90,364 research outputs found

    Стратегия концептуального картирования в учебной деятельности студентов по изучению иностранных языков

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    The article is devoted to theoretical and practical considerations as for the use of Legitimation Code Theory in concept mapping which allows the evaluating the mapper’s ability in academic performance. This raises the map above the assessment of factual data review and proves the higher organized network of thinking skills that are required for students to achieve proficiency in foreign language learning.Стаття присвячена теоретичним і практичним міркуванням щодо використання теорії коду легітимації задля оцінки стратегій концептуального мапування, що дозволяє оптимально визначити рівень опанування студентами навчальною діяльністю. Концептуальна мапа охоплює не лише рівень володіння фактичними даними, а доводить сформованість більш організованої мережі навичок когнітивного мислення, необхідних студентам для досягнення професійного рівня володіння іноземною мовою.Статья посвящена теоретическим и практическим наблюдениям относительно использования теории кода легитимации для оценки стратегий концептуального картирования, что позволяет оптимально определить уровень освоения студентами учебной деятельности. Концептуальная карта охватывает не только уровень владения фактическими данными, а доказывает сформированность более организованной сети навыков когнитивного мышления, необходимых студентам для достижения профессионального уровня владения иностранным языком

    Concept mapping, mind mapping argument mapping: What are the differences and do they matter?

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    In recent years, academics and educators have begun to use software mapping tools for a number of education-related purposes. Typically, the tools are used to help impart critical and analytical skills to students, to enable students to see relationships between concepts, and also as a method of assessment. The common feature of all these tools is the use of diagrammatic relationships of various kinds in preference to written or verbal descriptions. Pictures and structured diagrams are thought to be more comprehensible than just words, and a clearer way to illustrate understanding of complex topics. Variants of these tools are available under different names: “concept mapping”, “mind mapping” and “argument mapping”. Sometimes these terms are used synonymously. However, as this paper will demonstrate, there are clear differences in each of these mapping tools. This paper offers an outline of the various types of tool available and their advantages and disadvantages. It argues that the choice of mapping tool largely depends on the purpose or aim for which the tool is used and that the tools may well be converging to offer educators as yet unrealised and potentially complementary functions

    Using Concept Maps to Plan an Introductory Structural Geology Course

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    This report presents the results of incorporating constructivist methods, including concept maps, into an undergraduate structural geology curriculum. A concept map is a visual representation of concepts and their relationship to each other in a body of knowledge. They show the hierarchy of these concepts and emphasize the links between them. The overall goal of this project was to encourage students to adopt a deep/holistic approach to learning in order to better understand the concepts of structural geology. The authors sought to determine whether teaching methods became more overtly constructivist, whether there was a change in the order of presentation of topics, and whether the order of presentation normally followed by textbooks was the same as the order determined using concept maps. Educational levels: Graduate or professional

    Understanding of the Mole Concept Achieved by Students in a Constructivist General Chemistry Course

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    The purpose of this research project was to study the conceptual understanding achieved in a general chemistry course based on a constructivist approach. A group of 28 students participated in repeated measures obtained by means of conceptual maps about the mole concept prepared three times during the course: at the beginning the course, immediately after the concept was studied, and after studying other related concepts. In addition, eight students selected from the group of 28 were interviewed. The interviews were carried out focusing on their conceptual maps. The analysis of the repeated measures indicated significant differences among the three times, especially between the first two. It was evidenced, therefore, that these students obtained a significantly higher level of understanding of the mole concept. The qualitative analysis carried out with students identified a broad range of responses that represent different levels of hierarchical organization, of progressive differentiation, and of formation of significant relations of the mole concept. Some recommendations offered are to develop and implement teaching methods that promote understanding of scientific concepts, and to prepare science professors and teachers to emphasize teaching for conceptual understanding


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    Concept maps are found to be useful in eliciting knowledge, meaningful learning, evaluation of understanding and in studying the nature of changes taking place during cognitive development, particularly in the classroom. Several experts have claimed the effectiveness of this tool for learning science. We agree with the claim, but the effectiveness will improve only if we gradually introduce a certain amount of discipline in constructing the maps. The discipline is warranted, we argue, because science thrives to be an unambiguous and rigorously structured body of knowledge. Since learning science may be seen as a process where a novice is expected to be transformed into an expert, we use the context of learning science for making the proposal. Further, we identify certain anomalies in the evaluation of concept maps, and suggest that the evaluation should be based on semantics of the linking words (relation types) and not on graphical criteria alone.\u

    The CAITLIN Auralization System: Hierarchical Leitmotif Design as a Clue to Program Comprehension

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    Early experiments have suggested that program auralization can convey information about program structure [8]. Languages like Pascal contain classes of construct that are similar in nature allowing hierarchical classification of their features. This taxonomy can be reflected in the design of musical signatures which are used within the CAITLIN program auralization system. Experiments using these hierarchical leitmotifs indicate whether or not their similarities can be put to good use in communicating information about program structure and state

    Genetic code on the dyadic plane

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    We introduce the simple parametrization for the space of codons (triples of nucleotides) by 8\times 8 table. This table (which we call the dyadic plane) possesses the natural 2-adic ultrametric. We show that after this parametrization the genetic code will be a locally constant map of the simple form. The local constancy of this map will describe degeneracy of the genetic code. The map of the genetic code defines 2-adic ultrametric on the space of amino acids. We show that hydrophobic amino acids will be clustered in two balls with respect to this ultrametric. Therefore the introduced parametrization of space of codons exhibits the hidden regularity of the genetic code.Comment: Some gap in the construction was fixe

    The Study of Perception and Project of the Territory Using Brain Storming

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    Brainstorming (based on conceptual mapping tools) is a method for identifying ideas, oriented to workgroups. In brief, it is the conceptual analysis of the discussion inside the group. In this way it is possible to enhance creative energies and develop new ideas. We propose two applications in the field of urban planning. The first is the development of a conceptual model of a given territory. By analysing the discussion among people involved in the elaboration of a report concerning social, economical, territorial aspects of Bergamo and Lecco (two Italian metropolitan areas), we have tried to find a link among various indicators and elements identifying the peculiar features of the territorial systems that we study. The second is, instead, the research of the best solution for opening a factory in a given territory. In this case study the discussion group is made by the actors intervening in the decision process, the administrators, the contractors, the urban planners, etc. The result will be compared with one obtained with traditional analysis.

    Automated construction of a hierarchy of self-organized neural network classifiers

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    This paper documents an effort to design and implement a neural network-based, automatic classification system which dynamically constructs and trains a decision tree. The system is a combination of neural network and decision tree technology. The decision tree is constructed to partition a large classification problem into smaller problems. The neural network modules then solve these smaller problems. We used a variant of the Fuzzy ARTMAP neural network which can be trained much more quickly than traditional neural networks. The research extends the concept of self-organization from within the neural network to the overall structure of the dynamically constructed decision hierarchy. The primary advantage is avoidance of manual tedium and subjective bias in constructing decision hierarchies. Additionally, removing the need for manual construction of the hierarchy opens up a large class of potential classification applications. When tested on data from real-world images, the automatically generated hierarchies performed slightly better than an intuitive (handbuilt) hierarchy. Because the neural networks at the nodes of the decision hierarchy are solving smaller problems, generalization performance can really be improved if the number of features used to solve these problems is reduced. Algorithms for automatically selecting which features to use for each individual classification module were also implemented. We were able to achieve the same level of performance as in previous manual efforts, but in an efficient, automatic manner. The technology developed has great potential in a number of commercial areas, including data mining, pattern recognition, and intelligent interfaces for personal computer applications. Sample applications include: fraud detection, bankruptcy prediction, data mining agent, scalable object recognition system, email agent, resource librarian agent, and a decision aid agent