723 research outputs found

    Jamming in complex networks with degree correlation

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    We study the effects of the degree-degree correlations on the pressure congestion J when we apply a dynamical process on scale free complex networks using the gradient network approach. We find that the pressure congestion for disassortative (assortative) networks is lower (bigger) than the one for uncorrelated networks which allow us to affirm that disassortative networks enhance transport through them. This result agree with the fact that many real world transportation networks naturally evolve to this kind of correlation. We explain our results showing that for the disassortative case the clusters in the gradient network turn out to be as much elongated as possible, reducing the pressure congestion J and observing the opposite behavior for the assortative case. Finally we apply our model to real world networks, and the results agree with our theoretical model

    Average nearest neighbor degrees in scale-free networks

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    The average nearest neighbor degree (ANND) of a node of degree kk is widely used to measure dependencies between degrees of neighbor nodes in a network. We formally analyze ANND in undirected random graphs when the graph size tends to infinity. The limiting behavior of ANND depends on the variance of the degree distribution. When the variance is finite, the ANND has a deterministic limit. When the variance is infinite, the ANND scales with the size of the graph, and we prove a corresponding central limit theorem in the configuration model (CM, a network with random connections). As ANND proved uninformative in the infinite variance scenario, we propose an alternative measure, the average nearest neighbor rank (ANNR). We prove that ANNR converges to a deterministic function whenever the degree distribution has finite mean. We then consider the erased configuration model (ECM), where self-loops and multiple edges are removed, and investigate the well-known `structural negative correlations', or `finite-size effects', that arise in simple graphs, such as ECM, because large nodes can only have a limited number of large neighbors. Interestingly, we prove that for any fixed kk, ANNR in ECM converges to the same limit as in CM. However, numerical experiments show that finite-size effects occur when kk scales with nn