4 research outputs found

    Resistive Random Access Memory (ReRAM)

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    Resistive Random-Access Memory (ReRAM) technology has been viewed as one of the most reliable non-volatile memories that have are emerging in markets. In this research paper, the revolution of ReRAM will be analyzed. Also, the paper will also review the recent progress in the technological development of ReRAM. The performance parameters of these non-volatile memories such as their operating voltage, operation speed, resistance ratio, endurance, retention time, device yield, and multilevel storage will be analyzed. Integration and reliability of Re-RAM in the practical level is compared with other types of memories. Challenges faced by users of ReRAM are addressed in regards to technological fallbacks among other challenges. Finally, the future research on the ReRAM will be analyzed

    Improving Performance and Endurance for Crossbar Resistive Memory

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    Resistive Memory (ReRAM) has emerged as a promising non-volatile memory technology that may replace a significant portion of DRAM in future computer systems. When adopting crossbar architecture, ReRAM cell can achieve the smallest theoretical size in fabrication, ideally for constructing dense memory with large capacity. However, crossbar cell structure suffers from severe performance and endurance degradations, which come from large voltage drops on long wires. In this dissertation, I first study the correlation between the ReRAM cell switching latency and the number of cells in low resistant state (LRS) along bitlines, and propose to dynamically speed up write operations based on bitline data patterns. By leveraging the intrinsic in-memory processing capability of ReRAM crossbars, a low overhead runtime profiler that effectively tracks the data patterns in different bitlines is proposed. To achieve further write latency reduction, data compression and row address dependent memory data layout are employed to reduce the numbers of LRS cells on bitlines. Moreover, two optimization techniques are presented to mitigate energy overhead brought by bitline data patterns tracking. Second, I propose XWL, a novel table-based wear leveling scheme for ReRAM crossbars and study the correlation between write endurance and voltage stress in ReRAM crossbars. By estimating and tracking the effective write stress to different rows at runtime, XWL chooses the ones that are stressed the most to mitigate. Additionally, two extended scenarios are further examined for the performance and endurance issues in neural network accelerators as well as 3D vertical ReRAM (3D-VRAM) arrays. For the ReRAM crossbar-based accelerators, by exploiting the wearing out mechanism of ReRAM cell, a novel comprehensive framework, ReNEW, is proposed to enhance the lifetime of the ReRAM crossbar-based accelerators, particularly for neural network training. To reduce the write latency in 3D-VRAM arrays, a collection of techniques, including an in-memory data encoding scheme, a data pattern estimator for assessing cell resistance distributions, and a write time reduction scheme that opportunistically reduces RESET latency with runtime data patterns, are devised

    Applications of memristors in conventional analogue electronics

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    This dissertation presents the steps employed to activate and utilise analogue memristive devices in conventional analogue circuits and beyond. TiO2 memristors are mainly utilised in this study, and their large variability in operation in between similar devices is identified. A specialised memristor characterisation instrument is designed and built to mitigate this issue and to allow access to large numbers of devices at a time. Its performance is quantified against linear resistors, crossbars of linear resistors, stand-alone memristive elements and crossbars of memristors. This platform allows for a wide range of different pulsing algorithms to be applied on individual devices, or on crossbars of memristive elements, and is used throughout this dissertation. Different ways of achieving analogue resistive switching from any device state are presented. Results of these are used to devise a state-of-art biasing parameter finder which automatically extracts pulsing parameters that induce repeatable analogue resistive switching. IV measurements taken during analogue resistive switching are then utilised to model the internal atomic structure of two devices, via fittings by the Simmons tunnelling barrier model. These reveal that voltage pulses modulate a nano-tunnelling gap along a conical shape. Further retention measurements are performed which reveal that under certain conditions, TiO2 memristors become volatile at short time scales. This volatile behaviour is then implemented into a novel SPICE volatile memristor model. These characterisation methods of solid-state devices allowed for inclusion of TiO2 memristors in practical electronic circuits. Firstly, in the context of large analogue resistive crossbars, a crosspoint reading method is analysed and improved via a 3-step technique. Its scaling performance is then quantified via SPICE simulations. Next, the observed volatile dynamics of memristors are exploited in two separate sequence detectors, with applications in neuromorphic engineering. Finally, the memristor as a programmable resistive weight is exploited to synthesise a memristive programmable gain amplifier and a practical memristive automatic gain control circuit.Open Acces