

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    Packing problems in discrete geometry can be modeled as finding independent sets in infinite graphs where one is interested in independent sets which are as large as possible. For finite graphs one popular way to compute upper bounds for the maximal size of an independent set is to use Lasserre's semidefinite programming hierarchy. We generalize this approach to infinite graphs. For this we introduce topological packing graphs as an abstraction for infinite graphs coming from packing problems in discrete geometry. We show that our hierarchy converges to the independence number.Comment: (v2) 25 pages, revision based on suggestions by referee, accepted in Mathematical Programming Series B special issue on polynomial optimizatio
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