4 research outputs found

    Constructing differential 4-uniform permutations from know ones

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    It is observed that exchanging two values of a function over F2n{\mathbb F}_{2^n}, its differential uniformity and nonlinearity change only a little. Using this idea, we find permutations of differential 44-uniform over F26{\mathbb F}_{2^6} whose number of the pairs of input and output differences with differential 44-uniform is 5454, less than 6363, which provides a solution for an open problem proposed by Berger et al. \cite{ber}. Moreover, for the inverse function over F2n\mathbb{F}_{2^n} (nn even), various possible differential uniformities are completely determined after its two values are exchanged. As a consequence, we get some highly nonlinear permutations with differential uniformity 44 which are CCZ-inequivalent to the inverse function on F2n\mathbb{F}_{2^n}

    An Equivalent Condition on the Switching Construction of Differentially 44-uniform Permutations on \gf_{2^{2k}} from the Inverse Function

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    Differentially 44-uniform permutations on \gf_{2^{2k}} with high nonlinearity are often chosen as substitution boxes in block ciphers. Recently, Qu et al. used the powerful switching method to construct permutations with low differential uniformity from the inverse function \cite{QTTL, QTLG} and proposed a sufficient but not necessary condition for these permutations to be differentially 44-uniform. In this paper, a sufficient and necessary condition is presented. We also give a compact estimation for the number of constructed differentially 44-uniform permutations. Comparing with those constructions in \cite{QTTL, QTLG}, the number of functions constructed here is much bigger. As an application, a new class of differentially 44-uniform permutations is constructed. The obtained functions in this paper may provide more choices for the design of substitution boxes

    A New Method to Investigate the CCZ-Equivalence between Functions with Low Differential Uniformity

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    Recently, many new classes of differentially 44-uniform permutations have been constructed. However, it is difficult to decide whether they are CCZ-inequivalent or not. In this paper, we propose a new notion called Projected Differential Spectrum . By considering the properties of the projected differential spectrum, we find several relations that should be satisfied by CCZ-equivalent functions. Based on these results, we mathematically prove that any differentially 44-uniform permutation constructed in \cite{CTTL} by {C.Carlet, D.Tang, X.Tang, et al.,} is CCZ-inequivalent to the inverse function. We also get two interesting results with the help of computer experiments. The first one is a proof that any permutation constructed in \cite{CTTL} is CCZ-inequivalent to a function which is the summation of the inverse function and any Boolean function on \gf_{2^{2k}} when 4≀k≀74\le k\le 7. The second one is a differentially 44-uniform permutation on \gf_{2^6} which is CCZ-inequivalent to any function in the aforementioned two classes